垂悬修饰语 DanglingModifier

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,垂悬修饰语,Dangling Modifier,主讲:于晓霞,制作:,李斌,张静,于,晓霞,Dangling modifier,悬垂修饰语,垂悬修饰语是指一个句子中,同其他词没有明显修饰关系,的成分。一般都出现在句子的,句首,,用作,状语,。,判断该词组是否为垂悬修饰语的基本原则是,看它逻辑意义上的主语是否与所在句子的主语相一致,,如不一致,该状语就成了垂悬修饰语,。,错误:,Walking on the street,,,a car hit him.,分析:,主从句主语不同,不能直接省略从句主语。,car,可以作,hit,的主语,发出,hit,的动作,却无法发出,walk,的动作,本句直译为:一辆车在街上走着,把他撞了。这是不合逻辑的。,正确:,Walking on the street,he was hit by a car,或,When he was walking on the street,,,a car hit him.,错误:,At the age of nine,my grandmothther passed away.,分析:,这是介词短语作垂悬修饰语,是错误的,这个句子直译是:奶奶九岁的时候去世了。语意完全变了。,正确:,When I was nine,my grandmothther passed away.,错误:,Although only a small boy,my father expected me to do a mans work.,分析:,从句在说“我”,主句在说“父亲”,主语不一致,导致了垂悬结构的出现。本句直译为:尽管父亲还是一个小男孩,但他却期待我作些大人的工作。显然,逻辑混乱。,正确:,Although I was only a small boy,my father expected me to do a mans work.,Types&,revise,Climbing up the hill,several boars were seen.,1.,Dangling participle,(,悬垂分词,),(a)change the,main clause,Climbing up the hill,the explorers saw several boars.”,(b)Use the adverbial clause,When the explorers climbed up the hill,they saw several boars/several boars were seen.”,exercise,Looking out of the window,the grassland stretches as far as the eyes can reach.,1.Looking out of the window,we find that the grassland stretches as far as the eyes can reach.,2.If you look out of the window,you will find the grassland stretches as far as the eyes can reach.,2.,Dangling,gerund&Prepositional phrases,(,悬垂动名词及介词短语,),After putting a shrimp on the hook,the fish began to bite.,(a)After putting a shrimp on the hook,the,f,isherman found that the fish began to bite.,(b)After the fisherman had put a shrimp on the hook,the fish began to bite.,exercise,On entering the room,refreshments were being served.,1.On entering the room,I found that refreshments were being served.,2.When I entered the room,refreshments were being served.,3,Dangling infinitive,(,悬垂不定式短语),1.To write well,a lot of practice is needed.,(Revise),To write well,one needs a lot of practice/a person has to practise a lot.,2.To be a loyal employee,a sense of belonging is a must.,(Revise),To be a loyal employee,he or she must have a sense of belonging.,exercise,To play tennis well,the racket must be held properly.,1.To play tennis well,one must hold the racket,properly.,2.If one wishes to play tennis well,he must hold the racket properly.,4,Dangling elliptical clause,(,悬垂省略句,),When only five years old,my father took me to a circus.,1.When only five years old,I was taken to a circus by my father.,2.When I was only five years old,my father took me to a circus.,Types,Dangling participle(,悬垂分词,),Dangling,gerund&Prepositional phrases,(,悬垂动名词及介词短语,),Dangling infinitive(,悬垂不定式短语,),Dangling elliptical clause(,悬垂省略句,),下列三种情况下,分词短语是对的,它们并非垂悬结构:,第一,独立结构(,The Absolute Construction,)中的分词短语有自己的主语,所以不是垂悬结构。例如:,Such being the case,we can go home now.,第二,当分词含有介词或连词性质时,它不需要逻辑主语,所以没有垂悬问题存在。例如:,Owing to a lack of funds,the project has to be discontinued.,Provided that there is sufficient time,everyone can do the job better.,被当作介词看待的垂悬分词有,:,considering;counting,,,including;barring,,,bating,,,excepting,,,excepted,,,saving that;concerning,,,regarding,,,respecting,,,touching;,wanting,,,failing;pending,等等,例如:,1.Considering its cost,,,this machine is not worth buying,2.He asked me questions concerning my health,3.I know nothing respecting that girl,已变成连词的垂悬分词有,:,providing,(,that,),,provided,(,that,),,supposing;notwithstanding;seeing;granting,,,granted;admitting,,,assuming,,,allowing,等等。,例句:,He was prudent,(善于经营的),notwithstanding that he was young,第三,当分词短语是用来表示说话者的态度或意见时,也不需要逻辑主语,因此也不存在着垂悬问题。例如:,Judging from his facial look,the news must have been terrible.,Taken as a whole,there is nothing wrong with the logic behind that idea,如前所述,在大多情况下,垂悬修饰语可以根据“,修饰语的逻辑主语是否即是主句中的主语,”这一原则来判断。,但要注意,当状语修饰语是用以表示对整个主句,进行概括或总结意义,时,它本身在逻辑上已具有独立意义,这时就不要再受制于上述原则,不能把它看成是垂悬修饰语,可以看是句子的,独立状语部分或插入语,。如:,1.To be frank,I dont think he is the right person for the job.,2.Generally speaking,girls at this age are more mature than boys.,Thanks,


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