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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,2015/6/6,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,How to write about graphs and tables,You should be able to,Organize,present and possibly compare data,Describe the stages of a process or procedure,Describe an object or event or sequence of events,Explain how something works,Goals you should achieve,Be accurate.,Be selective.,DO NOT interpret.,Rules to follow:,Questions to ask 1,What is the graph about?,What information is most important,?,Is it necessary to make comparison and contrast?If so,how?,How to,Know the right writing,Questions to answer,What,are the units of measurement used?,What is the area involved?,What is the time-scale involved,?,What is the purpose of the graph or table,Know the graph and table types,Steps of writing about graphs and tables,Identify the main idea behind the graph or table.(The focus of the first sentence.),Consider the details of what is being shown and decide how much you need to include.,Consider the language to use.,Writing about graphs and tables,introductory,expressions,time expressions,terms of,measurement,expressions of comparison and contrast,expressions for trends,correlations,The language of graphs and tables is,divided,to:,1.You are not asked to discuss the information,but generally to,write a report,describing the information.,2.It is not necessary to write an introduction like in an essay for this,writing task.,You are writing a report,which means that you do not begin with,a broad,general statement about the topic.,3.You do not need to write a conclusion which gives any kind of,opinion about,the significance of the information.,Writing the introduction,One is to refer to the visual directly(e.g.This graph,shows,the,population of Alia in the,20th,century.),The,second way,is to refer directly to the main,message conveyed by,the visual(,e.g.There,was a sharp,increase in,the population,of Alia,in the 20th century,.),The third way combines the two(e.g.The graph shouts,that,there,was,a sharp,increase in,the population,of Alia,in the 20th century.),Introductory expressions to use,The graph/table shows/indicates/illustrates/reveals/represents,It is clear from the graph/table,It can be seen from the graph/table,As the graph/table shows,As can be seen from the graph/table,As is shown by the graph/table,As is illustrated by the graph/table,From the graph/table it is clear,Avoid using personal,pronouns(,We can,see from,the graph,.),Avoid using“according to,”,If,you are going to use the word“present”,it requires a sophisticated summarising noun to follow.For example:The graph presents an overview of the population growth of Alia in the last 20 years.,Some donts,Example,The,graph shows the changes in world meat production between 1950 and 1990.,From this graph we can see that most meat production is a lot higher in 1990 than in 1950.,Between 1950 and 1990 meat production in the world rose significantly for all kinds of meat except sheep and goat meat.,The graph shows that in 1950 production of poultry and sheep and goat meat was less than 5 million tons,while production of pork and beef and buffalo meat was around 20 million tons.,Which one is the best,in,for between and during before from,-,to/until after,For/in:for/in,the first six months,.,around/,about:Around,/about,1980,(in)the period from-to,(in)the p,eriod,between and,in the first/last three months of the year,over the period-to,over the next years/decades/quarter,of a,century etc.,over a ten year period,throughout the 19th century,from that time on,after that,then,in the 1980,Time expressions,Usually past simple tense is used,Since/recently:present perfect tense is used,By:past or past perfect tense,Use the right tense,Expressions of measurement:quantity,Other measurements,Related verbs,Other verbs,High/large/great/considerable/major/,substantial/remarkable/significant/,steady/widespread,/,Over/under/around/slightly/,approximately/roughly/considerably/,marginally/close to/significantly,Related adj./adv.,Implicit contrast,Alia is a republic with a popularly elected president.Betastan is a military dictatorship.,Explicit contrast,more less fewer greater,larger smaller higher lower,Compare and contrast,Compared with x,y is more efficient.,Comparing x with y we find that x is more efficient.,Comparing with x,y is more efficient.,Comparing x with y we find that,Comparing x with y,it can be seen that,Misuse of“compare”,To show similarity,Contrast,peak,drop,trough,fall,top,bottom,highest/lowest point/level,steep,sharp,steady,gentle,low,high,dramatic,How to express trends,Modifiers,Amount:,small slight limited marginal,minor partial restricted,large great substantial enormous,extensive extreme major numerous,vast widespread,Modifiers,Making prediction,Abbreviations,A lot of,And,but,so,big,Avoid informality,Avoid narrative style,Avoid redundancy,Twenty percent of car accidents happen after dark,while the other 80%happen during daylight hours.,In contrast,the position of women was just the opposite to that of men.,There a


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