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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,*,Occupational Health and Safety Training,职业健康和安全培训,Session 1:,第一节,Occupational Health and Safety Program,职业健康和安全方案,1,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Objectives,目标,By the end of this session,you will be able to:,通过本节,你将能,Implement an Occupational Health and Safety(OH&S)Program in your laboratory,在你所在的实验室实施职业健康和安全,(OH&S),方案,List the components of an Occupational Health and Safety Manual,列出,(OH&S),手册内容,List the components of a Joint Health and Safety Committee,列出健康和安全联合委员会的内容,Create a company Safety Policy,制定公司安全政策,Perform a Job Hazard Analysis,实施工业安全分析,2,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Occupational Health and Safety Program,职业健康和安全方案,3,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Occupational Health and Safety Program,职业健康和安全方案,OHS Programs are designed to:,设计,OHS,方案的目的:,Prevent occupational injuries,预防职业伤害,Prevent occupational disease,预防职业疾病,4,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Occupational Health and Safety Program,contd,This is achieved by implementing,通过以下方式建立,An OHS Manual OHS,手册,A Joint Health and Safety Committee,健康和安全联合委员会,5,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Occupational Health and Safety Program contd,Joint Health and Safety Committee,健康和安全联合委员会,-Safety Manager,安全经理,-Worker Representatives,工人代表,-Management Representatives,管理者代表,Job Hazard Analysis,工作危害分析,Basic OHS Manual,基础,OHS,手册,Job Hazard Analysis,工作危害分析,Specific Standard Operating Procedures,专门标准操作程序,Updates to the OHS Manual,按,OHS,手册更新,6,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Occupational Health and Safety Manual,职业健康和安全手册,7,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,OHS Manual OHS,手册,What is an OHS Manual?,什么是,OHS,手册,Communicates a companys,safety policy,传达公司的安全政策,Communicates management and staff responsibilities regarding safety,传达管理者和人员有关安全的职责,Provides reference to accessible and controlled safety procedures,提供得到和控制安全程序信息,Outlines mandatory,ongoing safety training,概述强制的,持续安全培训,Drives all safety activities,推动所有安全活动,8,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Joint Health and Safety Committee,健康和安全联合委员会,9,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Joint Health and Safety Committee,健康和安全联合委员会,What is a Joint Health and Safety Committee(,aka,Safety Committee)?,什么是健康和安全联合委员会,A committee responsible for health and safety within the lab,实验室内负责健康和安全的委员会,Meet on a regular basis(ex:once per month),定期开会(如一个月一次),Consists of,成员包括:,Safety manager,安全经理,Management representative(s),管理者代表,Worker representatives,工人代表,British Columbia,卑斯省,Consists of a minimum of 4 people,包含至少四个人,At least half of committee must be worker representatives,委员会成员至少有一半是工人代表,10,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Joint Health and Safety Committee,健康和安全联合委员会,What does a Safety Committee do?,安全委员会做什么?,Develops and implements,制定和实施,Safety policies,安全政策,Safety training and education,安全培训和教育,Monitors safety policies and programs through,监控安全政策和方案,Inspections,检查,Recommending corrective and preventative actions to management,向管理者建议纠正和预防措施,Implementing corrective and preventative actions,实施纠正和预防措施,Responds to employee complaints and suggestions concerning health and safety,对员工有关健康和安全的投诉和建议进行反馈,11,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Safety Committee Meetings,安全委员会会议,How does a Safety Committee Organize its work?,安全委员会如何组织工作,Monthly Safety Committee Meetings,每月的安全委员会会议,Safety Manager prepares an agenda,安全经理制定日程,Facilitates safety meetings,推动安全会议,Includes,包括,Review of previous meetings issues,前次会议问题的回顾,Updates on actions in-progress,正在执行措施的更新,Review of relevant regulations,回顾相关法律,Issues brought up by safety committee representatives or staff,安全委员会代表或员工提出的议题,12,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Safety Committee Meetings,cont,安全委员会会议,Safety Committee representative prepares minutes of each meeting,安全委员会代表准备每次会议的会议纪要,Communicates results of safety meetings,传达安全会议结果,Copied to,复本发给,Upper management,上一级管理层,Each member of the safety committee,安全委员会的每名成员,Each department within the laboratory,实验室的每个部门,Archived for a minimum of two years,存档至少2年,13,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Safety Policy,安全政策,14,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Safety Policy,安全政策,A brief statement outlining,主要声明,The employers commitment to safety,雇主对安全的承诺,Safety goals,安全目标,How safety goals will be achieved,如何实现安全目标,15,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Safety Policy,安全政策,Example:,实例,JR Laboratories aims to provide a safe,healthy and secure working environment to all staff members,thereby preventing work related accidents,injuries,and illnesses.This is achieved by providing accessible and controlled safety procedures,and scheduled mandatory safety training,through an Occupational Health and Safety Program.JR Laboratories is committed to maintaining a level of safety in the laboratory that complies with the requirements set out in the Workers Compensation Act.,JR,实验室为所有员工提供安全,健康的工作环境,防止工作相关的事故,伤害和疾病.这通过获得和控制安全程序,定期的强制性安全培训,职来健康和安全方案来实现.,JR,实验室承诺保持安全等级.符合工人赔偿法令所明确的要求.,16,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,Job Hazard Analysis,工作危害分析,17,OHS1 JR Laboratories Inc.,What is a Job Hazard Analysis?,什么是工作危害分析,A job hazard analysis(JHA)is a procedure which integrates acc


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