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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,宾语从句三要素,一,引导词,(连接词),1.,从句是,一般陈述句,用,that,连接,that,可省略,Canyou,tell me? He is from Japan.(,合并一句),Can you tell me,(that),he is from Japan.,2.,从句是,一般疑问句,用,if/whether,连接,有,or not,时只用,wether,. if,翻译为,是否,Can you tell me? Is he from Japan? (,合并一句),Can you tell me,if /,wether,he is form Japan.,3.,从句是特殊疑问句时,用疑问词连接。,Can you tell me? Where is he from?,(合并一句),Can you,tellme,where,he is from ?,Can you tell me? When does he go?,(合并一句),Can you tell me,when,he goes?,Can you tell me? What will he do?,(合并一句),Can you tell me,what,he will do?,二,.,语序宾语从句一定要用陈述语序,英语中以,be,动词,情态动词,can,must,will,助动词,-do does did,开头的句子称为疑问语序。,若是,be,动词,情态动词,can,must,will,should,开头的改为陈述语序时,把它们放回到主语后。,Is he,from China?-,He is,from China.,Are they,doing sports?-,They are,doing sports.,Should we,do sports?-,We should,do sports.,Will they,go home?-,They will,go home.,以,do does did,开头的改为陈述语序时则,要去掉,do does did,宾语从句中的谓语,动词要加上形式,Do,开头的只要去掉,do,就可以其他不变。,Do they come from Japan?-They come from,Does,he come from Japan-,变陈述语序,He,comes,from Japan,Did,he come from Japan-,变陈述语序,He,came,from Japan,主句,当中都有一个引述动词,如,tell, ask, say ,think,know,等。引述动词如果用一般现在时,,宾语从句时态不变,由从句决定。,引述动词如果用一般过去时,,要用相应的过去时态。,把下面句子合并为复合句。,1.He says , he designed his own school,unifrom,.,He says that he design his own school,unifrom,.,2.He asks? Did he design his own school,unifrom,He asks,if/,wether,he designed his own school,unifrom,.,3.He,asks?what,should he do?,He asks what he should do,?,4.She asks? Where does he go shopping?,She asks where he goes shopping?,5.She asks when did he go back?,She asks when he went back?,直接引语和间接引语概述,1.,我们把引述别人的话语可归纳为两种方式,一种时直接引述别人的话语,并置于引号之内的称为,直接引语,,另一种是用自己的语言转述别人的话语,称为,间接引语,,,间接引语构成宾语从句。,The girl says, “I like English very much.”,那个女孩说:“我非常喜欢英语。”(直接引语),The girl says that she likes English very much.,那个女孩说她非常喜欢英语。(间接引语),直接引语如何变为间接引语呢?,就是把冒号引号去掉然后变为宾语从句,多一个变化就是人称的变化,直接引语变间接引语的变化形式,人称代词变化,人称代词要根据情况做适当调整。“一主二宾三不变”,Mary,asked me,:“ what should,I,do now?”,Mary,asked me,what,she,should do now?,Mary asked,me,:“ what are,you,doing now?”,Mary asked,me,what,I,am,doing now?,Mary asked me,:“ what should,he,do now?”,Mary asked me,:“ what,he,should do now?”,直接引语变间接引语,直接引语变间接引语要领:,1.,先去掉冒号引号,2.,改为宾语从句,3.,改为相对应的人称代词,间接引语四要素:引导词 语序 人称 时态,Jane says:“ I am doing my homework ”,改间接,Jane says that she is doing her homework.,Jane asks,kangkang:“what,did he wear?”,Jane asks,kangkang,what he wore?,Jane,asks Maria:“ Are you in a pink dress?”,Jane asks Maria if she is,is,a pink dress?,


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