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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Non-finite Verbs,in writing,非谓语动词在写作中的应用,非谓语,不定式(,to,do,),V-,ing,V-ed,as a noun,as adj.or adv.,现在分词,动名词,过去分词,非谓语动词 的分类,使用条件,一个句子,当中,已经存在一个,主句,(谓语,动词),又没有连词,的情况下,还有别的动词出现时,这些动词就充当了,非谓语动词,.,非谓语动词的,1 While she,was getting,me,34,(settle)into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to,2 For example,the proverb,“plucking up a crop,32,(help)it grow”,is based on,the following story.,3 He,spat,it out,37,(say)it was awful.,4 I got on the bus and found a seat near the back,and then I,noticed,a man,18,(sit)at the front.,高考链接,settled,宾补,to help,目的,saying,伴随状语,sitting,宾补,5 there was only a very small amount of unfairness in the world,but everyone added a little,always,25,(think)that it was only small and not very important,。,6 Football is played in more than 80 countries,(make)it the most popular sport around the world.,thinking,伴随状语,making,Ving,结果状语,找出非谓语动词,并判断成分,1.Smoking is not allowed in the meeting room.,2.To play football is very interesting for those kids.,3.The cover of a book entitled Wizard caught my attention.,4.Who is the man shaking hands with our teacher?,v-ing,作主语,不定式作主语,V-ed,作后置定语,V-ing,作后置定语,5.Scolded by her mother,the little girl sat there without lifting her head.,6.More and more people drive cars to work,placing much pressure on the traffic.,7.Li Na has won the French Open,,,becoming the first Asian to win a Grand Slam.,8.To help my disabled aunt,,,I spend an hour working in her house every day.,过去分词作状语,V-ing,作结果状语,V-ing,作伴随状语,不定式作目的状语,写作中非谓语动词常见的错误,1,、状语动作行为者与主句主语不一致,1.Seeing from the top of mountain,the city is beautiful.,Seen,from the top of mountain,the city is beautiful.,Correction,写作中非谓语动词常见的错误,2,、用,V.ing,短语充当主语、表语和宾语,2.In my opinion,climb mountain is an enjoyable thing.,In my opinion,climbing,mountain is an enjoyable,thing,.,写作中非谓语动词常见的错误,3,、主动、被动含义混淆,3.,Which team is good at cooking?,A team calling the supper cook.,A team,called,the supper cook,.,1.,因为,在这国家又没有朋友,,她觉得要想找到工作是不可能的。,用连词,because,Because she has no friend in the country,she found it impossible to find a job.,用非谓语结构,Having no friend in the country,she found it impossible to find a job.,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,2.,这本,用简易英语写成的,书很容易读懂,用定语从句,The book,is easy to understand.,用非谓语结构,The book,is easy,to understand,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,which was written in simple English,written in simple English,3.Moyan stood there,and,was surrounded,by many reporters.,Moyan,stood,there,surrounded,by many,reporters.,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,It is high time we took part in some activities.,We want to make ourselves more healthy.,It is high time we took part in some activities,to make,ourselves more healthy,.,4.,用非谓语结构合并下列句子,用非谓语结构改写和美化句子,2009,2010,2011,真题例证,非谓语动词在基础写作中的实际运用,(2014),人 物:英国人查理德,阿维斯(,Richard Avis,),出生日期:,1974,年,12,月,1,日,目 的:理解不同文化中成功人生的含义,时 间:,2011,年开始在世界各地寻找同年同月同日生的人,Step1,:拆分成几个简单句,(,中文,),Step2,:分别翻译这几个简单句,1 Richard Avis was born on December 1,1974.,2 He aims at understanding what a successful,life means in different cultures.,3 He has been looking for time twins around,the world since 2011.,1 Richard Avis was born on December 1,1974.,2 He aims at understanding what a successful life means in different cultures.,3 He has been looking for time twins around,the world since 2011.,Step3,:合并句子,Sentence1:,Born on,December 1,1974,Richard Avis has been looking for time twins around the,world since 2011,aiming at,understanding,what a successful life means in,different cultures.,.,2009,广东高考基础写作:,你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况,:,时间,:,上周末,对象,:,眼科医生(,eye-doctor,)王教授,主题,:,我国中小学生近视(,short-sightedness,),问题,基本信息,:,(,1,)发生率,:,略高于,50,(,2,)人数,:,世界第一,1.Slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted.,2.It ranks the first in the world.,Step1,:拆分成两个简单句,(,中文,),Step2,:分别翻译这两个简单句,1.,略高于,50,的中国学生患有近视,2.,这在世界排名第一,合并句子,slightly more than half of the school,children in our country are short-sighted,and it,ranks the first in the world.,2,非限制性定语从句,slightly more than half of the school,children in our country are short-sighted,Which ranks,the first in the world.,slightly more than half of the school,children in our country are short-sighted,ranking,the first in the world.,3,非谓语,1,并列句,2.,2010,广东高考基础写作:,受二手烟影响人数:约,5.4,亿,因二手烟死忙人数:超过,10,万,/,年,1.Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke,2.it causes 100,000 deaths a year.,Step1,:拆分成两个简单句,(,中文,),Step2,:分别翻译这两个简单句,1.,并列句,Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke,and it,causes 100,000 deaths a year.,合并句子,(,并列句,非限制性定语从句,非谓语,2.,非限制性定语从句,Around 540 million people are,affected by second-hand smoke,,,which causes,100,000 deaths a year.,3.,非谓语,Around 540 million people are affected by second-hand smoke,causing,100,000 deaths a year.,(2013),志愿者观点,厌倦地球生活,想体验火星生活,1)because,原因状语从句,Because the volunteers get tired of living on the earth,,,they have been looking forward to experiencing the life on the Mars,2),非谓语,Getting tired of living on the earth,the volunteers have been looking forward to experiencing the life on the Mars.,Conclusion:,


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