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student,I considered it easy to be a college student.At that time,I was eager to be a college student.I imagined the interesting life of a college student.But now I think it is difficult to be a student in college.,writing,7,writing,Before I entered college,I considered it easy to be a college student.At that time,I was eager to be one of them.I imagined the interesting life in the ivory tower/on the university campus/the interesting university life.But now I think it is difficult to be a student in college.,8,抽象名词的使用,1)a.Watching too much TV will affect your studies.,b.Heavy exposure to TV will interfere with ones studies.,writing,9,writing,2)a.Although I anticipate for months,nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day.,b.Despite months of anticipation,nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day.,10,3)Devotion to that land has been the source of conflict in the last decade.,4)He failed to complete the course.,This spoilt his chances of promotion.,His failure to complete the course spoilt his chances of promotion.,writing,11,writing,5)He criticized the plan repeatedly.,This irritated/annoyed everyone.,6)If you carefully compare the two teaching methods,you will find the former is superior.,Careful comparison of the two teaching methods will show the superiority of the former.,12,writing,7)When there is a slight improvement in their childrens studies,parents will feel happy.,13,writing,同位语特殊结构:,同位语的位置,1)N词组,主语.(名词词组指代主语,如例3),2)主语,N词组,谓语(名词词组指代主语,如例4),3).N,N词组(名词词组指代逗号前离它最近的名词,如例2),4).,N词组(名词词组指代逗号前整个句子,如例1),14,writing,同位语的形式:,1)N词组N+doing/done/adj.词组/to do,2)N词组N+定语从句,15,writing,1)a.Soon I would be on my own,making my own decisions,doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder and it meant going to school with boys,which is a welcome change coming from all-girl high school.,b.Soon I would be on my own,making my own decisions,doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder and it meant going to school with boys-a welcome change coming from all girl high school.,16,writing,2)a.I dont expect you simply to agree and do nothing more.I expect you add something that may be a reason for agreeing,another example,or a remark to carry the idea further.,b.I dont expect you simply to agree and do nothing more.I expect you add something-a reason for agreeing,another example,or a remark to carry the idea further.,17,writing,3)A man of humble origin,Lincoln achieved success through his own efforts.,4)Pamela Doviak,an expert in the highly classified field of silencing nuclear submarines,has listed a series of discrimination complaints against the Navy because she is not permitted to go on sea trials to see her efforts at work.,18,writing,5)The first great idea is electronics,the technology that enables a cooperative global exchange of information,lectures and courses.,6)The same criteria should apply to alcoholism,a disease that is the third leading cause of preventable death in this country.,19,writing,小试牛刀,1.There they were greeted by a woman called Zenobia.,She was a beautiful woman of wealth and position.,2.Photosynthesis is an extremely important process.,It is the ultimate source of food for almost all organisms on the earth.,20,writing,3.Even a brief visit to Greece gives you a profound sense of the roots of our civilization.,Greece is a modern gateway to the glory of the past.,4.She is an excellent,all-round student with a congenial personality.,She is a promising candidate for WOW.,WOW is an international scholarship program for outstanding women around the world.,21,writing,避免过多使用thing,good,wonderful,bad,important等词。这些词的词义非常宽泛,一词多解,所以易造成词义模糊。,例如:,1)Tom and his wife were very diligent and good,and they led a thrifty and simple life.,-Tom and his wife were very diligent and kind/warm-hearted,and they led a thrifty and simple life.,22,writing,2)My English teacher is a wonderful person.,-My English teacher is a kind/knowledgeable/helpful/humorous person.,3)You are a student


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