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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Tail of Fame,Unit 1,Chase,tes,v.,追逐;驱逐 追捕;追赶;追求,n.,追踪,追捕,eg,.,他用了三年的时间追求她,可她最终却嫁给了别人。,Hed chased after her for three years,but she finally married another man.,chase(,追,)=run after,overtake(,追上,)=catch up with,distinct,dst(k)t,n.,(,价格、债款等,),折扣,V,.,降低价格,打折忽视,低估,辨析,clear,distinct,(1),物的整体可被明白看见的叫,clear,。,(,2,)物的各部非常,clear,的叫,distinct,。,be distinct from,与,截然不同,e g.,这两种观念截然不同,Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.,Accuse,kjuz,V,.,指控,控告指责,谴责,Accuse,sb,.Of(doing),sth,.,Charge,sb,.With(doing),sth,指控某人,Her assistant,was accused of,theft by the police.,eg,.,她的助手被警方指控偷窃。,worship ,w:ip,n,.,崇敬,敬仰,敬慕礼拜(仪式),V.,崇拜,敬重,仰慕拜神,敬神,eg,.,世界上有很多人在教堂里做礼拜。,Many people,worship,in churches all over the world.,Worship,崇拜,Warship,军舰,Expel,ikspel,驱逐,赶走,放逐排出,喷出开除,把,除名射出(子弹等),排出(气体等),eg,.,校长可能会把那男孩子开除。,The headmaster may,expel,the boy from the school.,Justify,dstfa,V,.,证明,有道理,为,辩护,辩解,eg,.,追求的目的正当并不证明可以使用不好的手段。,The pursuit of good ends does not,justify,the employment of bad means.,Justify,(,doing,),sth,.,证明(做),正当,Be justified in(doing),sth,.,有理由(做,),Language points,at best,:,even when considered in the most positive way,充其量 至多,e.g.:The meeting was,at best,partially successful.,这次会议,充其量,只是部分成功。,object to,:,oppose or disapprove of something,反对 不赞成,e.g.:I always,objected to,the idea that everything is predetermined and that we have no choice.,我一直,反对,这种想法:一切都事先定好,我们没有任何选择。,be hard-pressed to do,sth,:,have difficulty doing,sth,.,做某事有困难,e.g.:Youd,be hard-pressed to,find anyone better for the job.,你,很难,找到更好的人做这项工作,。,It takes sb.out of,使得某人缺乏,e.g.:,It takes me out of,myself:I cant come back to what I used to be.,我失去了自我,再也做不回当初的自己。,American idol,Talent Shows All Over The World,Adam,Lambert,-”glam rock”,Britains Got Talent,Susan Boyle,When people become famous,do they struggle with the pressure of fame or fear of failure,or it is simply parts of their personalities,?,The following are some explanations that they may shed light on,(,阐明,),this issue.,1.No secrets,too much publicity.,2.Lost sense of self.,3.Lonely at the top.,4.The stress that comes with,fame:paparazzi(,狗仔队,)or perform not better,Mindy McCready,,,The famous country singer in American,cannot put up with,stress,she shot herself,dutch,act when 37 years old,A poem about fame,Others have riches while I cherish benevolence.,binevlns,(,仁慈,),Others have official titles while I value righteousness.,(正直),He that is called noble-minded,(,高尚的),will never be tied to the power and its advantages.,彼富我仁,,彼爵我义,,君子固不为君相所牢笼,;,Human beings can certainly conquer Nature.,Concentrated mind gives rise to tremendous force.,He that is called strong-willed will never be constrained,(强迫),by the Creator.,人定胜天,志一动气,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。,人定胜天,志一动气,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。,人定胜天,志一动气,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。,人定胜天,,志一动气,,君子亦不受造化之陶铸。,Thank you!,


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