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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 M 2,重点单词,补充词组,复习定语从句,when which that,1.Ill never forget the time _ we worked on the farm.,2.Do you remember the afternoon _ we,first met three years ago?,3.Ill never forget the time _,we spent together.,4.Ill never forget the day _ we visited the village.,5.It was in that afternoon _ we first met.,when,during which,when,in which,(which/that),that,when,where which that,1.,I went to the factory_ I visited ten years ago.,2.I went to the factory _ I visited its equipment.,3.There is a shop at the corner of the,street _ is full of different goods.,4.It was in the shop _ is full of different goods _ I bought my computer.,5.I went to the factory _ I worked in,ten years ago.,which/that,where,that/which,which,that,which/that,where/in which I worked ten years ago,6,.The visitor asked the guide to take his picture _ stands the famous tower.,at the place where the famous tower stands,7.Make a mark _ you have a question.,where,where,8.The teacher praised the student _,English is the best in our class.,9.The house _ window is broken is mine.,whose,whose,the window of which,of which the window,1.赢得金牌,2.每四年,每两年,3.定期地,常客,一份稳定的工作,4.达到既定标准,5.与某人比赛,6.扮演重要角色,1.win a gold medal,2.every four years,every fourth year,every two years,every other/second year,3.on a regular basis,regular customers,a regular/steady job,4.reach the agreed standards for,pete with/against,6.play an important role,in,8.主办奥运会,9.做某事是很大,的责任,对负责,10.奖金,11.与某人赛跑,12.练习跑步,13.承认做某事,被录取/接受,14.应得到赞扬,应受到惩罚,8.host the Olympic Games,9.it is a great responsibility to do sth,take(on)responsibility for,be responsible for,10.prize money,11.run against sb,12.practice running,13.admit doing sth,be admitted to/into,14.deserve praise/punishment,1.他承认自己犯了错误。,He admitted,making,a mistake.,having made,a mistake.,that,he,had made,a mistake.,2.努力学习,你会考上重点大学的。,Work hard,and,you will be admitted to a key university.(祈使句),Working hard,you will be admitted to a key university.(现在分词),If,you work hard,you will be admitted to a key university.(条件句),3.在未来老师会被机器人代替吗?,Will robots,replace,teachers in the future?,Will robots,take the place of,teachers in the future?,Will teachers,be replaced by/with,robots in the future?,4.他被控告杀人。,He,was charged with,murder.,was accused of,5.在一间房住一晚他们想要我付200元。,They tried to,charge me$200 for,a room for a night.,1.as well :too 也;还,as well as:in addition to;除了.还,not only but also,1)He sent me a letter and some money _.,2)She sells books _ news-papers.,3)His wife,as well as,his children _(be)invited to the party.,4)He likes playing football,as well as,_(play)basketball.,as well,as well as,was,playing,2.take part in,join in,join sb in sth,attend =be present at 出席(会议、演讲),2)Every country has the chance to,_ the Olympic Games.,3)Would you like to _ us.,4)Who will _ the meeting tomorrow?,5)Ill go to _ the lecture.,take part in/join in,join,attend,attend,3.house vt.给提供住所,All the athletes are housed in the Olympic village.,4.run against sb,(1)与赛跑,fight/compete/play/against,I,m,against,the plan.,(2)反对,stand against,the wall,(3)倚靠着,He fell down and hit his head,against,the door.,(4)对着;逆,The red balloons stood out,against the sky,.,(5)在天空衬托下十分显眼。,5.run the race=take part in the race,1)参加(赛跑),The race will be run at three oclock.,2)使(比赛)开始,6.sb sth.,promise to do sth,sb to do sth,(sb)that.,She,promised,to help him.,I promised her a new bike.,I promised her to buy her a gift.,I promised that I would buy her a gift.,promise(n.),make a promise,carry out/keep a promise,break a promise,Dictation,1.志愿者;志愿的,2.古代的;古老的,3.运动员,4.格言,警句,5.物理的;身体的,6.罚款,7.魔术的;有魔力的,8.规则的;定期的,9.比赛;竞争 v.,10.如今,现在 adv.,11.代表;象征,12.承认做了某事,13.对负责,14.主管,负责,15.和某人讲条件,16.陆续地;一个接一个,17.值得表扬,18.替换,取代,19.参加;参与,20.达到既定标准,Dictation,1.volunteer,2.ancient,3.athlete,4.motto,5.physical,6.fine,7.magical,8.regular,pete,10.nowadays,11.Stand for,12.admit doing,13.Be responsible for,14.In charge(of),15.bargain with,16.One after another,17.deserve praise/to be praised,18.take the place of,19.take part in,20.reach the agreed standards,Homework,听写unit 2 单词 词组,完成三维设计unit2,


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