Unit 4 Migratory Birds and Coffee

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Extensive reading,Unit 4 Book 1,Migratory Birds and Coffee,Learning objectives,In this unit you will:,understand the relationship between migratory birds and coffee planting,take a test on fast reading,learn to determine the topic of a reading passage,learn some interesting facts about insects,Unit overview,Pre-reading discussion,Text analysis,Post-reading discussion,Notes to the text,Exercises,Reading skills,Pre-reading discussion,What do you think is the relationship between migratory birds and coffee according to the title?,How much do you know about the ecology and ecosystem?,What are the advantages of traditional coffee plantations?,Text analysis,Determining the main idea,The purpose of the text is to show _.,how modern coffee cultivation supports migratory birds,why migratory birds like shade coffee plantations,ways coffee plantations are undergoing changes,the importance of conserving of migratory birds,While-reading questions,How many parts can the text be divided into? Whats the main idea of each part?,What is the relationship between migratory birds and shade grown coffee?,What are the advantages of shade coffee cultivation?,Why do people begin to adopt sun coffee production?,What are the consequences of sun coffee production?,How can migratory birds and coffee plantation be balanced?,Text structure,Parts,Contents,Main ideas,1,113,Migratory birds and traditional coffee plantation are closely related,.,2,1417,Productive sun coffee cultivation problems,3,18,Advocates for a more bird-friendly coffee plantation,Part 1 Relationship between migratory birds and coffee,What is the relationship between migratory birds and shade grown coffee?,What are the different ways of coffee cultivation,?,What are the advantages of shade coffee cultivation?,Part 1 Relationship between migratory birds and coffee,What is the relationship between migratory birds and shade grown coffee?,They are closely related to each other. Migratory birds have found a good sanctuary in the shade coffee plantation.,Part 1 Relationship between migratory birds and coffee,What are the different ways of coffee cultivation?,Shade coffee plantation,Sun coffee cultivation,Part 1 Relationship between migratory birds and coffee,What are the advantages of shade coffee cultivation?,Migrants habitat,Shade trees: commodities,Part 2 Sun coffee cultivation,Why do people to adopt sun coffee production?,What are the consequences of sun coffee production?,What are the environmental and social consequences?,Part 2 Sun coffee cultivation,Why do people begin to adopt sun coffee production?,The manner of sun coffee cultivation produces increased yields.,Part 2 Sun coffee cultivation,What are the consequences of sun coffee production?,It has resulted in major habitat change for the migratory birds in the past two decades.,It requires chemical inputs and year-round labor, playing financial demands and need for credits on the growers.,It brings about serious environmental and social consequences.,Part 2 Sun coffee cultivation,What are the environmental and social consequences?,Great soil erosion,Acidification,Higher amount of toxic run-off,A loss of trees,Part 3 Advocates for a more bird-friendly coffee plantation,How can migratory birds and coffee plantation be balanced?,The maintenance of migratory birds relies not only on the conservation habitats but also the quality of human- managed habitats.,Notes to the text,Some migratory birds mentioned in the text,redstarts,红尾鸟,Some migratory birds mentioned in the text,black-throated green warbler,黑喉绿莺,Some migratory birds mentioned in the text,parrots,鹦鹉,Some migratory birds mentioned in the text,wood creepers,砍林鸟,The main coffee countries,Mexico,墨西哥,Costa Rica,哥斯达黎加,Colombia,哥伦比亚,The Caribbean,加勒比地区,insecticide Para. 2, Line 13,countable,a chemical used to kill insects,杀虫剂,e.g.,About 70% of,the,cocoa acreage is treated withinsecticide.,insecti,cide,(,杀虫剂,) = insect (,昆虫,) +,cide (,杀死,),herbi,cide,(,除草剂,) = herb (,草,) +,cide (,破坏,),fungi,cide,(,杀真菌剂,) = fungi (,真菌,) +,cide (,杀死,),shade coffee Para. 2, Line 9,Shade coffee, also known as “shade-grown coffee”, is a form of the beverage produced fromcoffee plantsgrown under acanopy of trees.,荫栽咖啡,sun coffee Para. 3, Line 14,Opposite to shade-grown coffee, sun,coffee bushes are exposed to direct sunlight and require high inputs of chemical fertilizers and pesticides as well as an intensive yearly work force.,无荫栽咖啡,be compatible with Para. 5, Line 35,able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination,兼容的,可以并存的,e.g.,Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions,.,rival Para. 10, Line 60,transitive,be equal to in quality or ability,相媲美,e.g.,Many predict 1991 will rival the great vintage of 1965.,TheOld World Para. 12, Line 66,TheOld Worldconsists ofAfrica, Europe and Asia, regarded collectively as the part of theworld known to Europeans before contact with theAmericans.It is used in the context of, and contrast with, thenew world (Americas).,Map of the Old World,sound Para. 16, Line 90,adjective,in good condition,健全的,e.g.,When we bought the house, it was structurally sound.,make ends meet Para. 17, Line 101,idiom,to have enough money to cover expenses; to get by financially,维持生计,e.g.,I have scarcely enough money to make ends meet atthemoment,letalonelend youany.,ponder Para. 11, Line 2,transitive,reflect deeply on a subject,深思;反复思考,e.g.,Philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years.,Post-reading discussion,How do shade coffee plantations help maintain a good environment for migratory birds?,What are the potential dangers of modern coffee planting?,The text ends with a question. What is your answer?,Reading skills,Understanding the topic,A topic,is the subject (who or what) the reading passage is about. It is usually discussed as a whole within a passage. Based on the topic the author expresses his idea. It can be the bigger one or a smaller one. As a big one it can cover the whole literature work, as a novel, an essay, a play, a film, etc. As a smaller one it covers only one part or paragraph of a literature work.,I,dentifying the topic,Just as previewing helps you to understand the important ideas in a book, a unit or a chapter, identifying the,topic,of what you are reading helps you to focus on the general subject of a reading.,Finding the topic,Topics,are expressed in words or phrases. A title of a reading passage may be a topic. An issue that is discussed may be a topic. To find the topic of a piece of writing, you ask “what or whom is this passage about?”,The answer will be the topic.,Example,Read the following paragraph to see how the topic reflects the general subject of the sentences in a paragraph and how it can be stated in a few words.,What can you hope to gain from a hobby? If you have ever had a hobby you enjoyed, you know the interest and pleasure it can give you,But hobbies have other advantages, too,,,that you might not think of at first,A hobby can give you the satisfaction of starting and carrying through a plan all on your own,Seeing a completed piece of your own work-a chair you have made or a scarf you have knitted gives you a special feeling of pride,You will discover too that when you have an absorbing hobby, you are able to spend time alone quite happily,Example,What do you think is the general subject of this paragraph?,The first sentence in it raises a question and the rest of the paragraph tries to answer the question by giving a list of advantages of hobbies. Part of the first sentence can serve as the topic of the paragraph: What to gain from a hobby. Or we can use fewer words to illustrate the topic, such as “,advantages of hobbies,.”,Practice A,1,.,Running is one of the best exercises of all,.,Next time you have to go to the store for a loaf of bread, try running instead of walking,.,You will be building up your leg muscles and giving your heart and lungs a good workout,.,Topic:,advandages of running,Practice A,2,.,There are many ways to invest your hard,-,earned savings cautiously,.,In fact,there are so many ways that it all becomes a little confusing,.,One way through the confusion,which financial advisers recommend,is to know what you want to achieve,know how much risk you are prepared to take and go from there,.,But which way? Two common answers to this question are investment funds and investment,-,led insurance for the long term,.,Topic:,ways to invest your hard,-,earned savings,Practice A,3,.,A relationship is an invisible link that brings people closer,.,Cooperation and trust strengthen a good relationship,and help both sides grow and prosper,.,Topic:,a,relationship is an invisible link,Practice A,4,.,The most important breakthroughs are coming in cancer, heart disease,brain afflictions such as stroke,and autoimmune diseases such as Type I (juvenile) diabetes,multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis,.,Here are some treatments that could reach patients within five to ten years,.,Topic:,breakthroughs,Practice B,Read the following paragraphs from Migratory Birds and,C,offee,.,Determine the topic of each by reading the entire paragraph carefully,.,Write the topic on the line,.,Practice B,In both North and Latin America,migratory birds have found a sanctuary in the forest-like environment of traditional coffee plantations,. ,Even in very disturbed areas,coffee plantations support good populations of migrants and other species that prefer or are restricted to forest habitats,such as redstarts and black,-,throated green warblers,and residents including parrots and woodcreepers,.,Topic,:,a sanctuary for migratory birds,Practice B,2.,However, because of recent changes in coffee production and marketing,shade coffee plantations are a threatened habitat,.,In the past twenty years,coffee has begun to be grown with no shade canopy at 11,.,While this manner of cultivation produces increased yields,these cannot be kept for many years without intensive management (additions of chemical fertilizers and a range of insecticides,herbicides and fungicides),.,Topic,:,Shade coffee plantations,a threatened habitat,Practice B,3. While technified coffee may mean benefits to producers in terms of total crop output a condition which may not hold true over the long run,and already proven false in some areas where sun coffee is being grown,In addition,conversion to sun coffee results in a loss of trees,which both provide,“,insurance,”,crops to the grower (e,.,g,.,fuel wood,timber, and other fruit trees planted in the canopy),and help maintain local and micro,-,climatic conditions,.,Topic,:,potential,serious environmental and social consequences,Practice B,4,.,Increasingly,the relationship between sound agriculture,the long-term health of rural farmers,and maintenance of biological diversity is more obvious,. ,Traditional coffee farming reduces the farmers dependence on expensive chemical applications,safeguarding growers and their families from the possible harmful effects of contact with pesticides,.,Topic,:,the relationshi,p,Practice B,5.,The conservation of migratory birds depends on conservation of habitats, but parks and reserves alone will not provide adequate space for protection Ponder this over your next cup of coffee: would you be willing to pay more for coffee if you knew the extra money would be used for extension services and affordable credit for coffee farmers to survive and grow coffee in a more bird-friendly manner?,Topic,:,t,he conservation of migratory birds,Exercises,Text,A. c,B. 15 b d c d c610 b d b d c,C. 15 a a b d a69 d b d c,Fast reading,15 c c d a b 610 b d b c a,1115 c a c c b,Home reading,15 d b b c c 610 b a b d c,


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