Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Mrs.Packletides Tiger,Saki,I.The Author,Saki,Italian Football Coach,Author of the Text,Saki,(,萨基,),pseudonym(,笔名,)of Hector Hugh Munro(,克托,休,芒罗,),British author and journalist,wrote witty,satirical stories about pre-World War I British society.,Major works:,The Short stories of Saki,萨基短篇小说选,、,The Open Window,敞开的窗户,、,Dusk,黄昏,II.Organization of the Text,1.Setting of the story(Paragraphs 1-2),2.Big-game shooting(Paragraphs 3 13),3.Aftermath of the shooting,(Paragraphs 14 25),III.Analysis of the Text,Main Characters:,Mrs.Packletide,、,Loona Bimberton,、,Miss Mebbin,、,villages,Main ideas:,Loona Bimberton has recently traveled in a new-fangled airplane,piloted by an Algerian aviator,she has become the toast of British-occupied India.,Mrs.Packletide,her greatest rival,cannot stand this.So she decides to shoot a tiger.Fortunately,she has enough money to accomplish almost anything she wishes,and she offers a reward of a thousand rupees(,卢比,)to anyone,who can assist her in reaching her goal.,As it happens,a very elderly tiger,who is no longer able to chase down antelopes(,羚羊,)for supper,has taken to preying on the villages domesticated animals,and the villagers would like to get rid of him as much as Mrs.Packletide would like to bag him.,Armed with a rifle,Mrs.Packletide,accompanied by her paid companion Miss Mebbin,waits through the night for the tiger to appear.At last the tiger is temped to come by the hanging goat on the tree.So Mrs.Packletide fires,and the tiger falls.,When the smoke clears,however,it is apparent that it was the goat that Mrs.Packletide shot;the tiger has died of a heart attack.The villagers will not give away Mrs.Packletides secret,for they are a thousand rupees richer.Mrs.Packletide assumes she can trust Louisa for the same reason.,But Louisa,who seems to felt herself underpaid and underappreciated for some time,informs Mrs.Packletide that shell require a little extra funding to insure that the story doesnt happen to leak out.Specifically,what Louisa needs is the money to buy a small cottage near Dorking.People are very surprised when Louisa,a humble paid companion,suddenly becomes a homeowner;but they are even more surprised when Mrs.Packletide gives up her newfound hobby,big-game hunting.The incidencial expenses are so heavy,she tells those who ask the reason.,After Reading,1.What made Mrs.Packletide so desirous of killing a tiger?What weakness of her character is Saki satirizing?,To counter Loona Bimbertons feat of being carried eleven miles in an aeroplane.,Vanity,After Reading,2.What did Mrs.Packletide gain from the shooting of the tiger?How did she pay for her gains?,Satisfaction of her vanity.Eclipse of Lona Bimberton.,A thousand rupees to get the tiger,and a hold for Miss Mebbin to blackmail her.,After Reading,3.Is Mrs.Packletide the sole target of Sakis satire?If not,who(what)else does he satirize?,No.Louisa Mebbin was satirized for her greed for money,and so are the villagers.Loona Bimbertons narrow-mindedness was also satirized.,IV.Key Points of the Text,Paragraph 1,foreground:,the most important or noticeable position,最突出的(或令人瞩目的)地位;,(,景物、图画、风景画等的,),前景,E.g.:keep oneself in the,foreground,使自己处于最突出的地位,Make sure your foreground color is white and your background color is black.,Paragraph 2,It(so)happened that:,It happened in such a way that,碰巧,恰巧,E.g.:,It so happened that,I saw him yesterday.,昨天我碰巧看见他。,Paragraph 2,be in the habit of:,be accustomed to,I would really rather not sit down before those who must,be in the habit of,hearing the very best performers.,quarters:,lodgings,especially for soldiers,住处;(尤指)营房,E.g.:find,quarters,at a hotel,在旅馆里找到住处,Paragraph 2,Post,:,assign to a task;put into a post,指派;分配,E.g.:After several years in London,,,he was,posted,to the embassy in Moscow.,Paragraph 9,cut short:,stop suddenly before the end,中断,打断,E.g.:The match was,cut short,by the rain.,比赛因雨中止。,cut,ones leave,short,中止休假,Paragraph 12,report:,(formal)the noise of an explosion or shot,爆炸声,;,劈啪声,E.g.:,report,s,of gun shells,炮弹爆炸声,rifle,report,s,步枪声,Paragraph 13,repress:,hold back,suppress,抑制,压制;约束,E.g.:,repress,a sneeze(sigh),强抑着不打喷嚏(不叹气),repress,ones anger,制怒,repress,a child,约束孩子,I could not,repress,a shiver whenever I thought about what had happened to him.,每想到他的遭遇,我总是情不自禁地打个寒战。,Paragraph 20,I should like/think:,I want(,表示委婉、谦逊,),我倒是想;我可是想,E.g.:,I should like,a bath.,我想洗个澡。,I should like,to know why.,我倒想知道个中原委。,Youd better ask her yourself,I should think,.,我倒是想你最好自己去问问她。,gay:,bright or attractive,so that one feels happy to see it,hear it,etc.,明亮的,生气勃勃的,E.g.:a,gay,sunny meadow,生机盎然、充满阳光的草地,The fields were,gay,with flowers.,田野长满了生机盎然的鲜花。,Paragraph 21,Paragraph 24,incidental:,miscellaneous,附带的,杂的;伴随的,E.g.:an,incidental,remark,附带的话,incidental advertisements,附在书首(或书末)的广告,incidental,expenses,杂费,Paraphrase,1.only a personally procured tiger-skin and a heavy harvest of Press photographs could successfully counter that sort of thing.,Only to obtain tiger-skin by


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