人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 5Section BSelf check

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Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show? 名 词 : sitcom, news, soap opera, comedy, action movie, cartoon, 动 词 : plan, hope, happen, expect形 容 词 : educational, meaningful, famous, rich, successful短 语 : find out, be ready to, dress up, take ones place, do a good job 1. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.1. A: _ B: _Q = Question A = Answer Q: what / think of /soap operasA: cant standWhat do you think of soap operas?I cant stand them. Q: what show / want to watch / tonightA: talent show2. A:_ B:_ Q: what / except to learn / game showA: interesting information3. A:_ B:_ What show do you want to watch tonight?I want to watch talent show.What do you expect to learn from game show?I hope to learn some interesting information. Q: what / hope to watch / tomorrowA: newsQ: do / plan to watch / action movieA: no / plan to watch / comedy4. A:_ B:_ 5. A:_ B:_ What do you hope to watch tomorrow?I hope to watch the news.Do you plan to watch action movie?No, I plan to watch comedy. 2 which of these statements do you agree with ( ) or disagree with ( )? Give at least one reason by yourself. I think game shows are meaningless. ( ) I cant stand soap operas. ( ) I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing. ( ) 4. I love talk shows. ( ) 5. I think comedies are fantastic. ( ) Exercise 一、翻译词组1.去 看 电 影 _2.动 作 片 _3.京 剧 _4.看 _5.大 量 ,许 多 _6.因 为 _go to a movieaction moviesBeijing Operalook ata lot of because of 7.事 实 上 _8.找 到 _9.想 起 _10.替 代 的 位 置 _11.干 得 好 _12.尽 最 大 努 力 _in factfind outthink of take ones placedo a good jobtry ones best 二、根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词。1. My daughter and son are _ (学 生 ) in No. 110 Middle School.2. We dont have classes on w_.3. I think someone in Class Nine _ (找 到 ) his shoes.4. Her f_ (最 喜 欢 的 ) fruit is apples and bananas. studentseekendsfindsavorite 三 、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The two _are very interesting (comedy).2. He plans_ ( swim) tomorrow.3. Your sister _ a nice bag (have).4. Her brother wants _ a documentary (see).5. Tom and Kate _ here (not be).comediesto swimhas to seeare not 四、单项选择1. Do you want to go to a movie? _ A. Yes, I want. B. No, I am not. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I havent2. Jack wants _ the park (公 园 ). A. go to B. to go C. to go to D. goes to3. My brother likes action movies _ he doesnt like documentaries. A. and B. but C. or D. soC C B 4. Which is right (正 确 )? _ A. I like action movies and like comedies. B. I like action movie and comedies. C. I like action movies and comedy. D. I like action movies and comedies.5. On weekends, I often go to movies _ my friends. A. for B. with C. at D. ofDB 6. Bob and his sister _ volleyball. A. are B. likes C. like D. plays7. Lets look at pictures _ Beijing Opera. A. for B. of C. in D. at8. Jack often _ seven classes every day. A. have B. do C. has D. doesC BC 9. Ken Johnson is _ great actor, and Shaolin Temple is _ action movie. A. an; an B. an; a C. a; an D. a; a10. _ kind of movies do you like? Action movies. A. What B. Who C. How D. When11. _ is your favorite film? Mr. Bean. A. What B. When C. Where D. HowCAA 五、根据要求完成句子。1. Sallys birthday is October fifth. (对 划 线 提 问 ) _ _ Sallys birthday?2. Peters sister likes thrillers. (一 般 疑 问 句 ) _ Peters sister _ thrillers?3. We have an Art Festival each year. (否 定 句 ) We _ _ an Art Festival each year.When isDoes likedont have 4. Mary wants to see a movie. (对 划 线 提 问 ) What _ Mary _ to see?5. Grandmother wants a birthday party this year. (否 定 句 ) Grandmother _ _ a birthday party this year.6. I want to have apples and eggs for dinner. (一 般 问 句 ) _ _ _ to have apples and eggs for dinner?does wantdoesnt wantDo you want 7. The students want to see an action movie. (提 问 )_ _ _ _ _ to see?8. My sister wants some color pencils.(提 问 ) _ _ _ _ _?9. I like Beijing opera. My mother doesnt like Beijing opera.(用 恰 当 的 词 连 接 句 子 )I like Beijing opera, _ my mother doesnt like it.What do the students wantWhat does your sister wantbut 1. 你怎样认为连续剧?我受不了。 _ do you _ _ _ _? I _ _ _ .2. 他不喜欢情景喜剧。 He _ _ _.3 Evan对朋友不在乎。Evan _ _ his friends. What think of soap operascant stand themdoesnt like sitcoms doesnt mind 六 、 翻 译 练 习 4. 你去哪里度假了?我参观了博物馆。你的 假期怎么样?事实上。相当不错。 _ did you go _ _? I _ _. _ _ your vacation? _ _, it _ _ _.5.我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。 My brother_ Sports World_ my sister likes _Where on vacationvisited museum How wasIn fact was pretty goodlikes andsitcoms. 七、连词成句1. you, to, do, a, go, want, movie, to _?2. thinks, funny, is, he, movie, the _.3. of, what, movies, kind, like, you, do _?Do you want to go to a movieHe thinks the movie is funnyWhat kind of movies do you like 4. a, movie, on, my, to, family, often, go, weekends _ _.5. but, she, like, movies, action, I, likes, comedies. _ _.My family often go to a movie on weekendsI like action movies but she likes comedies. What do you think of sports shows.八 、 句 式 转 换1.I dont mind sports shows.(划 线 提 问 )2.Tom loves Shunliu in My Brother Is CalledShunliu.(同 上 )3. I like game shows.(否 定 句 )4.His brother likes talk shows.(一 般 问 句 )What does Tom think of Shunliu in My Brother IsI dont like game shows.Does his brother like talk shows?Called Shunliu Homework Make a plan (计 划 ) for this Sunday. eg. I will (将 要 ) go to see an action movie. I think its interesting and exciting. The newest (最 新 的 ) action movie is hero. I will go to see it this Sunday. Good jobSee you


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