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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,ISO14001:2004,Difference OF ISO 14001:1996,and FDIS14001:2004,新旧版标准之差异,shape the future,BSi,Management,systems,ISO14001:1996 AND FDIS14001:2004,ISO 14001/ISO14004 Revision Principle,改版目的与原则,Enhance the compatibility of the ISO9001:2000,and,ISO14001:1996; 增强与 ISO9001:2000 标准的相容性,Focused on clarification of the first edition;澄清老版本的部分概念,No added requirements over ISO14001:1996不特别增,加ISO14001:1996标准的要求,shape the future,BSi,management,systems,ISO14001:1996 and FDIS14001:2004,ISO /CD14001 Oct.2002 issued,;,2002年,10月 ISO/CD14001发布,ISO/DIS14001 Aug.2003 issued; 2003年8,月ISO/DIS14001发布,ISO/FDIS14001 Aug.2004 issued; 2004年,8月ISO/FDIS14001发布,ISO14001:2004/ISO14004:2004正式发布,ISO 14001/ISO14004,Revision progress,改版的进程,ISO14001:1996 and,FDIS14001:2004,Action,Continual improvement,4.6 Management review,4.2 Environmental policy,4.3 Planning,4.3.1 Environmental aspects,4.3.2 Legal and other requirements,4.3.3 Objective targets and programmes,Check,4.5 Checking,4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement,4.5.2,Evaluation of compliance,4.5.3,Nonconformity , corrective,and preventive action,4.5.4 Control of record,4.5.5,Internal audit,4.4 Implementation and operation,4.4.1,Resources , roles, responsibility and authority,4.4.2,Competence, t raining and awareness,4.4.3 Communication,4.4.4 Documentation,4.4.5 Control of documents,4.4.6 Operation control,4.4.7 Emergency preparedness and response,Plan,Do,FDIS 14001:2004,some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,1 Scope,范围,The organization is now required to define the,scope of its EMS. This scope directly links the,management system with the organizations,activities, products and services.,组织应定义其,EMS,系统的范围,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,3.Terms and definitions,术语与定义,The quantity of terms is added from 13 to 20, more suitable,for integrated with ISO9001:2000 术语从13个增加为,20个,These new terms: 具体如:,3.1 auditor; 审核 3.3 corrective action; 纠正措施,3.4 document; 文件 3.15 nonconformity; 不符合,3.17 preventive action; 预防措施,3.19 procedure; 程序 3.20 record. 记录,FDIS14001: 2004,some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4. Environmental management system requirements,环境管理体系要求,Total clause: 18 to 19; the former clause 4.3.4 is,replaced, and new clause,; 条款有,18个增加为19个; 原4.3.4条款被合并,而新条款为,,,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.1 General requirements,总要求,Added: “Shall define and document the scope of its,Environmental management system.”,增加应定义并,文化体系范围,4.2 Environmental policy,环境方针,Added: Top Mgt. shall ensure that Environmental,policy is communicated to all persons working for,or on behalf of the organization;,高层管理应确保环,境方针被沟通到相关人员,Environmental policy: shall, within the defined,Scope of its environmental management system.,环,境方针应与体系范围相适应,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版条文解释,4.3.1 Environmental aspects 环境因素,“activities , products or services” changed to,“activities, products and services”; “或”改“和”,“these significant environmental aspects (SEA) are,considered in setting its environmental objective”:,changed to “The organization shall ensure that the,significant environmental aspects (SEA) are taken,into account in establishing, implementing and,maintaining its environmental management,systems”. 在EMS 的建立、实施、运行过程中应考,虑SEA。,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.3.2 Legal and requirements 法律法规与其它要求,Added: “to determine how these requirements,apply to its environmental aspects”; 增加:应确定,其对环境因素的适用性,Added: “shall” ensure that these requirements are,taken into account in establishing, implementing,and maintaining its EMS. 增加“应”确保这些要求,在体系中得到考虑。,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.3.3 Objective, targets and programmes 目标指标与方案,Changes: the former 4.3.3/4,integrated to new,Clause 4.3.3;原4.3.3/4条款,整合为4.3.3,Added: “The objective and targets shall be,measurable”; “目标与指标应可测量”,Changed the term “establish, and maintain” to,“establish, implement and maintain”,for objective,targets and programmes.增加 “实施”(方案),FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility and authority 资,源,角色,责任和权限,Added: “shall ensure the availability of resources,essential to establish, implement, maintain and,improve the environmental management system”,强调应确保“资源”,Added: EMR reporting to Top Mgt. “including,recommendation for improvement.”管代应向高层,建议持续改进内容”,FDIS 14001:2004,some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness能力培训意,识,Changed the sequence of terms, emphasized,“competence” 强调能力,The terms “persons working for or on its behalf”,instead of “employees or members”以“相关人员”,代替“公司的职员”,Added: training “shall retain associated records”,培训应保持记录。,FDIS 14001:2004,some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.4.3 Communication 沟通,Added: “shall decide whether to communicate,externally about its significant environmental,aspects and shall document its decision”应确定是,否对外沟通重要环境因素,并记录结论,4.4.4 Documentation 文件化,Description of the “main elements of”,EMS; (instead of only “core elements”); “主要条款”,More Coherence with ISO9001:2000,clause,4.2.1,4.2.2 与ISO9001:2000条款4.2.1,4.2.2更相容,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.4.5 Control of documents 文件控制,From “periodically review” to “review”; 改“定期,评审”为 “评审”,added “documents of external origin determined,by the organization” “ identified and their,distribution controlled”. 增加“外部文件应加以控制”,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.4.6 Operational control 运行控制,Generally no changes; 基本无变化,Added: “implementing” (added one term) ,“procedures and requirements to suppliers,including contractors”,4.4.7 Emergency preparedness and response 应急准备,与响应,Generally no changes 基本无变化,Added: “shall periodically review” 增加 “定期评审”,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.5.1 Monitoring and measurement 监测与测量,Changed: the former “documented procedures” to,the new “procedures”,The requirement “evaluating compliance” is,separated as one new clause. 法规符合性评估被独,立,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance 符合性评估,New clause, including two sub-clause 新条款, emphasized “periodically evaluating,compliance with applicable legal requirements”;,keep records; 强调定期评估法规需求, Pay attention to “evaluate compliance with,other requirements”; keep records; 定期评估其它,需求,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.5.3 Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive,action 不符合,纠正与预防措施,Added: “reviewing the effectiveness of corrective,action(s) and preventive action(s)taken, 增加“效果,评估,Added: “taking actions in order to avoid their,recurrence” and “actions designed to avoid their,ocurrence”,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,版部分条文解释,4.5.4 control of records 记录控制,Generally no changes 基本无变化,4.5.5 internal audit 内审,Added: “selection of auditor and conduct of audits,shall ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the,audit process” 增加应保持客观和独立性,FDIS 14001:2004, some clause explanation,新版部分条文解释,4.6 Management review 管理评审,Emphasized “input” and “output” 强调输入,(8点)输出(2点),谢谢观看,/,欢迎下载,BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES. BY FAITH I BY FAITH,


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