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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,N,ew Concept,E,nglish,2,Lesson 78,The Last One?,Words,entitle,calm,nerve,concentration,suffer,symptom,temper,appetite,produce,urge,satisfaction,delighted,v.,以,为名,v.,使镇定,n.,神经,n.,集中,专心,v.,受苦,受害,n.,症状,n.,脾气,n.,胃口,食欲,v.,拿出,v.,力劝,怂恿,n.,满意,满足,adj.,欣喜的,entitle v. 以.为名;,授权,if something,entitles you to something, it gives you the official right to have or do it,那本小说被命名为傲慢与偏见。,The novel is entitled Pride and Prejudice.,这个执照授权你可以卖药。,This license entitles you to sell drug. Women employees are entitled to a maternity leave of three months.,女性员工有权利休三个月的产假。,be entitled to (do) sth.,对.享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格权利,记忆: en动词前缀,使.+ title标题 = 使有标题),calm,v.,使镇定;,I gave the frightened child some candies to calm him.,我给那个吓坏了的小孩一些糖果使他安静下来。,adj.,平静的;,After a night of storm, the sea is now calm.,一夜暴风雨过后,大海现在很平静。,词组拓展:,keep calm,保持镇定,calm down,镇定下来,calm before the storm,暴风雨前的平静,相关表达:,calmness n.,平静,冷静,镇静,词义辨析:,calm, peaceful, quiet, still,calm (relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset),主要用于,气候、海洋“风平浪静的”,也可指人表示“安静的”、“镇静的”,The sky is blue, and the sea is calm.,天空碧兰,海上风平浪静。,Although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.,虽然她害怕,但还是用平静的声音回答。,几个意思相近的词:,Peaceful(a peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement),指“和平的”表示“没有骚扰和战争的”,如:,a peaceful environment,和平环境。,quiet (not making much noise, or making no noise at all),指“ 没有吵闹声的”、“ 没有噪音的”,它强调“声音很低、很少” 或“全然无声”,如,:,He had a quiet life.,他过着宁静的生活。,still (quiet and calm),指“没声音的”、“没动静的”,如,:,the still hours before dawn,黎明前的寂静时刻。,nerve n.,神经,EE,英译:,the feeling of being nervous because you are worried or a little frightened,他在演讲的时候紧张死了。,He was a bundle of nerves when making the speech.,我喝了一大杯啤酒来镇定我的神经。,I drank a large glass of beer to calm my nerves.,词组拓展:,get on sb.s nerves,使人心烦不安;使人心神不定,strain every nerve,竭尽全力,相关表达:,nervous adj.,神经紧张的,不安的,concentration n.,集中,专心,周围这么多噪音,我几乎不能专心读书。,I can hardly concentrate on reading with all that noise around.,作为一个同声传译工作者,我必须非常集中精神地听和翻译。,As a simultaneous translator I must listen and translate with great concentration.,相关表达:,concentrate v.,集中,记忆点拨:,con,(全部),centr,(中心),ation,(名词后缀)(全部在中心),suffer v. 受苦,受害;,EE:to experience physical or mental pain to be in a very bad situation that makes things very difficult for you (受损失),我有严重的头疼病。,I have been suffering from a bad headache.,我的奶奶突然就去世了,没受什么痛苦。,My grandmother died suddenly and didnt suffer.,The enemy forces suffered heavy casualties.敌方军队伤亡损失很大。,stand(to be able to accept or deal well with a difficult situation = tolerate),指精神上坚毅,有决心:,The pain was too intense to stand.,痛苦强烈得无法承受。,Suffer(to experience physical or mental pain),侧重指顺从和克制,He suffered their insults in silence.,他默默忍受他们所施加的伤害。,Tolerate(to be able to accept something unpleasant or difficult, even though you do not like it),主要用于指除痛苦之外的一些事情,含有尽管保留但勉强接受之意,辨析 :bear,endure(容忍),stand,suffer,tolerate(承认,忍受),bear (to bravely accept or deal with a painful, difficult, or upsetting situation = stand),广义的指容忍各种事情的能力,He cant bear people smoking while hes eating.他受不了别人在他吃饭的时候吸烟。,endure(to be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining)尤指长期面对痛苦、艰难的能力:There are limits to what the human body can endure.人体的忍耐力是有限的,symptom n. something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you have a particular illness,症状;,a sign that a serious problem exists,征兆,Symptoms include headaches and fever.,症状包括头疼和发烧。,Cough is one of the symptoms of having pneumonia.,咳嗽是肺炎的症状之一。,The trike is a symptom of the delcination of economy.,这次罢工是经济衰退的征兆。,The crime rate is a symptom of social unrest.,犯罪率是社会不安定的征兆。,temper n. a tendency to become angry suddenly or easily,脾气,当他看到室友正在用他的牙刷时他大发脾气。,He lost his temper when he saw his roommate using his toothbrush.,If he can not learn how to contro his temper, he will lost his job.,如果他不能学会控制他的脾气,他就会失去工作。,词组拓展:,keep ones temper,忍住气;不发火,lose ones temper,发火;生气,out of temper,发火;动怒,相关表达:,good-tempered adj.,好脾气的,bad-tempered adj.,坏脾气的,ill-tempered,坏脾气的,even-tempered,好脾气的,temperamant n.,气质,性格,a nervous temperament,易紧张的性格,appetite n.,胃口,食欲,吃了太多冰激凌让我都没胃口了。,Too much ice cream spoiled my appetite.,游泳让我胃口大增。,Swimming gives me a great appetite.,词组拓展:,lose/have/spoil/give appetite,失去食欲,有食欲,破坏食欲,促进食欲,谚语,:Appetite comes with eating.,谚,胃口越吃越大,(,贪得无厌,),。,A good appetite is a good sauce.,谚,饥不择食。,produce,v. to show, bring out, or offer something so it can be seen or considered,拿出;生产;,n.,农业产品,The old man produced his passport to the officer with trembling hands.,老人用颤抖的双手把护照拿给长官看。,If you can not produce more evidence, you will be sentenced to death.,如果你不能拿出更多的证据你就会被判死刑。,Grapes produced in this farm are maily used to make wine.,这个农场产出的葡萄主要用于造酒。,相关表达:,product n.,产品,产物,production n.,生产,yield v.,出产,生长,urge v. to strongly advise someone to do something,力劝,怂恿;,n.,强烈欲望,Jack urged me to resign and start my own business. JACK,怂恿我辞职自己创业。,I urged that you consider this decision carelly.,我劝你仔细考虑这个决定。,I felt a sudden urge to smoke.,我有强烈的想吸烟的欲望。,相关表达:,urgent adj.,急迫的,紧张的,satisfaction n. a feeling of happiness or pleasure because you have achieved something or got what you wanted,满意,满足,她从帮助别人的过程中得到很大的满足感。,She got great satisfaction from helping others.,He looked at his painting with a smile of satisfaction.,他看着他的画,露出满意的微笑。,相关表达:,satisfy v.,使满意,satisfactory adj.,令人满意的,satisfied adj.,感到满意的,dissatisfaction n.,不满,delighted,adj. very pleased and happy 欣喜的,We are delighted that the president will be watching our performance.总统将要观看我们的演出,我们很高兴。,We are delighted to know our best friend had a lovely baby. 我们欣喜的得知我们最好的朋友生了一个可爱的孩子。,Jone was delighted when she received the admissions letter from Harward University. Jone接到哈佛大学的录取通知书时非常高兴。,相关表达: delight,n. 欣喜,词义辨析: 都含“快乐”、“愉快” 意思的词语,pleasure delight joy,pleasure,(,the feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction that you get from an experience,)是常用词,指“以任何形式表现出的或默默的快乐与满足”。如,:,帮助你是我的快乐。,Its my pleasure to help you.,delight,(,a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction,)语意比,pleasure,强,指“极大的快乐”,尤指“以一种活泼的态度表现出来的快乐”,如,:,The child clapped his hands in delight.,那孩子高兴得拍起手来。,joy,(,great happiness and pleasure,)指“高兴地表现出来的更强烈的快乐和愉快的情绪”,如,:,Success brought her great joy.,成功给她带来极大的快乐。,Qs to the text,What did the author do after reading an article entitled Cigarette Smoking and Your Health?,Why did his wife suffer during the week when he didnt smoke?,What did his friends do during that week?,What happened at the party?,【,课文讲解,】,1,、,After reading an article entitled Cigarette Smoking and Your Health I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves.,an article entitled,题名为,的文章,在英语中,文章名与书名中的每个单词的第一个字母均大写,不在开头位置的连词、冠词、小品词除外。,lit,(,light,,,light,),v.,点燃,I lit a cigarette.,lighted adj.,被点燃的,This is a lighted cigarette.,2,、,My friends kept on offering cigarettes and cigars.,keep on doing sth. = continue doing sth.,持续不断的做,The child was crying loudly, but he kept on watching TV.,cigar n.,雪茄,offer sb. sth.,给某人某物,3,、,They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.,make every effort,尽全力,尽一切努力,He made every effort to get/at getting the job.,make no effort,根本不作努力,毫不费力,make no effort to persuade him,She wrote the letter with/without effort.,她费力,/,毫不费力地写了那封信。,make effort + to do sth.,努力做,no matter when = whenever,无论何时,no matter who = whoever,无论是谁,no matter where = wherever,无论在哪里,no matter how,无论怎样,4,、,When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.,was more than I could bear = I couldnt bear,more than,后面跟一个从句或一个形容词时可以表示“超出”(多用于口语):,He was more than pleased with his new room.,This was more than I had expectd.,5,、,Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking.,anyway,不管如何,Anyway I love him.,Thank you anyway.,point out = explain,指出,指明,Why didnt you point out his mistake to him at that time?,He pointed out that we still had to get a few other things.,【Special Difficulties】,与,keep,有关的短语动词,keep on +doing sth.,反复,持续,My friends kept on offering me cigarettes.,He kept on saying that he was tired.,他不断地说他累了。,keep off,不靠近,从,离开,Keep off the flower bed.,请勿进入花坛。,Keep your hands off the food.,别动吃的东西。,keep away from,(使,)不靠近,避开,Why do you always keep away from me?,你为什么总躲着我?,Keep the children away from the river.,别让孩子们去河边。,keep it up,不松劲,保持成绩,继续下去,Youve made much progress. Keep it up!,你已取得了很大进步。继续努力!,keep up with,跟上,不落在,后面,In order to keep up with his classmates, he worked harder than ever.,为了跟上同学,他比以往任何时候都更努力。,keep out,(使)留在外面,(使)不进入,He shut all the doors and windows to keep out the wind.,为了挡风,他关上了所有的门窗,16,000-volt power line. Keep out! 16,000,伏高压线,不可靠近!,keep in,(把,)留在里面关在屋里,不出外,Its very cold today. Wed better keep in.,今天很冷。我们最好别出去。,When the dog was kept in, it barked loudly.,那条狗被关在屋里时狂吠不止。,Sentence and Expressions,My friends,kept on offering,me cigarettes and cigars,keep (sb.) away (from sth.),(使)某人离开(某物),keep sb. from doing sth.,阻止某人做某事,keep sth. in mind,记住(某事物),keep back,忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒,keep in touch with,与,保持联系,keep off,远离,避开,让开,keep up with,跟上,不落在后面,Keep 短语举例,summary,Having read an article on smoking,the writer smoked his last cigarette.He did not smoke for a week and his wife suffered because he had a bad temper and a large appetite.Meanwhile friends offered hem cigarettes and were amused to see him produce a packet of sweets from his pocket.When he went to a party,he accepted a cigarette which he was offered by a friend and since then things have returned to normal.,Vocabulary,at all,terribly,enormous,extremely,uncomfortable,guiltily,delighted,normal,point out,give up,adv.,根本,adv.,可怕地,十分,adj.,巨大的,庞大的,adv.,极端地,非常地,adj.,不舒服的,不安的,adv.,罪地,有罪地,adj.,欣喜的,快乐的,adj.,正常的,正规的,v.,指出,v.,放弃,Others ,Vocabulary,article,cigarette,health,nerve,concentration,pleasure,symptom,temper,appetite,cigar,effort,amusement,packet,sweet,pocket,satisfaction,文章,香烟,健康,神经,集中,专心,愉快,医,症状,脾气,情绪,食欲,胃口,雪茄,努力,娱乐,消遣,娱乐活动,小包裹,糖果,衣袋,口袋,满意,满足,Nouns ,重难点练习:,1 away from,2 off,3 up,4 on,5 out,6 up with,7 in,多选答案:,1. a,根据课文第,1,句,After reading an article entitled,可以判断,只有,a. Something he had,read,与课文的内容相符,其他,3,个选择都与课文内容不符,所以只能选,a.,2. c,根据课文第,10-11,行,只有,c,是课文所暗示的情况,其他,3,个选择都与课文实际内容不符,所以应选,c.,3. b,这是一个一般过去时疑问句,因为前面用助动词,Did,提问,其谓语动词要用原形才符合语法。,a. lit,是,light,的一种过去式和过去分词;,c. lighted,也是,light,的过去式和过去分词;,d. lighting,是,light,的现在分词。,以上,3,个选择都不是动词原形,所以都不能选。 只有,b. light,是动词原形,最合乎语法,所以选,b.,4. b,只有,b. on,是正确的,因为该句中的谓语动词,concentrate,后面只能跟介词,on,才符合习惯用法。,concentrate,on,意思是“全神贯注于,专心于”,其他,3,个词都不能同,concentrate,搭配使用,。,5. c,只有,c. was hungry,最符合语法和题目意思,而其他,3,个选择,a. had hungry, b. had hunger, d.,hungered,都不符合语法和习惯用法,所以选,c.,6. a,该句需要选一个同前一句中的短语动词,Kept on offering,意义相同的词组,才能使两个句子意思吻合。 只有,a.,continued to do this (,继续做这种事,),与,keep on doing,的含义相近。,b. did so, c. kept,them,和,d. held them,都与,keep on doing,的意义不同,所以只能选,a.,7. c,只有,c. They were all,与前一句,Everybody.was smoking,的意义相同,也符合语法规则,.,而,a.,They was all, b. They all was, d. All of them was,都不符合语法,因为人称代词,they,后面应该用,were,而不能用,was,所以选,c.,8. b,只有选,b. mood,才能与前一句,He had a bad temper,的意义相吻合。,in a bad mood,是习惯用法,意思是“情绪或心情不好”它等于,in a bad temper.,其他,3,个都不合乎习惯用法。,a. spirit,不合乎习惯用法。不该说,in a bad spirit,而是,in low spirits(,情绪低落,),,,c. feeling,和,d.,disposition(,性情,气质,),都不能同介词,in,连用构成固定短语。,9. a,只有,a. didnt try to,与前一句中的,made no efforts to,的含义相同,而其他,3,个选择,,a. didnt,afford to(,买不起,),,,c. couldnt afford to(,买不起,),,,d. didnt have a,trial(,没有试验,),都不符合题目意思。,10. b,前一句的,produce.from,是从,中取出的意思。 只有选,b. out,才能同前一句含义相同,而其他选择,a.,off(,脱掉一个,),,与,c. out of, d. from,意思都不完整。所以只有,b,对。,11. c,前一句中的动词,urge,是“力劝,怂恿”的意思,只有,c. persuade(,说服,劝服,),与,urge,含义相同。而,a. make(,迫使,),,,b.,pursue(,追赶,实行,),和,d. do(,做,),这,3,个选择的意思都与,urge,不同,所以选,c.,12. a,该句需要选一个同前一句中的,accept(,接受,收受,),含义相同的词,.,a. take (,拿,接受,);,b. agree to(,同意,);,c. receive(,收到,接到,);,d. undertake(,从事,进行,),这,4,个选择中只有,a.,与,accept,含义最接近,所以选,a.,


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