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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading,九年级人教新目标,Unit 1,How do,you study,for a test?,How do we deal with our problem?,Have you recently had any problems?,Have you solved it successfully,?,Problems at School:,Problems at Home:,Word Study on P8,deal,unless,unfair,affect,solve,challenge,regard,smart,duty,instead,deal,unless,unfair,affect,v.,conj.,adj.,v.,处理,对付;对待,如果不,除非,不公平的;不公正的,影响;对,发生作用,不正当的,使,感动,使,震动,经营;交易,regard,v.,把,看作,把,认为,尊敬,,尊重,solve,challenge,v.,n.,解决;解释;阐明,挑战,解,解答(数学题),邀请比赛,smart,duty,instead,adj.,n.,adv.,漂亮的;时髦的;潇洒的,责任;义务;本分,作为替代,伶俐的,机警的;精明的,职责;职务,反而,却,How do we,deal,with our problems?,我们怎样解决我们的问题呢?,unless,we deal with our problems,we can easily become unhappy.,如果我们不解决问题,就很容易不快乐。,Make sentences with these new words.,deal,unless,you felt they were,unfair,.,你感觉他们不公平。,When we are angry,however we are usually the ones,affected,.,我们生气时,自己却通常是受害者。,unfair,affect,we can,solve,a problem by learning to forget.,我们可以通过学会忘记来解决问题。,We must learn how to change these“problems”into“,challenge,s”.,我们必须学会如何将这些“问题”转换成“挑战”。,solve,challenge,Stephen Hawking,who,regard,s his many physical problems as unimportant.,史蒂芬,霍金认为他身体上许多问题不重要。,We are,quite,healthy and,smart,.,我们非常健康、聪明。,regard,smart,Lets not worry about our,problems,but,face,the challenges,instead,.,我们不要为问题焦虑,而是要面对挑战。,As young adults,it is our,duty,to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.,作为青年人,在老师的帮助下尽力去应对学习上的每一个挑战是我们的义务。,instead,duty,Find,out useful phrases,&expressions,deal,with,worry,about,sth,.,behave,with,sb,.,be,angry with,sb,.,go,by decide,to do,sth,.,last,for long,complain,about,change,into,try,best to do,sth,.,with,the help of,regard,as,2)What,happens to children when,they,have,disagreements?,1)What,may happen when people,are,angry,with others for long?,Good friendships may be lost.,They decide not to talk to each other.But this usually does not last for long.,2 Read and answer.,3)What,must we learn at school?Why?,We must learn how to change these“problems”into“challenges”.,Because education is an important part of our development.,4),Whats our duty as young adults?,As young adults,it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.,5),Who is Stephen Hawking?,He is a very clever scientist.,6),What should we do after,comparing,ourselves to Stephen Hawking?,We should face the challenges instead of worrying about our problems.,by talking to people about them,by thinking your problem is not big,by breaking off a friendship,by trying to forget about them,by seeing a psychologist,by thinking of a problem in a positive way,Check the ways of dealing with problems that are mentioned.,True or False,()Worrying,about our problem can,hardly,affect,how we do at,school.,()When,we are angry,however,we,are,scarcely the ones,affected.,()It,is our duty to deal with each,challenge,in our education with the help of,our,teachers.,()Stephen,Hawking regards his many,physical,problems as important.,T,F,F,F,将给出的选项填入所缺的空格。,A:Hi,what are you doing?B:_.,A:How do you study for a test?B:_.,A:Hi,where are you going?B:_.,A:How will you go there?B:_.,A:Do you always go shopping by bike?B:_.,A.Im going shopping.,B.No,sometimes on foot or by bus.,C.Im reviewing the English for a test.,D.By bike.,E.I study English by reading aloud.,C,E,A,D,B,How do you deal with those problems?,Crash,Lost in the forest,Your home is on fire,Two of your friends,quarrel,with,each other.,Homework,Think of any problems you have dealt with successfully.,W,rite,down w,ha,t is the problem and how you dealt with it.,Thank you,!,


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