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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,詹俊峰 制作,Unit 24-27 The Use of English Intonation(II),Unit 24 Emphatic Intonation 强调句的音调(P.132-),Please read the following sentences aloud:,They,flew to,London.,They,flew to,Lon,don.,They,flew,to,London.,They,flew,to,London.,They,flew to,London.,Note:,the stressed syllable of the important word(=key word,or content word),the falling tune,the stressed syllable that carries the falling tune,Some concepts:,Intonation unit 音调单位:it usually corresponds to a sense group(or word group).(e.g.Oh,/do you know one -Great!Lets go.),Elements in an intonation unit,The pre-head 调冠:any unstressed syllable or syllables that may precede the head-or the nucleus,if there is no head,The head 调头:the part of an intonation unit that extends from the first stressed syllable up to the nucleus,The nucleus调核:the stressed syllable of the last content word in an intonation unit,The tail 调尾:any syllable or syllables that may follow the nucleus,We are LEARNing a FOReign LANGuage.,P H N T,P=Pre-head H=Head N=Nucleus T=Tail,Therefore,the nucleus 调核 is normally the stressed syllable of the last content word in a sentence,such as“LANG in the above-mentioned sentence.调核通常是句子中最后一个关键词实词的重读音节。,The nucleus is the syllable that carries the tune pattern of the sentence,i.e.the fall,the rise or the fall-rise.调核是产生升降调的地方。,But in order to emphasize a word,we can shift the nucleus to the stressed syllable of the word we want to emphasize.调核可以根据强调信息的需要发生移位。,They,flew to,London,.(,simple statement.The nucleus is on the last stressed syllable of the intonation unit,which is the normal way of the sentence spoken in English,.),They,flew to,Lon,don.,(,if we want to emphasize the word that contains the normal nucleus,the pitch range may be increased so that the fall or rise has a wider range than normal.They flew to,London,not Beijing.),They,flew,to,London,.(,The nucleus is on the preposition:,to,which is usually unstressed.The speaker wants to highlight the direction:They flew,to,London,not,from,London,.),They,flew,to,London,.(,The nucleus is on the verb:,flew,.The speaker wants to highlight how they travelled:They,flew,to London,not drove,to London,.),They,flew to,London,.(,The nucleus is on the personal pronoun:,they,which is usually unstressed.The speaker wants to highlight,who,did this:,They,not,you,or,we,flew to London.,),Examples and exercises:p.133-135.,Emphatic Intonation,Unit 25 The Intonation of Reporting Phrases 报导语的音调(p.136-),The definition of reporting phrases:phrases such as“he asked and“said the other.,1.Reporting phrases+quoted speech rising or level tune.(e.g.She was%calling,“Have you finished )(He said,“I like you.),2.Quoted speech+Reporting phrases,Quoted speech(if with a falling tune)reporting phrases(remains on a low level)(e.g.“You cant come,he%said%angrily.)(“I love you,he said.),Quoted speech(if with a falling-rising tune or rising tune)reporting phrases(rising tune)(e.g.“Are you in a hurry she asked.)(“Do you love me he asked),More examples and exercises:P.136-139,Unit 26 The Intonation of Enumerations and Vocatives 列举事物(点数)与呼语的音调(p.141-),Enumeration,:listing or counting things.items in a series often have,a rising or level intonation,and the last item has,a falling tone.,(e.g.,One,two,three,four,five.)or(,One,two,three,four,five.),Vocative,:a word or a noun phrase used when addressing someone.,1.If the name begins the utterance,the rising tune,is more friendly and polite,(e.g.,John,be,quick.),but,the falling tune,is serious and emphasizing something important,(e.g.,John,be,quick.),.,A level intonation,is also sometimes heard,(e.g.,John,be,quick.),.,2.If the name comes at the end of the utterance often,unstressed.,(e.g.,Someones at the,door,%,Carol.),3.Sometimes the vocative is on,a rising tune,after a fall.,(e.g.Good,after,noon,everybody.),More examples and exercises:P.142-145,Unit 27 The Intonation of Exclamations,Apologies,Greetings and Leave-takings 惊叹,抱歉,见面和辞别的句子语调 p.146-,Exclamations,falling tune,.,(e.g.Good,heavens!),Something not very exciting,rising tune,.,(e.g.,Thank you.),Apologies,more polite to use falling-rising tune,.(e.g.,Sorry.),Greetings,rising or falling tune,.,(e.g.Good,morning.)or(Good,morning.),Saying goodbye,rising tune,.(e.g.Good,bye.),More examples and exercises:P.146-150.,Summary:The use of English intonation,The falling tone,-indicating definiteness and completeness.,Types of sentences:,Complete and definite statements(e.g.The play was very interesting.),WH questions(or special questions,sounding businesslike)(e.g.Why are you so late),Imperative sentences(strong commands)(e.g.Dont be a stupid idiot!),Exclamations(e.g.Good heavens!),Examples and Exercises,WH-questions(or special questions),-What would you like,-Id like a chicken-salad sandwich.,-What will you have,-Ill have a hotdog and a coke.,-Where are you going,-To the lab.,-What time is it,-Its a quarter past four.,-Wheres your lab book,-I lost it.,-Where did you leave it,-I dont re member.,The rising tune,-indica


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