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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Id like some noodles.,Section A 1a2c,Unit 8,Section,A,学会定餐或叫外卖,学习目标,noodle,面条(,常用复数,),New words,点击查看,动画词汇,beef,牛肉,New words,mutton,羊肉,New words,cabbage,洋白菜;卷心菜,New words,点击查看,动画词汇,New words,potato,意为“土豆;马铃薯”,是可数名词。同学们要特别注意它的复数形式为,potatoes,,而不是,potatos,。上学期我们曾学过类似的一个词,tomato,它的复数形式也是在词尾加,-es,。,special,特色菜,New words,点击查看,动画词汇,large,大的;宽广的,New words,点击查看,动画词汇,size,大小;尺寸,New words,1a,Match the words with the foods.,noodles_,beef _,mutton_,chicken_,cabbage_,potatoes_,tomatoes_,c,a,g,d,e,f,b,1b,Listen. Check the noodles that the person orders.,noodles_,beef _,mutton_,chicken_,cabbage_,potatoes_,tomatoes_,c,a,g,d,e,f,b,1b,Tapescript,Girl: Hello,Id,like some noodles.,Waiter: What kind of noodles,would,you like?,Girl: Beef and tomato noodles, please.,注:,would,是,will,的过去式,意为“将(要)”。,would,前有人称代词时常简写为 ,d,。如:,Id = I would, shed = she would,。,would,和,like,连用并不表示动作发生在过去,而是用于礼貌地说明某人想做某事或希望做某事,后接名词或动词不定式,意为“想要;希望”。如:,I would like some beef noodles.,我想要些牛肉面条。,She is hungry. Shed like to eat some rice.,她饿了,想吃些米饭。,Explanation,Hello,Id,like some noodles.,What kind of noodles would you like?,What kind(s) of .?,意为,“,什么种类的,?,”,,用来询问事物的类别。如:,What kind of clothes do you like?,你喜欢什么样式的衣服?,Explanation,Beef and tomato noodles, please.,当一个名词充当定语修饰另一个名词时,起修饰作用的名词通常用其单数形式。如句中的,beef and tomato noodles,。但,man,和,woman,例外,它们作定语修饰另一个名词时应随被修饰名词的单复数形式而作相应的变化。如:,two women teachers,两名女教师。,Explanation,Listen and Repeat,What would you like for lunch?, Id like some tomatoes and mutton.,What about you?, Cabbage and beef.,A: What kind of,animals,would you like,?,B:,Id like,Practice,A: What kind of,food,would you like,?,noodle,s,dumpling,s,rice,hamburger,s,B,:,Id like,some,Practice,A: What kind of,vegetables,would you like,?,potato,es,broccoli,carrot,s,tomato,es,onion,s,cabbage,s,B:,Id like,some ,Practice,A: What kind of,would you like,?,beef,mutton,chicken,fish,B:,Id like,some ,meat,Practice,What kind of noodles,would,he,like,?,Hed like,tomato noodles.,beef and tomato noodles.,chicken and cabbage noodles.,mutton and potato noodles.,2a,Listen and check the names of the foods you hear below.,1._ noodles,2._ beef,3._ mutton,4._ chicken,5._ tomatoes,6._ cabbage,7._ potatoes,2b,Listen again and fill in the blanks below.,Id like a _ bowl of noodles.,Id like_,_,and _ noodles, please.,Id like a _ bowl.,Id like_ and _,noodles, please.,large,chicken,potato,cabbage,medium,beef,tomato,2a,2b,Tapescript,Waiter:,What size bowl of,noodles would you,like?,Boy: Id like a large bowl of noodles.,Waiter: And,what kind of noodles,would you,like?,Boy: Id like chicken, potato and cabbage,noodles.,Waiter: And how about you?,Girl: Id like a medium bowl.,Waiter: What kind would you like?,Girl: Id like beef and tomato noodles, please.,Explanation,What size,常用来询问产品的规格大小。如:,I wear size nine shoes.,我穿九号的鞋。,a bowl of .,表示“一碗”,后面可直接接名词,其相应的复数形式为,. bowls of,。,small, medium, large,指物体的规格型号,可分,别缩写为,S, M, L,,意为“小号、中号、大号”。,What size bowl of noodles,would he like?,Hed like a small / medium /,large bowl of noodles.,small,medium,large,a bowl of noodles,a bowl of noodles,a bowl of noodles,What size bowl of noodles,would you like?,small,medium,large,A: What,size bowl of noodles,would you like?,B: Id like,large,.,Pairwork,Homework,1. Revise the vocabulary words.,2. Write a passage about the favorite noodles in your family.,


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