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,Click to edit Master title style,George Li,Travel Safety,*,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Traveling Safety,旅行安全,Thousands of employees travel to out of town destinations everyday without incident.By taking some simple precautions you can travel safe and secure.,掌握一些基本的安全防范知识会使你的旅行更加顺利安心。,General safety suggestions,一般原则,Keep your travel plans,including accommodation details,to yourself.,安排好你的旅行计划,Visit a mapping website to find detailed directions to your hotel,meeting location or attraction.,可以通过地图网站提前了解路线。,Keep such maps in your carry-on luggage for review during your flight.,把地图放在随身的行李以便查阅,Dont hitch hike.,不要匆忙出发,Keep a photocopy of your passport and all other important documents in a safe place.,准备护照和其他重要文件的复印件并妥善保存,George Li,2,Travel Safety,Specially carefully use ATMs if there are other people around.,当有其他人在场时,使用自动取款机应小心,If you are mugged,dont fight back.It is better to lose a few dollars and a wristwatch than get injured.,遭遇抢劫,不要做无谓的抵抗。,Avoid incidents such as fights,riots or civil disturbances at all times.,不要卷入任何斗殴或骚乱之中,George Li,3,Travel Safety,Be aware of your surroundings.,留意周边环境,Dont flash large amounts of cash where strangers can observe you.,不要在公众场所暴露大量现金,There is usually safety in numbers.Stay with groups of people,和集体在一起会安全,Dont be afraid to ask for help or an escort if you are uneasy.,感到危险迫近,寻求帮助和保护,George Li,4,Travel Safety,Preparation of luggage,准备行李,1,Take only what you will need for the trip,只带旅行中需要的物品。,2,Place your name both on the inside and outside of your luggage.,在行李里面和外面标注上你的名字。,3,Protect yourself and your valuables by placing medicine and expensive items in your carry-on luggage.,将私人和贵重物品以及药品放在随身携带的包中,4,Carry your money,credit cards and ID card on different parts.,将现金,信用卡和身份证分开放置。,5,,Try to book and travel on flights that depart and arrive during daylight hours.,尽量在白天出发。,6.,Bring a small flashlight,携带一支小手电,George Li,5,Travel Safety,On the airport,在机场,Keep close control of your bags at all times.,任何时候看管好行李,NEVER leave your bags unattended or with strangers.,决不要将自己的行李交给陌生人看管,Do not carry ANY item from a stranger.,决不要帮陌生人携带任何物品,Keep your money,tickets and passports on your person and not in your luggage.,将现金,机票和护照随身携带,不要放在行李中。,Consider using a money belt,可以使用腰包,George Li,6,Travel Safety,Clearing Airport Security,登机安全,Print boarding pass in advance,提前准备好登机牌,Minimize luggage,尽可能减少随身的行李,Do not use laptop computer only if absolutely necessary,除非必要不要使用笔记本电脑,Wear easy-off shoes,穿着轻便的鞋子,Dont carry large amounts of change or keys,不要携带大量的零钱或钥匙,Have a sense of humor,but dont make jokes about security,保持幽默感,但是不要开关于安全的玩笑,Put heavy luggage under seat rather than overhead,重的行李放在座位下面,Listen to flight attendants safety advisory,注意听乘务员的安全提示,Avoid heavy alcohol consumption,不要大量饮酒,George Li,7,Travel Safety,On plane/train/bus,在其他交通工具上,pay attention to the safety procedures,遵守安全规程,Know where the two closest exits are,知晓两个最近的疏散出口,Follow the direction of the pilot and staff regarding seatbelts,oxygen masks,etc.,按照乘务员的要求使用安全带,氧气面罩等。,dont accept any drink or food from stranger,不要接受陌生人的饮料和食品。,Ensure your belongings are safety when you take nap on train/bus,在火车或巴士上打盹时要特别留意财物安全,。,George Li,8,Travel Safety,On Taxi,乘坐出租车,Secure your seatbelt,系好安全带,Dont share taxis with strangers.,不要和陌生人拼车,Let driver stop the taxi when driver need to make a phone call,如果司机需要打电话,让他停车接听,Try to go on familiar road,尽量走熟悉的路线,If you find the taxi is unsafe,change a car immediately(driver lack of sleep,taxi in poor condition),如果你发现出租车不安全,请立即更换(司机疲劳驾驶,车况不良等),Try to avoid long-distance travel at night by taxi,避免在夜间长距离的乘坐出租车,Take all your belongings from taxi,不要遗忘物品在出租车上,George Li,9,Travel Safety,What To Look For In A Safe Hotel,如何选择一家安全的酒店,If possible,select a hotel which has installed modern electronic guest room locks.,如果可能,选择一家装有现代化的电子门锁的酒店。,The majority of these locks automatically change the lock combination with every new guest so there is little chance of someone having a duplicate key to your room,这样的电子锁会每次更新,这样就很少有机会有人拥有你房间的复制钥匙。,Is each room equipped with a dead bolt lock,chain or sliding latch device?,房间内有锁定插销,链锁或滑行插销,Does each door have a peephole?,房门是否有窥视孔,George Li,10,Travel Safety,Each room telephone should allow outside dialing.,房间电话可以拨通外线,There should be privacy for guests checking in:no one should be able to overhear a name,room number or other personal information.,在入住登记时注意保护个人隐私,不要让别人偷听到你的姓名、房间号或其他个人信息。,Room numbers should be written on the key envelope,not mentioned aloud or inscribed on the key,房间号码被写在钥匙袋上,而没有标注到钥匙上。,this way,anyone finding your key wont have access to your room,这样就不会有人捡到钥匙而打开你的房门了,Well lit interior hallways,parking structures and grounds are important.,内部照明良好,特别是走廊、停车场,George Li,11,Travel Safety,At Hotel,在宾馆,Request a room below the 6,th,floor.Most fire department ladder trucks cannot reach past the 6,th,floor.,选择六层以下的房间。大部分的消防车的升降梯的高度达不到六层以上。,Do not accept a room on the ground floor that has doors and windows that open to the outside.,不要选择底层房间,因为


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