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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,1998 General Motors Corporation. All rights reserved.,QSB WORKSHOP REV. 091304,83,快速反应程序,解决质量问题的标准化反应模式,是一个体系运用可视的方法显示重要的信息,以解决重大的外部的、内部的质量失效问题。,快速反应,是否存在一个每天的领导层会议?,快速反应会议可以是一个1020 分钟的站立式会议,地点可以在车间或生产会议室。,过程的责任人必须来自制造部门。,在一天的开始,质量小组应该识别前24小时所发生的重大质量问题 ,可以从一下几个方面考虑:,- 客户关注的问题,- 供应商所关注的问题,- 造成停线的 (内部/客户)问题,- 出厂审核 / 审核问题,- 其他内部质量问题,研讨会小组首先应该定义什么样的质量问题是重大的质量问题。,当业务经理不在场时,,会发生什么呢?,在每天的制造评估会议上领导层应该审核一下方面:,- 和小组成员一起审核重大的质量问题,- 指定相关人员负责问题的解决,- 指派下次会议报告的责任人,要求 (续):,责任人应该负责保证所有的问题及时被解决并且满足退出标准。,责任人的报告应包含以下几个方面的更新:,- 快速反应跟踪表,- 标准化操作指导书,- 问题解决表,- 过程失效模式分析,- 控制计划,- 层级审核,- 全员通告 Workforce Notification,- 其他适用文件,必要时在快速反应跟踪表上,必要时,按照快速反应跟踪表的规定汇报给管理层,快速反应跟踪表 (Example),要评估的要点:,责任人,退出标准,全面情况,优化目视管理,将这个表格尽可能大的显示在会议室,( ex.: 4 x 8 dry erase board ),(举例),领导层将展示一个可视的质量状况,要求 (continued):,不合格产品的控制,遏制,Establish a method to ensure that product that does not conform to specified requirements is:,防止无意识使用或安装,Prevented from unintended use or installation,用统一的标签清楚识别 Clearly identified using consistent labeling,用目视管理方法建立统一的识别程序,(Example) 用明亮色彩作为首选的识别方法,- 红色废品,- 黄色可疑品,- 绿色合格品,不合格产品的控制,标签内容,IN THIS SECTION,IS AT LOCAL,DISCRETION,标签内容,IN THIS SECTION,IS AT LOCAL,DISCRETION,PLT001,可疑品或待处理品,半成品或合格品,红标签表示废品。,黄色标签表示可疑产品或待处理的材料,需要返工的材料或需要进一步检查的材料,绿色或其他颜色的标签表示产品是可接受的 (红色和黄色除外). .,废品,PLT002,PLT003,标签内容,IN THIS SECTION,IS AT LOCAL,DISCRETION,要求:,不合格产品的控制,领导层应开发,组织并维护一个统一的体系来控制不合格品.,将不合格产品隔离.,隔离区域将被标识,- 废料箱,- 返工台,- 返工产品标签,- 溢出遏制区域,遏制工作表将被完成并用于:,提供一个系统的方法遏制全部可疑品,确定不合格产品的检查范围,What if potential,quantity,does not equal total found?,When do you call the customer?,要求 (续):,分界点检验采用:,- 对于遏制范围内的产品100检查,- 在根本原因找到之前,持续时间由领导层决定,对于产品遏制问题,箱子将标识成 :,- 红色不合格产品,- 黄色可疑品,- 绿色分界点后的合格产品,从被认可的工艺流程上拿走的产品返回时应在离开点或之前.,全部控制计划都要执行检查和测试.,注意: 如果不可能在离开点或之前返回,使用经认可的重做流程以保证一致性.,要明确脱离返工,返修和遏制区产品的程序与授权.,产品遏制问题要经领导层评估.,标准化工作,(方法和顺序),“标 准 化 是 通 往 不 断 改 进 之 路.”,W.E. Deming,七月 15, 1992,(举例),目的:,对所有的操作实施标准化的方法和顺序。,标准化工作 (方法& 顺序),范围:,装配区,制作过程,发运 / 收料,返修/返工区,所有的操作,其他支持功能 (例如:检查),职责:,一个或两个责任人,- 制造工程人员,- 生产经理,精益组织.,识别那些能增值的工作.,一个有效的生产顺序.,持续改进.,在过程内部减少变差.,减少浪费,解决问题和质量控制.,审核操作员与工作指导书一致,层级审核.,确保操作者统一履行相同任务和程序.,标准化的工作提供了一个基础:,多功能小组应确定并列出所有要实施标准化的工序Multi-disciplinary team(s) shall identify and list all operations to implement standardized work,怎样划分优先顺序的例子:,- 涉及客户质量的问题,- 定义工作顺序和方法的必要性,- 离线返工Off-line Rework,- 高的RPN,- 员工流动Employee Flow-through,多功能小组定出标准化工作的,指导书并张贴到每一工位.,新员工要被培训使用标准化工作,(标准操作员培训),要求:,标准化操作Standardized Operations,客户周期时间,工作顺序,在制品的标准化,标准化操作步棸,TAKT TIME,生产出一个单位的时间,Time in which a single,unit is to be produced,操作工的移动,Operator,Movements,相同顺序相同动作每一,循环工作需要的最小库存,Minimum stock necessary,to do work in the same,sequence with the same,movements, every cycle,列出客户周期时间的理由:,使领导层确信业务如批准的那样在运转Assures leadership that operation is running as approved,可减少生产过剩 Overproduction can be reduced,改进生产调度 Improves production scheduling,操作员可介入到决策过程Operator involved in decision making process,设备显示出磨损迹象时操作员能知道Operator knows if equipment is showing signs of wear.,安排维护与修理时间 Maintenance and repair time allocated,清扫成为生产流程的一部分Clean-up becomes part of the production process,质量检查变成日常事务Quality checks built into the daily routine,为实施分层审核而安排时间Time allocated for conducting Layered Audits,目视管理元素,显示工作顺序的理由:,所有的操作每次都以相同的方式完成All operations are performed the same way every time,减少组分被遗漏的风险Reduces the risk of components being left out,没有操作被遗漏或忽略No operations are skipped or omitted,提醒进行质量检查及频率Quality checks and frequency are called out,很容易确定方法改进Process improvements are easily identified,新手培训更一致Training new operators is more consistent,显示标准工作程序的原因:,操作员控制再填充箱柜的频率Operator controls frequency of refilling bins,警告材料管理员短缺或过量库存Alert material handler of shortages or excess inventory,减小由于原料储运损耗而造成的设备停工期Reduces equipment downtime due to stock outages,工作区域减少混乱,减少在制品,允许材料管理员处理他们的时间Allows material handler to manage their time,Standardized Operations Worksheet And Layout标准化操作工作表和布局,STEP,NO.,WORKSTATION AREA DRAWN TO SCALE,OPERATION:,FROM:_,QUANTITY PER SHIFT:_,CUSTOMER CYCLE TIME:_,TO: _,SHIFT:_,OPERATOR CYCLE TIME:_,WORK ELEMENT,ELEMENT TIME,STANDARD IN-,QUALITY,CRITICAL,HAND WORK,MACHINE,WALK,PROCESS STOCK,CHECK,OPERATION,SAFETY,C,Q,TOTAL,(Example),标准化的操作工作表和计划应包括Standardized Operations Worksheets,And Layout shall include:,- 工作原理Work Elements,- 操作员动作Operator Movement,- 操作周期时间Operation Cycle Time,(Example),(Example),要求(续):,标准化的工作说明书应通过分层审核检验任何操作在持续12个月里由于缺乏坚持标准化的工作说明出现的不一致Standardized work instructions shall be verified through Layered,Audits for any operation which shipped a non-conformance,within the last 12 months due to a failure to adhere to,standardized work instructions.,多功能小组应根据正在进行的质量成绩对标准化的工作说明书做持续的改进Multi-disciplinary team(s) shall continuously develop/improve standardized work instructions based on ongoing quality performance.,操作员培训的标准化,操作员的培训是否经过验证并记录在案?,操作员标准化培训要求Standardized Operator Training,Requirements,多功能小组决定每一道工序至少的培训内容A cross functional team shall define the minimum training content for each operation.,此组织决定谁来实施培训The organization shall identify who will conduct training.,培训员监督新操作员的行动,必要时重新培训以确保标准工作指导被遵循Trainers shall monitor new operators activities and retrain if necessary to assure Standard Work Instructions are being followed.,培训员通知下道工序潜在的缺陷The trainer shall notify downstream operations of potential defects.,此组织应建立必要的文件及跟踪方法The organization shall establish required documentation and tracking methods.,培训者应指导操作员使用标准操作员培训表Trainers shall instruct operators using the standard operator training sheet. (Example),标准化操作培训记录,(Example),Application,: 运用:任何新操作员都应完成下表The following shall be completed with any new operator (for any given operation).,审核Review,完成Complete,标准化的工作指导Standardized work / job instructions,要填充的质量记录Quality records to be filled out (eg. Check sheets),示范操作和问题回答Demonstrate the operation and answer questions,示范测量和回答问题Demonstrate gaging and answer questions,新员工是否进行操作并回答问题Have new employee run operation and answer questions,讲授过去的问题Teach past problems (eg. FMEA, Top Problems List),检验首次生产,培训作为必须Verify first units produced, coach as needed,换班时报告,重新检验标准化的工作与产品质量Return within the shift, verify std work & product quality again,大约1天报告,重新检验标准化的工作与产品质量Return in approx. 1 day, verify std work & product quality again,向下游业务通报潜在缺陷Notify downstream operations of potential defects,雇员签名Employee Signature _ 培训员签名Trainer Signature _,Operation Name and # _,零件(产品)功能Part (product) function,安全/设备操作 Safety/ Equipment Operation,(Example),标准化的操作培训记录,标准化操作员培训要求,操作员跟踪表应张贴在每一操作位置通过分层审核检验Operator Tracking Sheets shall be posted at each operation and verified through Layered Audits.,Scheduling of refresher training for assigned operators is at local site discretion.,追加的雇员如果在最近三个月内没有经过培训不能执行工作Supplemental employees shall not perform the job unless they have been trained within the last three months.,培训者应定期检验质量以确保达到所有的标准。最起码培训者应在一个换班与一天内报告。The trainer shall verify quality at a frequency determined necessary to assure all standards are met. At a minimum the trainer shall return within the shift and again within approximately one day.,操作员培训应记录在“操作员培训跟踪表”里Operator training shall be tracked on “Trained Operator Tracking Sheets”. (Example),已培训操作员跟踪,(Example),Operation Name / # _,DEPT. ASSIGNED EMPLOYEE,SUPPLEMENTAL EMPLOYEE,LATEST TRAINING DATE AND TRAINER INITIALS,Latest Job Instruction Rev. Date,标准化的培训小结,组织应该,建立必要的文件和跟踪方法,确定操作员培训负责人。,保证操作员培训通过“操作员培训跟踪表”跟踪 ensure operator training is being tracked on “Trained Operator Tracking Sheets”.,在每一操作位张贴操作员跟踪表,通过分级审核检验 post operator Tracking Sheets at each operation, and verify through Layered Audits.,schedule refresher training for assigned operators at local site discretion.,降低风险的程序,积极主动,RPN 降低程序:,降低潜在质量失效,被动,对已发生的质量失效建立防错装置,定义PFMEA,结构化程序适合于与失效模式有关的识别和排除方法A structured procedure for identifying and eliminating process related failure modes.,识别每一个过程步骤的分析技术 An analytical technique that identifies for each process step,程序可能不能达到要求的情形 Ways that a process may fail to meet requirements,内在/外部消费者的严重度Consequences to the internal / external customer (严重度),失效可能发生的频率Frequency that the failure will/could happen (发生频率),当前控制的效果Effectiveness of current controls (预防核可探测度),原因和结果的排队Ranking of causes and effects (风险顺序数),会出现什么问题What can go wrong?,它是怎样影响客户的How does it affect customer?,多久发生一次How often does this cause happen?,如果问题发生,有多大可能我们会注意道它How likely are we to notice if this happens?,风险程度有多高How high is the risk?,PFMEA: 过程失效模式及影响,Process Failure Mode & Effects (example),(AIAG PFMEA Third Edition),严重度分级Severity Rankings,(AIAG PFMEA Third Edition),发生频率分级,Occurrence Ranking,(AIAG PFMEA Third Edition),可探测性分级Detection Rankings,(AIAG PFMEA Third Edition),风险顺序数是严重度,发生频率与可探测性结合在一起的结果Risk Priority Number (RPN) is the result of Severity, Occurrence and Detection rankings.,(Example),严重度Severity x 发生频率Occurrence x 觉察可能Detection = RPN,风险顺序数Risk Priority Number (RPN),所有的质量管理体系要求的制造步骤与支持功能如接受检查、材料处理、分类与发运等都要完成PFMEAs shall be completed for all manufacturing processes and support functions such as receiving inspection, material,handling, labeling and shipping,etc as required by the Quality,Management System.,PFMEAs 必须:,与AIAG的原则和客户的要求相一致 定期更新(动态文件),所有的生产线/产品号都有相应的PFMEA,包含所有过程和工序,应用于持续改进,准确定义严重度/频率/可探测度的等级,主动降低风险的要求,Site Leadership,领导层最起码每年一次评估PFMEA培训需要Leadership should review the need for PFMEA training at least once per year.,领导层应支持RPN减少活动并提供必需的资源Leadership shall support RPN reduction activities and provide,necessary resources.,领导层应评估RPN减少跟踪表RPN reduction tracking charts shall be reviewed by leadership.,领导层应确保PFMEA的准备与评估利用了正规的多功能小组Leadership shall ensure that formal multi-disciplinary teams are,utilized in the preparation and ongoing review of PFMEAs.,主动降低风险的要求,主动降低风险的要求,根据过程的稳定性,顾客的反馈等,供应商领导层决定PFMEA评估的频率(如每月一次)Based process stability, customer feedback, etc and supplier leadership shall determine the frequency for PFMEA review.,( ex.:once per month),PFMEA应经历完整的评估包括以下内容:PFMEAs shall undergo a complete review including the following:,确认所有的操作/步骤都被包括进去而且准确Verification that all operations/processes are included and accurate.,所有操作控制都被包括进去而且准确All process controls are included and accurate.,通过数据分析了可能性排队Occurrence ratings are analyzed using data (SPC, FTQ, Quality Gate, C.A.R.E, Scrap, and Layered Audit results),用内部和外部顾客的反馈分析了可检测性排列Detection ratings are analyzed using external and internal customer feedback (PR/R, Warranty, SPC, Scrap reports, Quality Gate, C.A.R.E, and Layered Audit results),评估完成后,根据新的数据列出最高的5个风险减小机会Upon completion of the review, the Top 5 (RPN) Risk,Reduction Opportunities are revised based on the new data.,对最高的5个机会考虑评估所有的RPN失效模式与检测方法The Top 5 list shall consider review all RPN failure modes for common causes and Detection methods.,PFMEA评估选择标准Selection criteria for PFMEA review:,获得的产品或者来源于从前供应商的业务Product from an acquisition or business from a previous supplier,未经足够部门间参与得到的PFMEA。 PFMEA developed without adequate cross-functional involvement,对那些有PR/R历史的零件,顾客抱怨,担保或FTQ问题的PFMEA PFMEA for part(s) with history of PR/R, Customer complaints, Warranty or FTQ issues,可能性排队发生显著变化的Occurrence rating (FTQ, scrap, etc) have changed significantly,有最老修改日期的PFMEAPFMEA with oldest revision dates,主动降低风险的要求,前5位高RPN值跟踪表,(Proactive),(Example),Example: GM form1927-21,(This is for reference only; check for latest revision),被动降低风险的要求,应利用多部门小组来解决问题Multi-disciplinary team(s) shall be utilized for Problem Solving,小组确定每一RPN 的PFMEA严重性,可能性与可检测性Team(s) identify true PFMEA Severity, Occurrence and DetectionRating for each RPN.,小组定出行动计划来防范5个最多的故障 Team(s) shall develop an action plan to Error Proof top 5 failures.,推荐的行动是减少或防止失效模式的进步Recommended Actions are improvements that will reduce or prevent the Failure Mode.,指定一名小组成员来负责确保推荐的行动被执行A team member shall be assigned to be responsible for ensuring that the recommended action is implemented.,确立合理的目标完成日期Reasonable target completion dates shall be established.,被动降低风险的要求,当防止错误不可行时,应建立改进检测的计划Where Error Proofing is not feasible, a plan to improve detection shall be established.,错误防止应通过“防止错误确认程序”来检验Error proofing shall be verified per the Error Proofing Verification Process.,当制定了纠正行动后,小组应验证新的可能性与可检测性排序以及结果RPN When corrective actions have been established, teams shall validate the new Occurrence and Detection rankings and resultant RPN.,制造场所领导层应确定定期进步评估Manufacturing site leadership shall schedule regular progress reviews.,风险减小总结,主动地Proactive,积极减小潜在质量失效地风险Actively reduce the risk of potential quality failures .,领导层应评估并支持风险减小行动Site leadership shall review and support the risk reduction activities.,PFMEA 应遵照AIAG标准并相应更新PFMEAs shall conform to AIAG standards and be updated accordingly.,PFMEA最少应每季度评估一次A minimum of one PFMEA shall be reviewed per quarter.,被动Reactive,多部门小组应确定最高5个问题Multi-disciplinary teams shall identify the top 5 issues and problem solve the issues.,小组应在采取纠正措施后更新PFMEA Teams shall update PFMEAs with all corrective action measures.,防错装置确认,防错装置被验证过吗?,把事情第一次做对99.9,把事情第一次做对99.9意味着,每月一小时不安全的饮用水,每天有两次不安全的着陆在OHare 机场。,美小时16,000 件邮件丢失。,每年有20,000 药方有错,美星期500 外科手术出错,每天50 新出生婴儿被医生丢掉。,每小时22,000 支票从错误地帐号扣除,每人每年错过了32,000心跳,Failure mode: Burr Cause: dull tool Control: Visual Inspection,Severity: Defect caught at GM Assembly Line (scrap): 5,Occurrence: Supplier process PpK 1.10 4,Detection: Error Proofing in process 3,RPN = 5 x 4 x 3 = 60,Failure mode: Burr Cause: dull tool Control: Visual Inspection,Severity: Defect caught at GM Assembly Line (scrap): 5,Occurrence: Supplier process PpK 1.10 4,Detection: Error Proofing device not functioning 10,RPN = 5 x 4 x 10 = 200,防错装置失效:,带有防错装置功能:,放错装置确认的目的:,确保用于生产和装配的放错装置的功能运行正常To ensure error proofing devices used in the manufacture,and assembly of product are functioning properly.,放错装置的确认,注意: 这不是一个主要的量具。(例如:量具设定为零)This is not mastering a gage, (e.g. Setting gage to zero),它是通过已知的好的/坏的零件来检查的 It is sending a known good/bad part through.,装配区域Assembly Area,制造工序Manufacturing Operations,发运/接收Shipping / Receiving,所有的工序All Operations,其他支持功能Other support functions,范围:,责任:,专人负责(一个责任人),定义:,防错装置(不可制造)防止制造者或装配不合格产品的设备,Error Proofing Device (CAN NOT MAKE) - Devices which prevent,the manufacture or assembly of non-conforming product.,错误检测设备(不能通过或不能接受)防止传递不合格产品的设备,(如100在线检测设备),Devices which prevent the transfer of non-conforming product,所有可能失效,磨损,未对准或没有校正的防止错误/检测设备,最起码每天要检验一次。,All error proofing/detection devices with the potential to fail, wear,misalign, or otherwise become out-of-adjustment shall be verified at a,minimum of once per day.,要求:,防错装置确认ERROR PROOFING VERIFICATION,放错装置的主控文件应有识别号和位置Master Document of Error Proofing devices, with,identification number and location,确认频率Verification frequency,确定标准样件(好的/坏的)已保证不合格品被检测出来Identify masters (Good/Bad) and defect being checked,明确定义反应计划如果防错装置失效Clearly defined reaction plan if device fails to detect,当防错装置不能检测出残次,什么时候停机?品When/if shut down when device fails to detect bad part?,遏制计划?Containment plan? (100% 检验Inspection, etc.),通过防错装置的可疑品是否被返回?Are suspect parts rerun thru Error Proofing device?,怎样/什么时候防错装置被维修?“ How/when is Error Proofing device repaired?,在防错装置确认之间要生产的产品的批量大小 Lot size of parts run between Error Proofing verification,用程序的历史记录决定验证的频率 History of process to determine verification frequency,程序是否稳定 How robust is the process?,遏制可疑品的容易程度How easy is it to contain suspect product?,Develop Log of Error Proof Verification failures,with reaction plan to non-conformities,Document as Lessons Learned,Method for getting information to management,Determine how information is to be displayed,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,(Example),分层审核,领导层执行了分层审核了吗,分层审核提供了一套系统来:Layered Audits provide a system to:,- 检验与备有证明文件的操作一致,- 灌输纪律instill discipline,- 促进沟通improve communication,- 改善总体质量improve overall quality,分层审核由制造者领导层掌握.质量和其他职能部门参与并支持分层审核系统Layered Audits must be owned by manufacturing leadership. Quality and other functions will participate and support the Layered Audit system.,制造和装配高风险的项目应该每班最少一次分层审核Layered Audits shall be conducted for manufacturing and,assembly of high risk items at a minimum of once per shift.,分层审核的频率由生产量或者操作相关的风险水平决定Frequency of Layered Audits is based on production volume or,level of risk associated with process.,分层审核补充了现行的控制计划和工作指导检查,分层审核,应建立分层审核时要检验的高风险项目核对表A check list of high risk items to be verified during Layered Audits shall be established.,在建立核对表时要考虑的因素Elements should be considered in developing the check list.,评论由内部审核产生(加工,安全,总务,常规管理等),包括在分层清单上可重复的不一致Review results from internal audits (process, safety, housekeeping, management walk through, etc) and include repetitive non- conformances on the Layered Audit checklist.,(Example),Department 953 Sprag Sub Assembly (24201145/46),Op # 30 Assembly,MON,TUES,WED,THUR,FRI,SAT,Are the builders checking rotation and marking parts (touch point)?,Have the 8-hole sprags been inspected for presence of 8 holes and identified with orange marker?,Entire Department,MON,TUES,WED,THUR,FRI,SAT,Are the operator verification sheets completed daily by all shifts ?,Are the tagging procedures being followed?,Are there any Temporary Alert Notices posted that have expired?,Dept 953 Total Non-conforming Items,MON,TUES,WED,THUR,FRI,SAT,LIST ANY QUALITY OR MANUFACTURING CONCERNS ON ALL OPERATIONS.,分层审核应核实适当的质量文件Layered Audits shall verify appropriate quality documentation,分层审核的结果要记录Layered Audits results shall be recorded.,出现问题应马上解决Non-conformities shall be addressed immediately,分层审核检测出问题的行动计划应记录并随时备用Reaction plan(s) for non-conformities detected during,Layered Audits shall be documented and available for use.,纠正行动也要文件化Corrective actions shall be documented.,审核结果应总结并交生产地领导层审阅Audit results shall be summarized and reviewed by the manufacturing site leadership.,分层审核结果合适时应增加到“经验教训”数据库中Layered Audit results shall be added to the Lessons Learned database when appropriate.,要求 :,分层时间频率Layered Audit frequency:,- 高风险项目每班最少一次High risk items shall be verified a minimum of once per shift.,- 生产检查员应(每天)确认操作员完成了质量文件The manufacturing supervisor shall verify (daily) all quality documentation is completed by the operators.,- 生产区经理应(每周)确认检查员检验完成The manufacturing area manager shall verify (weekly) that supervisor verification is being completed.,- 生产领导层应(每月或季度)定期组织加工检查评估Site leadership shall conduct periodic process verification assessments (monthly/quarterly).,Operator Supervisor,M,T,W,T,F,M,T,W,T,F,M,T,W,T,F,Manager,Site Leader,LAYERED AUDIT MATRIX (Example),(Example),(Example),C.A.R.E.,质量确认,顾客满意度总结与评估,“保护顾客”,C.A.R.E.,CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE REVIEW & EVALUATION,顾客满意度总结与评估,保证你的顾客无不合格和不符合产品Protects your customer from nonconforming product & discrepancies.,提供快速纠正行动的信息Provides information for rapid corrective action.,补充控制计划Supplements the control plan.,应用于与零件相关的顾客满意项目Applies to customer satisfaction items that are part related.,工厂经理和质量经理应推动行动The Plant Manager & Quality Manager should facilitate activities.,CARE 行动应一直保持到不可撤消的纠正行动到位并检验过为止CARE activities should remain until irreversible corrective action is in place and verified.,- 审查通过项目Pass-through items,- 顾客/装配厂反馈Customer/Assembly Plant Feedback,- 质量保证问题Warranty Issues,- 顾客用的特征Customer used features,- 过去的PR/R 问题,高的RPN 失效模式,- 标签Labeling,- 供应商管理关注的问题(例如二级供应商更改,模具移动),1.) 确定顾客满意度项目 Customer Satisfaction items shall be identified.,顾客满意度项目包括Customer Satisfaction Items can include:,2.) 可能时要100检查,如果不能100检查,顾客满意度项目要增加审核频率。,当实施顾客满意度项目时,零件和或批次要标注,修饰,测量或者仔细检查.,会使用其它工具,保护顾客:,早期生产遏制方法,质量门,发运审核,特别产品分层审核,重做并检查正常的生产流程而不是离线来确认达到指定的要求Rework and inspec


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