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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,EQ,-Emotional quotient,Various kinds of pictures of different people about EQ,Whats the EQ?,Defining Emotional Intelligence(EI)and Emotional Quotient(EQ),Emotional Intelligence,or EI,describes an ability or capacity to perceive,assess,and manage the emotions of ones self,and of others.Our EQ,or Emotional Quotient,is how one measures Emotional Intelligence.Emotions have the potential to get in the way of our most important business and personal relationships.According to John,Kotter,of Harvard Business School:“Because of the furious pace of change in business today,difficult to manage relationships sabotage more business than anything else-it is not a question of strategy that gets us into trouble;it is a question of emotions.”,Is EI Important to Leadership Development and Performance?,Research tracking over 160 high performing individuals in a variety of industries and job levels revealed that emotional intelligence was two times more important in contributing to excellence than intellect and expertise alone.,EI Training Develops more Effective Managers and First Line Supervisors,Supervisors in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional intelligence competencies to help raise their EI skills in areas such as how to listen better and help employees resolve problems on their own,how to empower and inspire others,and,how to become more effective personal leaders,.,After training:,lost-time accidents were reduced by 50 percent,formal grievances were reduced from an average of 15 per year to 3 per year,the plant exceeded productivity goals by$250,000(,Pesuric,&Byham,1996).,In another manufacturing plant where supervisors received similar emotional intelligence training:,production increased 17 percent.,there was no such increase in production for a group of matched supervisors who were not given emotional intelligence training(,Porras,&Anderson,1981),Training in EI Competencies Develops Stronger Leaders,The following chart depicts the number of times those individuals who became president or CEO displayed emotionally intelligent competencies,compared with those who were passed over.,EQ,Competencies,Frequency,ShownSelf-control7XEmpathy3XTeamwork2.5XSelf-confidence2XAchievement Orientation2X,Cognitive,CompetenciesFrequency,Shown,Analytical,Thinking1.2XConceptual Thinking1.5X*Although those who became president or CEO showed cognitive competencies more frequently than those passed over,this difference was not significant.,Can Profitability be Attributed to Emotional intelligence?,Not only does,emotional intelligence greatly contribute to job performance and leadership skills,it has also been found to increase profits.The following chart shows the relationship between emotional intelligence(EI)competencies with a high enough emotional quotient(EQ)to positively affect performance(based on 360 data),and the amount of profit generated at a multinational services firm per year per partner.,Introduce of EQ,an,EQ is said to be a measure of a persons emotional intelligence.However,there is much debate surrounding the legitimacy of a definition of emotional intelligence quotient,primarily because there is no standard against which it can be measured.,Research on EQ began with Yale psychologist Peter,Salovey,and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire in the late 1980s.EQ is a concept that was further popularized by Daniel,Goleman,another well-respected psychologist,who has written many books on the subject and is co-chair of The,Consortium,for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations.While these and many other,psychology,experts view EQ as a scientific study of social behavior and relationships,the actual science behind measuring EQ is often convoluted at best.,Regardless of the actual scientific basis of measuring EQ,the concept is used in many different settings.One particularly popular setting that employs attempts at measuring EQ is the corporate world.Many businesses utilize EQ tests to help their employees determine and measure their emotional responses to various situations.While most corporate EQ tests are administered on the basis that a persons EQ can be modified or increased,there is dispute about whether emotional intelligence is standard or can be changed.,Emotional Intelligence is divided into four parts:,1)Self-awareness,Emotional self-,awareness,Accurate,self-,assessment,Self,-confidence,2)self-management,Emotional,self-control,Transparency,Adaptibility,Achievement,Initiative,Optimism,3)social awareness,Empathy,Organiztional,awareness,4)relationship management,Inspirational,leadership,Influence,Developing,others,Change,catalyst,Conflict,management,Building,bonds,Teamwork,and collaboration,从上面四点可以看出,一个人要想有所作为,除了自己要了解自己之外,还有非常多的外部因素,这些因素是决定性的。理解他人,站在他人的立场上考虑问题;控制自己的情绪;对外部环境的因素要心中有数;对关系的把握:朋友的关系,领导的关系,下属的关系,同级的关系,利益的关系等等都需要严格的掌握,。,Emotional Intelligence,最重要的发展瓶颈,Are you under-appreciated at work?Despite your education and skills,is your


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