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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,专项训练,汉译英,1.Not only,is the teacher himself interested in football,(老师本身对足球感兴趣)but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.,2.I failed in the final examination last term and only then,did I realize the importance of studies,(我才意识到学习的重要性).,3.I have been living in the United States for twenty years,but seldom,have I felt so lonely as now,(像现在这样感到如此孤独过).,4.You,couldnt have seen her in her office last Friday,(上周五在她办公室不可能见到她);shes been out of town for two weeks.,5.Our English teacher required that,we should hand in our English compositions _,(我们交英语作文)by Wednesday.,6.You,would have seen Professor Smith,(本来可以见到斯密斯教授的)if had come here ten minutes earlier.,7.Had it not been for the timely investment from the general public,our company would not be so thriving as it is now,(我们公司就不会像现在这样兴旺).,8.If she had taken your advice,she,wouldnt have made such a serious mistake/wouldnt have made so serious a mistake.,(就不会犯如此严重的错误了).,9.You,ought not to/shouldnt have driven that/the car so fast,.,(本不应该把车开得那么快)with the brakes our of order.You might have had a serious accident.,10.It is absolutely essential that William,(should)continue his study in spite of some learning difficulties.,(尽管有些学习困难,应该继续他的学业),11.,It was not until dark,(直到天黑了)that she realized it was too late to go home.,12.The conference,will have lasted,(将持续)a full week by the time it ends.,13.When I,caught/found him cheating me,(发现他骗我),I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.,14.What a lovely party!Its worth,remembering all my life,(牢记一生).,15.Even now,women cant enjoy fully equal promotional prospects with men,as a result of the prejudice against them(,由于对女性的歧视).,16.To make donations or for more information,please,contact us at the following address,(按以下地址和我们联系),17.She keeps a supply of candles in the house,in case of power failure,(以防停电).,18.Last weekend we drove out on vacation hoping to get away from the noise and pollution of the city,but _,the car broke down on the way(,汽车途中抛锚)and we had to return home by taxi.,19.Many children,can hardly live up to the expectations of their parents,(无法达到父母的期望)because their parents ask for too much.,20.It is said that the meeting,which is scheduled to be held this month,(原定于这个月召开的会议),will be put off till next month.,21.At the end of this speech,the school master encouraged the children to work hard,and not to let their parents down/and not to make their parents disappointed,(不要让父母失望).,22.Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not,easy to adapt oneself to life/living in different cultures,(适用不同文化中的生活).,23.Because of the leg injury,the athlete,decided to quit the match,(决定退出比赛),24.To test whether or not what has been working in Mexico in the past decade,cant/cannot be applied to the circumstances in its neighbors,(不能应用于其邻国的情形中).,25.Some young people would rather try hard themselves to go through life than,turn to their parents,(求助于他们的父母)with a sense of guilt.,26.That pop song alive with rhythms is born of his inspiration,and,is very popular with the young worldwide,(深受全世界年轻人的喜爱).,27.Nuclear sciences should be developed,to benefit the people rather than harm them/to benefit the people instead of harming them,(有益于人民而不是伤害他们).,28.Most of the team members didnt think that his suggestion was feasible,so,they had a strong objection to it,(他们强烈反对).,29.At that time,the climate was so hospitable,(气候非常宜人)that the island was thickly forested and alive with fish,birds,flowers and grass.,30.The actions taken by the government,are far from enough,(,远远不够)in the sense of preserving the present order of society.,31.,How to cope with the present financial crisis,(,如何应对目前的金融危机)should be our major concern in the long run.,32.The energy,released by the claim reaction,(连锁反应所释放出的)is transformed into heat.,33.The park we are going to visit tomorrow is,the very place where/in which they met for the first time,(正是他们首次相遇的地方).,34.An investigation was made into the accident,in which fifty people were killed,(在这次事故中死了五十人).,35.American football and baseball are,known to the British through television transmissions,(通过电视转播而变得为英国人所知).,36.Color and sex are not relevant to,whether a person is suitable for the job,(一个人是否适合这个职位).,37.People today are more mobile than ever before;perhaps this is,why mobile phones have become so common(,移动电话十分普及的原因).,38.The importance of air to man is,just like that of water to fish,(正像水对鱼类一样).,39.Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night,no matter what we may have done during the day/whatever we may have done during the day,(不管白天可能做了些什么).,40.Some psychologists claim that people,might feel lonely when they are far from home/are not in their hometown/traveling,(出门在外时可能会感到孤独).,41.I dont mind your delaying making the decision,as long as it is not too late,(只要不要太晚).,42.Although many people view conflict as bad,conflict is sometimes useful in,that it forces people to test,(因为它迫使人们检验)the relative merits of their attitud


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