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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,学习重点,:,(,1,)掌握有关存储器的基本单词、词组和缩略语的基本含义及用法,(,2,)培养阅读翻译有关存储器的科技文献和产品说明书的能力,(,3,)学习分词及分词短语作状语及独立成分在科技英语中的使用,掌握其翻译方法,6,Storage,生词,aluminum .,ljuminim,.,lminim,n.,铝,acrylic,krilik,a.,丙烯酸的,bump,bmp,n.,撞击;隆起物,compact ,kmpkt,a.,紧凑的,紧密的;简洁的,Passage A,CDs and DVDs,interlaced .,intleist,a.,交织的,交错的,lens,lenz,n.,镜头;透镜,microscopic,maikrskpik,a.,微观的,multimedia ,mltimi:dj,n.,多媒体,pickup ,pikp,n.,拾音器,传感器,revolution .,revlu:n,n.,革命;旋转;转数,sequentially,sikwenli,ad.,顺序地;继续地,reflective reflective a.,反射的,sensor ,sens,n.,传感器,spiral ,spairl,n.,旋涡;螺旋形之物,a.,螺旋形的,v.,成螺旋状旋转,sputter ,spt,v.,喷溅,spray,sprei,v.,扫射;喷射,surpass,s:p:s,v.,超越;凌驾;胜过,superhet,sju:phet,n.,超外差,a.,超外差的,track,trk,n.,小路;跑道;轨道;踪迹,versatile ,v:stail,a.,多才多艺的;多方面的,injection-molded piece,注射成型片,MPEG,运动图象专家组;活动图象和声音的压缩标准,2.,课文翻译讲解,CDs(compact discs)and DVDs are everywhere these days.Whether they are used to hold music,data or computer software,they have become the standard medium for,distributing large quantities of information in a reliable package,.,翻译:,如今,,CD,和,DVD,随处可见。无论它们是用,来存储音乐、数据还是计,算机软件,这些用可靠的,封装来存放大量信息的光,盘已成为标准的存储介质,了。,动名词短语作介词宾语,Compact discs are so easy and cheap to produce that America Online sends out millions of them every year to entice new users,,,and if you have a computer and CD-R drive,you can create your own CDs,including any information you want,.,翻译:,压缩碟片(,CD,)的,制作是如此简单且成本低廉,,以至于美国在线,(,America Online,)每年,发行数百万张,CD,来吸引新,用户。如果你拥有一台计算,机和光驱,就可以制作自己,的,CD,了,里面可包含你想,要的任何信息。,现在分词短语,独立成分,状语,A CD is a very precise and accurate device made by a fairly simple injection-molded piece of clear polycarbonate plastic,about four one-hundredths(4/100)of an inch thick(1.2 mm).CDs must be manufactured under very clean and dust free conditions in a clean room,which is kept free from virtually all dust particles,because an average dust particle is 100 times larger than the average pit and land on a CD,and even the smallest dust particle can render a disc useless.,翻译:,CD,是非常精密和精确的器件,它由相当简单的聚碳酸酯喷注透明塑料片作,成,大约有一英寸的百分之四厚(,1.2mm,)。,CD,必须在洁净的室内里、在非常干,净无尘的环境中生产,这样的洁净的室内可以阻挡所有灰尘粒子,因为,一颗普通,尘粒的大小要比,CD,上的凹凸点大上百倍,而即使最小的灰尘粒子都可以使碟片报,废。,The air in the room is specially filtered to keep out dirt,and occupants of the room must wear special clothing.During manufacturing,this plastic is impressed with microscopic pits,arranged as a single,continuous,extremely long spiral track of data,.Once the clear piece of polycarbonate is formed,a thin,reflective aluminum layer is sputtered onto the disc,covering the pits,.,翻译:,对室内的空气要进,行特殊滤,使其干净无尘,,室内的人员也要穿特制,的服装。在生产过程中,,在这种塑料上刻录微小的,凹坑,它形成单一、连续,且非常长的螺旋状数据轨,道。一旦透明的聚碳酸酯,塑料片做好了,就在凸起,上喷溅一薄层反射铝层,,将凹坑复盖。,现在分词短语,独立成分,,状语,过去分词短语,定语,Then a thin acrylic layer is sprayed over the aluminum,to protect it,and then the label is printed onto the acrylic.A cross section of a complete CD(not to scale)looks like the picture shown in Figure 6-1 below:,CD player is an electronic device,which plays audio CD and often installed into home stereo systems,car audio systems,and personal computers.They are also manufactured as portable devices.,翻译:,然后把一薄层丙烯,酸酯层喷射到铝层上以保,护它,然后把标签印制到,丙烯酸酯层上。一完整的,CD,的横截面(不定标)如,图,6-1,所示。,CD,播放器是一种电子,装置,用来播放音频,CD,,,它们通常安装在家庭立体,声系统、汽车音频系统和,个人计算机上。也可将它,们制作成便携式设备。,不定式短语作定语,The CD player has three major components:a drive motor,a lens system,and a tracking mechanism,with them to finish the job of,finding and reading the data,stored as pits on the CD,.A drive motor spins the disc,precisely controlled to rotate between 200 and 500 revolution per minute(rpm),depending on which track is being read.,翻译:,CD,播放器具有三大部,件:驱动马达、透镜系统和跟,踪机械装置,用它们完成寻找,和读取以凸起形式存储在,CD,上的数据的工作。驱动马达旋,转碟片,依据所读的轨道,它,以每分钟,200,到,500,转的速度,精确地控制旋转。,现在分词短语,独立成分,,状语,过去分词短语,独立成分,,状语,The tracking mechanism moves the lens system along the spiral tracks in which information is encoded,and the lens reads the information,using a laser beam,which is focused on the CD and reflected back to sensor,.The sensor detects changes in the beam,and interprets these changes to read the data.,This data is output as sound,using a digital to analog converter(DAC).,翻译:,跟踪机械装置沿含有编码信息的螺旋轨道移动透镜系统,透镜用激光光束读取,信息,激光光束被聚焦在,CD,上并反射回传感器里。传感器检测到光束的变化,并翻,译这些变化以读取数据。用数模转换器把数据以声音形式输出。,There are several different formats,used to store data on a CD,some widely used and some long-forgotten.The two most common are CD-DA(audio)and CD-ROM(Read Only Memory).In addition to CDs,modern CD players support other formats,such as DVDs,CD-ROMs with audio files and video CDs.,翻译:,有多种不同的格式用来存储,CD,数据,有些格式被广泛应用,还有一些已被长,久遗忘了。最常用的两种格式是,CD-DA,(音频格式)和,CD-ROM,(只读存储器)。,除了播放,CD,以外,现代的,CD,播放器还支持其它格式,如,DVD,,含音频文件的,CD-ROM,和,VCD,。,DVDs(Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc)are very similar to CDs.They are of the same diameter and thickness as CDs,and they are made using some of the same materials and manufacturing methods,but it has a much larger data capacity.A standard DVD holds about seven times more data than a CD does.,翻译:,DVD,(数字视频光盘或数字多功能光盘)与,CD,很相似。它们与,CD,具有相,同的直径和厚度,并且用相同的材料和生产方法制作,但,DVD,有大得多的数据存,储容量。常规的,DVD,数


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