选修6 Module 2 The cat that vanished II

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 2,Fantasy Literature,Introduction,His Dark Materials,by Philip Pullman,Read the passage in Act.1 and find out:,1 whether it is a fantasy story,2 the tense to tell a story,3 underline new words while reading.,New words:,extraordinary,heroine,philosophical,witch/wizard,Simple present tense,There are three books in the series,Northern Lights,The Subtle Knife,and,The Amber Spyglas,s.,The _,Lyra,(a girl)and the_ Will(a boy)enter many different worlds,where they have _,adventures,.They _important _ in a war that could destroy the universe.The novel is exciting and also_.,Read the introduction to,His Dark Materials,on P15 and choose some words in the box to complete the short passage.,adult,bear(n,.)creature extraordinary hero heroine philosophical play a part witch,heroine,hero,extraordinary,play an,part,philosophical,In,The Subtle Knife,Lyra,travels to the shining world,Called,Cittgazze,where she,Meets,Will Parry,.Together,they travel from world to,world and discover an object,of extraordinary power,and,discover the truth of their,own destiny.,Let,s get more information from an,extract,from this book!,The Subtle,Knife,passage selected(from a poem,book,film,piece of music,etc),Learning to learn on P17.,The Cat That Vanished,New words:,vanish,hesitate,leap(leapt;leapt),Thats one small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind.,scent,blink,invisible,alien,to do things in a particular way,someone who shows you which direction to go in,to jump high into the air or over something,to wait before you do or say something because you are not sure,a nice smell 6.without any doubt,7.a small tree 8.to suddenly disappear,behave bush definitely guide,hesitate leap scent vanish,behave,Match the words with their meanings.(Act.2,P16),guide,leap,hesitate,scent,definitely,bush,vanish,The Cat That Vanished,Can you predict what,s going on in the story according to the title?,to disappear suddenly,Read the passage and,underline,smart expressions,;,underline,difficult sentences,while,reading;,finish,Act.1,3 and 4,on P16,finish the,exercise on the handout,;,Remember:,DONT,refer to the vocabulary list while reading!,A,ct.1 Put the sentences in the correct order.,The cat comes up to Will.,The cat behaves in a strange way.,Will climbs through the hole.,Will decides not to return to his world.,The cat vanishes.,(1).the cat came up to,rub,her head,against,his,knuckles,A.The cat wanted Will to touch her head with the back of his hand.,B.The cat came up to bite Wills hand.,(2).She,padded,across the road and towards the bushes,A.She walked quietly across the road.,B.She ran across the road.,Act.3 Choose the best meaning for the expressions from the passage.,to make,sth,press against,sth,else and move it around,(3)keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating.,A.He looked once at the place where the cat had been investigating.,B.He watched the place that the cat had been looking at and touching.,(4).If you,were level with,the patch so that it was edge-on,it was nearly invisible.,A.If you were looking at the grass you could see it.,B.If you were standing next to the area of grass you could not see it.,two things that are level are at the same height as each other,(5).He was looking at something,profoundly,alien.,A.He was looking at something very different and strange.,B.He was looking at something very exciting.,(6).He turned away with a,shudder,.,A.He laughed nervously.,B.His body shook slightly because he was afraid.,Act.4 on P 17,Choose the best answers.,(1).The cat vanishes through,.,a)something Will Cant see,b)an empty patch of grass,c)some bushes,(2).Will blinks because,.,a)he cant see clearly,b)his eyes hurt,c)he cant believe what he saw,(3).It is,.,a)easy to see the patch in the air from some positions,b)impossible to see the patch,c)difficult to see the patch,(4).Will looks through the hole in the air,.,a)because he is frightened,b)because he knows there is a different world on the other side,c)because it is alien,5.Will does not go back to his world because,.,a)life is difficult in his world,b)he wants to learn about this new world,c)it is difficult to see the old world,3.Read the passage again and choose the best answer.,(1).According to Para 1,Will cant think clearly because _.,A.He was very frightened in the dark.,B.He was excited when he saw a cat.,C.He was worn out.,D.He was hesitant to make his decision.,(2).According to the text,we can know that Moxie was _.,A.the cat that vanished,B.a friend of Will,C.a pet tabby of Will,D.a homeless/,stray,cat,3.Read the passage again and choose the best answer.,(3).From the last three paragraphs,we know that_.,Will was fascinated by the new world.,Will was afraid of the new world.,Will worried about the safety of the cat.,Will had a habit of,sleep walking,.,3.Read the passage again and choose the best answer.,(4).Which of the following statements about“The Cat That Vanished”is true?,A.The cat was Wills,beloved,pet cat.,B.I


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