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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2011-2012高二(上)期中复习答案,( Unit 1-5 B5 ),提出,得出结论,暴露/揭露,连接/联系,除之外/此外,对严格的,讲得通/有意义,由组成,把分成澄,挣脱(束缚),为带来荣誉, 值得赞扬,省去; 遗漏,代替,(机器)损坏,拿起; 接受,看不见,一词组 (注意冠词,介词,代词等固定搭配),put forward,draw a conclusion,expose to,link to,apart from,=in addition to/besides,(be) strict with,make sense,(反) make no sense 没有意义,consist of ,divide . into,break away (from),to ones credit,leave out,take the place of,break down,take up,lose sight of.,(反) catch sight of,打扫; 横扫,移动; 溜进,加速,全神贯注于,依靠,指责; 谴责; 控告,为了(做),在前面,(对伤患者的)急救,生病,触电; 电休克,榨; 挤; 压榨,反复; 多次,在适当的位置,若干; 许多,找到,起(重要)作用,sweep up,(swept, swept),slide into,speed up,concentrate on,depend on,accuse . of,so as to (do sth.),=,in order to,ahead of (time),first aid,fall ill,electric shock,squeeze out,over and over again,in place,a number of,put ones hands on,make a difference,make no difference,结论/结束,照顾,/护理,/出席,污染,宣布/通告,捐献/贡献,(使)旋转,拒绝/不接受,conclude vi./vt.,conclusion n.,attend v.,attention n.,attentive adj.,pollute vt.,pollution n.,polluted adj.,announce vt.,announcement n.,contribute,vt./vi.,contribution n.,spin vi./vt.,(,过去式,过去分词,spun, spun,),reject vt.,rejection n.,attract vt.,attraction n.,attractive adj.,arrange vt.,arrangement n.,fold vt.,(反),unfold,folded,adj.,delight n.,delighted,adj.,delightful adj.,吸引/引注意,筹备; 安排,折叠; 对折,快乐; 高兴,impression n.,impress vt./n.,impressive adj.,印象深刻的,constant adj.,constantly adv.,不断地,previous adj.,previously adv.,guide v./n.,guidance n.,lack v./n.,lacking adj.,settlement n.,settle v.,settler n.,印象; 印记,连续不断的,早先的,指导; 导游,缺乏; 没有,定居, 解决,快乐的; 欣喜的,帮助, 协助, 援助,集中; 聚集,获得; 取得; 学到,评估; 评定,告知; 通知,指责; 谴责; 控告,需求; 要求,赞成; 认可; 批准,delight,ed,adj.,delight n.,assist vt.,assistant n.,助手; 售货员,assistance n.,U 帮助,援助,concentrate vi. &vt.,concentration n.,acquire vt.,acquirable adj.,assess vt.,assessment n.,inform vt.,information n.,accuse vt.,accusation n.,demand n./vt.,demanding adj.,approve vt.,(反),disapprove,/,approval n.,毒药, 毒害; 使中毒,(使) 膨胀; 隆起,治疗; 对待; 款待,涂/敷/搽; 应用;运用,poison n./vt.,poisonous adj.,swell v.,(,过去式,过去分词,swelled, swollen,),swollen adj.,肿胀的,treat v./n.,treatment n.,treatable adj.,apply vt./vi.,申请,application n.,applicant n.C,黑体字补充,打败/战胜,治愈,挑战,吸收/吸引,认为/怀疑,责备/谴责,柄、把手,加上; 和,争吵; 争论,沙漠; 荒原,瞬间; 片刻,加工; 处理, 过程; 程序,倒; 灌; 注; 涌,defeat vt./n.,defeat sb./ be defeated,cure n./vt.,cure sb. of sth.,challenge n./vt.,face,a / sb to do sth,absorb vt. be absorbed in 全神贯注于,suspect vt./n.,blame vt./n.,be to blamed,handle n./vt.,turn the ,/Dont the exhibits.,plus prep./adj.,quarrel n./vi., (with sb) (about/over sth),desert n.,the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠,instant n./adj.,noodle /in an 立即,马上,process vt./n.,the peace process,pour vt. &vi.,Its pouring,(down).,三. 复习练习,词型变换(词汇表里黑体字),Before I draw a _ (conclude), Id like to,thank you all for coming.,2. The teachers are encouraged to make greater _ (contribute) to the cause of education.,3. They made an _ (announce) that they were to have wedding on National Day.,4. More and more people care about the air _ (pollute) in the world.,5. The tower of London is a great _ (attract) to tourist.,6. Have you made _ (arrange) to sell your house?,7. After the _ (settle) of our differences, we became friends.,8. The mothers words made no _ (impress) on her child.,conclusion,contributions,announcement,pollution,attraction,arrangements,settlement,impression,9. The land _ (previous) farmed returned,to forest.,10. He talked _ (constant) about the football,match which was just finished.,11. Im _ (delight) at your success.,12. Do the plans meet with your _ (approve)?,13. What is your _ (assess) of the,situation?,14. We also can _ (acquirable) knowledge,during playing.,15. Her eyes were all red and _ (swell) from,crying.,16. The doctors _ (treat) cured him.,17. How many _ (apply) did you have for,the job?,18. The rabbit was bitten by a _ (poison),snake and died immediately.,previously,constantly,delighted,approval,assessment,acquire,swollen,treatment,applicants,poisonous,过去分词作状语(-ing, -ed),19. Once _ (see), it will never be forgotten.,20. _ (compare) with the size of the whole,earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.,21. After his journey from abroad, Mr. Smith returned,home, _ (exhaust).,22. Shocked at what he said, his mother stood there,_ (surprise).,23. Not _ (know) where the station is, he,asked the policeman.,24. Theirs is a big family, _ (consist) of ten,people.,seen,compared,exhausted,surprised,knowing,consisting,过去分词作宾补(1个),25. The reporter promised to keep us _,(inform) of the latest news.,26. What he had said made me _ (surprise).,27. Have you had my film _ (develop)? I,cant wait to see all my photos.,28. My glasses are broken. Ill have to get them,_ (repair).,informed,surprised,developed,repaired,过去分词作定语(前置,后置),30. There was an _ (excite) look on his face,when the actress appeared.,31. You can see _ (fall) leaves everywhere in,autumn.,32. The first textbooks _ (write) for teaching,English as a foreign language came out in the 16th,century.,33. Dont you know the girl _ (dress) in a red,skirt?,34. The _ (injure) girl is being taken good care,of in the hospital now.,35. Most people _ (invite) to the dinner were,famous actors.,excited,fallen,written,dressed,injured,invited,过去分词作表语(1个),36. He felt _ (puzzle) at what she said.,37. English is widely _ (use) all over the,world.,定语从句(1个),38. I am sure she has something _ you can,borrow.,39. I like the rooms _ windows face south.,40. He gave several reasons _ we cant do that.,41. They will fly to Washington _ they plan to,stay for two or three days.,42. Do you remember the day _ you joined our,club?,43. I will never forget the things and persons _,are around me.,44. There are many cases _ money is useless.,puzzled,used,that,whose,where,why,when,that,where,代、介、冠、(3个;都是词汇表里的)时态(1个),45. He drew _ conclusion at the meeting this,morning?,46. Hes _ expert at getting his own way.,47. I shall be back in _ instant.,48. It is greatly to _ credit that Wang Pong gave,back the money he found.,49. The old lady was back on _ feet after a long,illness.,50. I tried to put my hands _ the information,needed.,51. Scientists have linked the illness _ the use,of pesticides(杀虫剂).,52. He exposed their secret _ the public.,53. The little girl divided the cake _ pieces.,54. He slid _ the room when nobody noticed him.,55. The policeman stopped him when he was driving,home and accused him _ speeding.,a,an,on,an,his,her,to,to,into,into,of,56. They _ (spin) a coin to decide who should,start.,57. She said that she _ (go) there the day,before.,58. Although I _(reject) by the university,I dont lose heart.,句子考查,一. 词组(词汇表里),1) Under no conditions will the Chinese allow Taiwan _ _ _ _ (脱离) China.,2) We must _ _ _ _ (集中精力),finding ways to reduce costs.,3) Ive warned you _ _ _ _ (多次) not,to do that.,4) I tried to _ _ _ _ (找到) the information,needed.,to break away from,concentrate our efforts on,over and over again,put my hands on,was rejected,had gone,spun,5) _ _ _ _ (讲不通) to buy that expensive,coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.,6) It shows that a knowledge of first aid can _,_ _ _(有很大的不同),7) _ _ (除外) finishing your homework,youd better put things back _ _(放回原位).,8) The manager said that all the employees _ _ _ _ (对负责) the mistake.,二. 分词作定语,The play which was performed by the students was a,great success,。,=The play _ _ _ _ was a great success.,2) Yesterday I got the answer to my question on the Internet. It was the one l expected.,=Yesterday I _ _ _ _ to my question on the Internet.,got the expected answer,performed by the students,make a real difference,It doesnt make sense,Apart from,in place,were to blame for,三. 同义句转换 (so as to do / take the place of),1) Can anything replace a mothers love and care?(改写),=Can anything _ _ _ _ mothers,love and care?,2) He works hard every day in order to get a good,mark in the examination.(改写),=He works hard every day _ _ _ _ a,good mark in the examination.,=He works hard every day _ _ _ _,fail in the examination.,3) They tried to find the information needed.,=They tried to _ _ _ _ the information,needed.,so as not to,so as to get,take the place of,put their hands on,四状语从句改写成分词作状语 (3分),1) If I were given more time, I would do it better. (改为过去分词作状语).,Given more time, I would do it better.,2) Because he was lost in deep thought, he did not hear the bell ring. (改为过去分词作状语),Lost in deep thought, he did not hear the bell ring.,3) Dont speak until you are asked to.,Dont speak until asked to.,五正常句子改写成倒装句(否定词/only提前)(3分),1) If I get a job I can have enough money to continue my studies at college. (改为倒装句),Only,if I get a job can I have enough money to continue my studies at college.,2) He was noticed only by shouting and waving. (改为倒装句),Only by shouting and waving his hands was he noticed.,3) You will know how great your parents love is only when you grow up. (改为倒装句),4) I realized the importance of knowledge only then. (改为倒装句),5) I have never read such an exciting report before. (改为倒装句),6) The game had hardly begun when it began to rain. (改为倒装句),7) The villagers didnt realize how serious the pollution is until all the fish died in the river.,Not until,all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution is.,Hardly had the game begun when it began to rain.,Never before have I read such an exciting report.,Only then did I realize the importance of knowledge.,Only when you grow up, will you know how great your parents love is,六翻译:过去分词作宾补 (get/have/find)(3分),1) 当我走进办公室,发现我的计算机被偷了。,2) 当我十年后回到家乡,发现它一切都变了。,3) 在过去的几年,我们在学校周围种了很多的树。,4) 杰克(Jack)度假时所有的钱都被偷了。,Jack,got all his money stolen,while he was on holiday.,In the past few years, we have had,lots of trees planted,around our school.,When I came back to my village ten years later,I found it completely changed.,When I entered the office,I found my computer stolen,


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