选修七 unit4 reading知识点

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,选修,7 Unit4 Sharing,Reading Language,points,1.hear from.,意为“收到,的信”,相当于,receive a letter from.,。如:,你收到你哥哥的信了吗?,_,每星期我都收到妈妈的信。,_,Have you,heard from,your brother?,I,hear from,my mother every week.,比较,hear from,和,receive,都可表示“收到某人的信”。其区别如下:,hear from,不是指具体接到信件,而是指得到音信、信息;,receive,往往指收到具体的信件。如:,I havent,_,him for a long time.,我好久没得到他的音信了。,I havent,_,any letters,_,him for several months.,我已经好几个月没有收到他的信了。,heard from,received,from,拓展,hear sb./,sth,.out,听完,hear about,sth,.,听到关于某事物的消息,hear of sb./,sth,.,听说或知道某人,/,物的情况,2.I know youre,dying to hear,all about my life here.Ive included some photos which will help you,picture,the places I talk about.,我知道你极想听到我在这儿的生活,我这儿有一些照片,它们会帮你,构思,出我要谈到的这个地方。,be dying for/to do,sth,.,渴望,极想,渴望做某事,Im dying for a piece of cake.,I am dying to know where you are from.,(1),我极想出国,_,I am dying to go abroad,.,(2),他很渴望喝点酒,_,He was dying for a little wine.,“,渴望”的类似说法,1 have a desire for,sth,/,desire to do,sth,.,2 be eager to do/,for,sth,3 be thirty,to do,/for,sth,4 long to do,sth,./for,sth,.,3.up to,多达,be up to,sth,=be busy doing,sth,.,忙于,It is up to,sb,to do,sth,由某人负责做某事,What is up?,怎么了,?,这些淘气的孩子在忙什么呢,?,由我负责完成这项任务,.,(3)-What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the football game?,-_.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.,A.It just depends B.Its up to you,C.All right D.Glad to hear that,B,What are these naughty boys up to?,It is up to me to do this task.,e across,偶然遇见,/,发现,The boys had never,come across,anything like this and started jumping out of the windows.,她在找东西时偶然发现了一些旧信件,She _ in the course of her search.,came across some old letters,Come,的短语,come about,发生,come across,遇见,come along,随同,come off,从,掉落,come on,上演,加油,come out,出来,开花,发芽,出版,come to,来,到,come up,上升,come up with,想出,找出(答案),5.,make a difference,有影响,有作用,有差别,make no/a little/much/some difference,无,/,有一点,/,有很大,/,有一些差别,tell the difference between A and B,说出,的差别,be different from,与,不同,我们应该区分开对错,.,_,(2),对我来说,他 去不去都没关系,.,_,We should make a difference between right and wrong.,It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.,(3)Does it _ any difference whether we leave at 9:00 or at 10:00?,A.tell B.be C.give D.make,6.,Tombers,father,Mukap,led us to his house,a low bamboo hut,with,grass,sticking,out of the roof-,-this shows its a mans house.,Tomber,的父亲,Mukap,领着我们到了他的房子,一间低矮的房顶外长满草的小竹屋,这表明它是一个男人的房子。,(1)stick out,伸出,突出,stick to,sth,坚持,不放弃,(1)She _(,伸出脚,)and tripped him over.,(2),当车开动时不要把头伸出车窗外,.,Dont stick your head out of the window while it is running.,(3)Once a decision has been made,all of us should _ it.,A direct to B stick to,C lead to D refer to,stuck out her foot,B,stick,(,stuck,stuck,),的用法,vt,.,粘贴,,张贴,;,插入,刺入,;,容忍,;,放置,;,阻延或推迟,;(be stuck in,困于,停止不前,动弹不得,),n.,棍棒,;,枝条,;,操纵杆,;,球棍,;,A fish-bonestuckin his throat.,I cantsticksuch people,Dontstickyour head out of the train window.,Theystuckthe notice on the wall.Grandpa still walks without astick.,I bought the child somesticksof candy.,We were stuck in a traffic jam for an,hou,(2)with,的复合结构,(with+,宾语,+,宾补,),1)with+n.+doing(doing,表示,with,后名词发生的动作,此名词为动作的执行者,),He lay there,with,his eyes,looking,at the sky.,2)with+,n,.+done(done,和,with,后面的宾语构成动宾关系,此宾语是动作的承受者。,The thief was brought in,with,his hands,tied,back.,3)with+,n.,+to do,动词不定式表示目的,或将发生,未发生的事。,With,all these mouth,to feed,he didnt know what to do.,With,five minutes,to go,before the last train left,we arrived at the station.,4)with+,n.+prep,.phrase,The teacher came in,with,some textbooks,under,her arm.,5)with+,n.+,adj,When he is eating,he doesnt speak,with,his mouth,full of,food.,考例,Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.,Sorry.With so much work _ my mind,I almost break down.(,福建,2007),A.filledB.filling,C.to fillD.being filled,点拨,so much work,与,fill,之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,要用动词,-,ing,形式或不定式。动词,-,ing,形式表示动作正在进行,动词不定式表示动作尚未发生,根据句子提供的情景,可知此动作正在进行。,B,7.relevant (,adj,)relevantly(adv),“,有关的,有实际价值,(,重要性,),的”,反义词:,irrelevant,be relevant to “,与,有关”,=be connected with,have,sth,to do with,这种工作与性别无关。,The work of this kind is not relevant to sex.,这类课程与当今的社会问题无关,The type of the course is no longer,relevant to todays social problem.,8.adapt,adjust,adapt(oneself)to,“,适应,适合”,你应该适应新环境。,_,adjust “,适应”“调整”、“调节”使之适应,adjust(oneself)to=adapt(oneself)to“,适应”,I must adjust my watch.Its slow.,The seat can be adjusted to different positions.,It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark,You should adapt yourself,to,the new environment.,adapt(oneself,)to,的,to,是介词,后跟名词或动词,-,ing,形式。类似的词组有:,be(get)used to,习惯于,be related to,与,相关,lead to,带领,导致,通向,devote oneself to,献身于,contribute to,为,作贡献,access to,接近,/,进入,(,某地的,),方法,注意,look forward to,盼望,pay attention to,注意,give rise to,引起,be accustomed to,习惯于,be addicted to,沉溺于,stick to,坚持,belong to,属于,refer to,提到,涉及到,查阅,9.privilege,“,殊荣”,能认识你真是荣幸之至。,_,privilege,还表示“特权”、“权利”,have the privilege to do,sth,=have the right to do,sth,“,有特权,(,权利,),干某事”,Only members have the privilege to use the ground.,公民权,/,平等权,_,It was a privilege to know you.,the privilege of 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