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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,课前自主导学,考点难点易混点,Unit 2,English around the world,英语是国际交流的语言。英语在世界各地传播的过程中,发生了很大的变化,那么世界上到底有哪些英语?不同英语的区别表达在哪里呢?让我们来读下面的短文吧!,There are many kinds of English,;,they are different in their vocabulary,1,,,grammar,,,pronunciation and intonation,2,.These different kinds of English develop from history,,,geography,,,politics and the influence,3,of other languages.Some of the major kinds of English are British English,,,American English,,,Canadian English,,,Australian English,,,Indian English and Caribbean English.The English spoken in Africa is different from country to country.Thus there are Nigerian English,,,South African English,,,Kenyan English and so on.,All types of English originated4 from the English spoken in England.American English has now replaced British English.This is mostly because of the influence of the United States through the cinema and music,technology5 and trade.The most noticeable6 differences between American and British English are in spelling,pronunciation and vocabulary.Many words that end in “our in British English end in “or in American English.,Words ending in “se are British English while their American ones end in “zeSome vocabulary items,too,are different.There are also many differences in expressions.The Americans would say “I just ate as opposed to “Ive just eaten in British English.In American English,Mary is “on the team,while in British English,Mary is “in the team,Choose the right answer according to the text.,1,In the passage,,,there are _ kinds of English mentioned in all.,A,8 B,7,C,9 D,10,2,The most important differences between British English and American English exist in the following EXCEPT _.,A,spelling B,pronunciation,C,vocabulary D,dialect,3Which of the following statements is CORRECT,AAmerican English has great influence on the rest of the world through the cinema and music,technology and trade.,BThe differences between American English and British English only lie in spelling,pronunciation and vocabulary.,COnly American English is related to the English spoken in England.,DMary is “on the team,which is British English.,答案1.C2.D3.A,佳句欣赏,The English spoken in Africa is different from country to country.,在非洲,国与国之间所说的英语各不一样。,此句中含有的“spoken in Africa为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词English,而“be different from意为:不同于。,.正误判断(根据课文内容判断正“T误“F),1At the end of the 16th century,nearly all the English speakers lived in England.(),2Even if Native England speakers dont speak the same kind of English,they can understand each other.(),3The English language changes and develops when different cultures meet and communicate with each other.(),Section,Warming Up & Reading,4,The,American,Dictionary,of,the,English,Language,written by Noah Webster gave American English spelling a separate identity.(,),5,From 1765 to 1947 English was the language for government and education in South Africa.(,),答案,1.T,2.T,3.T,4.T,5.F,.,阅读理解,(,根据课文内容选择正确答案,),1,If people speak different kinds of English,,,they _.,A,cant communicate with each other,B,can only be understood by those who speak the same kind of English,C,cant be understood by foreigners,D,can understand each other,2English is spoken as the language for government in the following countries EXCEPT _.,ABritain BGermany,CIndia DAmerica,3Why do more people speak English,ABecause it is an international language.,BBecause it has the largest number of speakers.,CBecause it is easy to learn.,DBecause it always stays the same.,4,From the text,,,we can know _.,A,only English changed over time,B,all languages will change when cultures meet,C,all English words were from French,D,fewer and fewer Chinese people are learning English,5,At the end of the 16th century,,,about _ people spoke English.,A,five to six million B,five to seven million,C,six to seven million D,six to eight million,答案,1.D,2.B,3.A,4.B,5.B,.阅读表达(根据课文内容答复以下各题),1Why has English changed over time?(within 30 words),_,2Whats the main idea of the passage?(within 10 words),_,Because all languages change and develop when cultures,meet and communicate with each other.,The development of modern English./The road to modern,English.,3Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one,Although people who speak English as their mother language,speak different kinds of English,they have no trouble in,communicating with each other.,_,Native English speakers can understand each other even if,they dont speak the same kind of English.,.,阅读填空,(,根据课文内容完成下面表格,),THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH,Time,Place,Character,Reason,Between about,AD 450 and 1150,England,It was based more on _,1,_ than the English we speak at present.,All languages _,4,_ and develop when cultures meet and _,5,_ with each other.,Between about,AD 800 and 1150,It became less like German and more like _,2,_ and French.,By the 1600s,A wider _,3,_ than ever before was used.,New settlers _,6,_ the English language.,Time,Place,Character,Reason,In 1620,_,7,_,English began to be spoken.,Some British settlers moved to America.,Later in _,8,_ century,Australia,Some British people _,9,_ Australia.,By the 19th,century,English language was _,10,_ and two big changes in English _,11,_ happened.,Now,South Asia,English is spoken as a foreign or second language.,People from England ever made _,12,_ to conquer other parts of the world.,答案1.German2.Danish3.vocabulary4.change5 municate6.enriched7.America8.the 18th9.were taken to10.settled11.spelling12.voyages,.教材研读,一、重点单词熟记,1_adj.官方的;正式的;公务的 _n办公室 _n官员,2_n航海;航行,3_adj.本国的;本地的 n本地人;本国人,4_adv.实际上;事实上,5_vt.以为根据 n基部;基地;根底,6_adj.逐渐的;逐步的 _adv.逐渐地;逐步地,official,office,officer,voyage,native,actually,base,gradual,gradually,7,_,n,词汇;词汇量;词表,8,_,adj,.,较后的;后半的;,(,两者中,),后者的,9,_,n,本身;本体;身份,10,_,adj,.,流利的;流畅的,_,ad,v,.,流利地;流畅地,11,_,adj,.,频繁的;常见的,_,ad,v,.,常常;频繁地,vocabulary,latter,identity,fluent,fluently,frequent,frequently,二、重点短语探究,1_因为,由于,2_走近;上来;提出,3_以为根底/根据,4_目前,现在,5_利用,使用,because of,come up,be based on,at present,make use of,6,the number of_,7,such as_,8,be different from _,9,at the end of_,10,more than one_,的数目,例如,像这种的,与,不同,在,末,不只一个,三、教材佳句背诵,1_ by Underground,为什么不坐地铁呢?,2Today,more people speak English as their first,second or a foreign language _.,如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了,他们有的是作为第一语言来说,有的是作为第二语言或外语。,Why not go,than ever before,3Native English speakers can understand each other _ they dont speak the same kind of English.,以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽一样,也可以相互理解。,4It was based _ on German _ the English we speak at present.,当时的英语更多是以德语为根底的,而我们今天所说的英语不是。,even if,more,than,1Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?你知道不知道有不止一种英语吗?,(1)该句中that引导宾语从句,作know的宾语。,否认式no more than “不过是,只是,not more than “不超过,(2)more than one “不止一个。,“more than one可数名词单数作主语时,谓语动词用单数;“more可数名词复数than one作主语时,谓语动词用复数,表示“不止一个,许多。,More than one person has a good knowledge of English in our company.在我们公司不止一个人精通英语。,More persons than one have a good knowledge of English in our company.我们公司许多人精通英语。,【归纳拓展】,more than数词,“超过,多于,相当于over。,People more than 18 years of age have the right to vote in China.在中国,年满18岁的公民有选举权。,more than名词,“不只是,不仅仅。,Modern science is more than much information.,现代科学不仅仅是大量的信息。,more than形容词/副词,“非常,很。,They were more than glad to help.,他们非常愿意帮助。,more than (that)从句,“远非,简直不。,That is more than I can understand.,那事我实在不明白。,注意:more than的反义短语是less than,“少于。,We finished the work in less than two hours.,我们不到两个小时就把活干完了。,【,即境活用,】,To us, Mr. Li is _a teacher. He is also a friend.,A,not more than B,no more than,C,more than D,not less than,Im _to take you there in my car.,A,a little more than happy,B,more than a little happy,C,happy more than a little,D,a little more happy than,C,B,Do you need any help, Lucy,Yes. The job is _I could do myself.,Aless than Bmore than,Cno more than Dnot more than,B,2,native,(1),adj,.,本国的,本地的;天生的,天赋的;,(,常与,to,连用,),土产的,原产于,His friend is a native Englishman.,他的朋友是个土生土长的英国人。,The tiger is native to India.,这种虎原产于印度。,In order to let her son learn her native language, she sent him back to her native land.,为了让儿子学会她的母语,她把儿子送回了祖国。,(2),n,.,本地人,本国人,He is a native of Shanghai.,他是上海本地人。,You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.,游客与当地人之间的区别一望即知。,【,归纳拓展,】,native language/tongue,母语,本族语,native art,/dance/,peoples,土著艺术,/,舞蹈,/,民族,native wit,/intelligence,与生俱来的机智,/,才智,be native to,原产于,土生土长的,be a native of,土生土长的本地人,go native,入乡随俗,同化,注意:(1)ones native place 指某人的出生地,但表达“是某地人时,习惯上不说:My native place is., 而说:I was born in.,(2)native作形容词,意为“本地的时,仅作前置定语。,【,即境活用,】,汉译英,鱼天生会游泳。,_,他的出生地是广东,他是个土生土长的南方人。,_,The ability to swim is native to fish.,He was born in Guangdong.He is a native of the South.,3come up走近;上来;提出;破土而出;发芽,(教材原句)Id like to come up to your apartment.(P10),我很乐意到你的公寓去。,The plan came up at the meeting yesterday.,在昨天的会上方案被提了出来。,In the conversation,he came up with an important topic.,在交谈中他提出了一个重要的话题。,点津:come up“被提出,其主语是被提出的内容,主动形式表示被动含义;come up with“提出,其主语是提出动作的发出者,后面的宾语才是被提出的内容,但是无被动语态。,【,归纳拓展,】,come on,快点;加油,come about,发生,产生,come across,偶遇,碰到,come out,出来;出版;开花,come to,来到,(,某地,),;谈到;共计,思考:根据语境思考,并在以下各句中填入适当的介、副词。,The spring is coming and flowers are coming _.,He has just finished writing his book and it will come _ next month.,No one knows how the accident came _ yesterday.,Come _.The bus leaves in two minutes!,The total cost that they had spent on their clothes this month came _ nearly 2,000 yuan.,I came _ an old friend during my shopping in the supermarket.,out,out,about,on,to,across,【即境活用】,As soon as the project _ at the meeting,it attracted many peoples attention.(2021南通高一检测),Acomes up Bwas come up,Ccame up Dhad been come up,解析句意:这个方案在会上一提出就引起了很多人的注意。,答案C,4base,(1)v.建于之上,以为根据be based on/upon,It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.,当时的英国更多地是以德语为根底的,而不是现代英语。,The film is based on a novel by D. H. Lawrence.,该影片是根据D. H劳伦斯的小说改编而成的。,One should always base his opinion on facts.,一个人应该始终以事实为依据发表自己的观点。,(2)n.底;根基,根底;基地,根据地,We camped at the base of the mountain.,我们在山脚下安营。,Our companys base is in Beijing.我们公司总部在北京。,【辨析】,都有“根底之意,base和basis的复数形式都是bases。base指构成或支撑某一具体物体的根底,也可指军事基地;basis指理论、信念的依据或根底,主要表示抽象意义。如the base of a building建筑物的根基;the economic basis经济根底。,【,即境活用,】,Many students believe the choice of their courses and universities should _their own interest.,A,be based on B,base on,C,be basing on D,base at,A,5,present,(1),adj,.,目前的,现在的,Im not satisfied with the present situation at all.,我对目前的情况一点都不满意。,(2),adj,.,出席的,在场的,It is a great honour to be present at the World Media Summit.,能够出席世界媒体峰会,我感到非常荣幸。,提示:present作形容词,位置不同,意义相异。作前置定语,意为“现在的,目前的,作后置定语,意为“出席的,到场的。,Did you see the present government leaders,你见到现任政府的领导人了吗?,Did you see the government leaders present,你见到在场的政府领导人了吗?,at present,目前,现在,The old couple retired last year and at present they are living in the country.,这对老夫妻去年退休了,目前他们住在乡下。,There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.,现在卖报纸利润很少。,present,n,礼物,(,gift),present,v,把,交给;提出;赠送,present sth to sb/present sb with sth,把某物送给某人,【,归纳拓展,】,【,即境活用,】,The mayor will personally _ the gold medals _ the winning athletes at the sports meeting.,A,present,;,by B,present,;,with,C,present,;,to D,present,;,for,_ today _ sure to be praised.,A,The present people,;,are B,Those present,;,is,C,Those present,;,are D,Present those,;,is,C,C,6,make use of,利用;使用,(,教材原句,)So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.(P10),所以到,17,世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比以前任何时期都大。,【,搭配,】,make use of,use,利用;使用,make good/full use of,make the best of,充分利用,好好利用,As a student,,,he should make good use of time to study.,作为学生,他应该充分利用时间学习。,点津:,make use of,短语的构成特点为:动词名词介词。此类短语通常作以下变化:,(1),把,use,提前使用被动语态。,(2)of,的宾语提前时句子也用被动语态。,(3),把,use,提前用作先行词,其后接定语从句。,本单元的短语,play a part in,也可作同样变化。,We should think of what use can be made of such material.,我们应该考虑怎么用这种材料。,The material that you spoke of had already been made use of.你说起的那个材料早已被用。,The second is connected with the main use(that) the body makes of foodto supply energy for movement.第二点与食物对身体的主要用途有关,即食物供给身体活动所需的能量。,【即境活用】,Ten minutes has been made full _ of _ the problem.(2021洛阳高一检测),Ausing;studying Buse;to study,Cto use;to study Duse;studying,B,7,such as,例如,像这种的,(,教材原句,)English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.(P10),在新加坡、马来西亚及非洲的一些国家,如南非,人们也说英语。,I like drinks such as tea and coffee.,我喜欢喝诸如茶和咖啡之类的饮料。,【,辨析,】,such as,用来列举事物,置于所列举事物与前面名词之间,其后不用逗号,直接跟所列举之物,但数量总数不能等同于前面所提事物的总数。,for example,用来举例说明前面说过的话或提出的观点,一般列举同类人或事物中的一个,位置灵活,可位于句首、句中和句末,往往用逗号隔开。,that is,相当于,namely,,意为,“,即,”,,它所列举的事物的总量等于前面所提到的事物的总和。,【,即境活用,】,用,such as,,,for example,和,that is,填空,Id like to keep a pet,,,_,,,a dog.,My daughter studies four subjects in school,,,_,,,Chinese,,,maths,,,English and PE.,We all study foreign languages,,,_ English,,,French or Japanese and so on.,for example,that is,such as,8At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today.(P10)起初大约在公元450年和公元1150年间,英国人所说的英语与人们现在所说的英语很不一样。,【句式分析】,此句为复杂的简单句。句中的两个English后面都跟了过去分词短语“spoken.充当后置定语,相当于定语从句which was/is spoken.。,Yesterday he received a package sent by his parents.,昨天他收到他父母寄来的包裹。,【即境活用】,A great number of students _ said they were forced to practise the piano.(2021四川,4),Ato question Bto be questioned,Cquestioned Dquestioning,C,


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