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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Reading I,8,上,Unit 6,A country music song changed her life forever.,How do you feel while listening?,What is it about?,What kind of music is it?,How much have you known about it?,Predict,预测,What is the passage about?,Sarahs life in the past,country music,Sarahs life now,changed her,?,is she from?,did she feel about family when in England?,did she go five years ago?,was Sarah?,What,Where,was the relationship with family in the past?,How,Where,How,a teenager,America,used to fight over.with.,England for studying,actually missed all of them.,Paragraph 1,W,hat,a song,country music,many songs these days,What,kind of music is it?,Where,is it from,?,What,is it about?,What,does it remind us of,?,Paragraph 2,modern life,traditional,Nashville,Tennessee,belonging to.,brings.back to.,the best things in life are free,the importance of money and success,.,differences,What other kinds of music do you know?,Rap,Jazz,Rock,electronic music,folk music,classic music,Country music is rooted(,起源于,)in the,1920s,from,British folk,(英国民谣,).It is a,blend,(融合,)of pop,rock,jazz,rap and so on.The rhythm(,旋律,)of country music is often very smooth,(平和),and beautiful.,It was loved by most teenages in,the,1970s,around the world.,The American,workers,(,美国工人阶级),like it best.,The history of country music,Tennessee,田纳西州,Nashville,纳什维尔,What,are the best things in life?,How,was the relationship between people,?,laughter,friends,family,and the beauty,of nature and the countryside,.,People were kind to each other and trusted,one another.,Good old days,.,Paragraph 3,dream,Country Music Hall of Fame,Museum,名人,堂博物馆,see Garth,Brooks,sing live,concerts with musicians and singers,1.enjoy his song,2.a successful musician with 120 million records,go to Nashville,What are her dreams?,why?,What changes has country music brought to Sarah?,Thinking,1.Her attitude,态度,and feelings about her family,2.Her experience.She has become a fan,done much research it and known more about country music.,Groupwork share your story,A piece of song changed Sarahs life.Maybe there are many others things that have changed your life,such as a touching movie,a good writer,a charming singer.Share your story to others.“What changed your life forever?”,Tips:In your group,one student,shares,and the other three listens carefully and at last choose the most touching story to show us,Time,:5,minutes.,In our life,some things touch your heart,and some people give you a good example.Maybe that can change you.But I hope it can not only change your behavir(,行为,)but also your heart.that is the most important.So if you are touched by something,take some actions and keep doing them.Only in that way can you make a real change.,_changed me forever,homework,


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