九年级英语全册 口译精练 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(5)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 口译精练 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(5)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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九年级英语全册 口译精练 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(5)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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九年级英语全册 口译精练 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark(5)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 4,I used to be afraid of the dark.,(5),1,This information comes from Yang Xuehuiat Shili high school in Xihe,Gansu.,2,感到自豪,2,be proud of/take pride in,下决心,2,decide/make a decision,缺课/旷课,2,miss/be absent from,3,影响,2,influence/change,照看/照料,2,look after/take care of,4,李文是个15岁的男生,,Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy.,他刻苦学习,学业表现很好。,He works hard and does well in school.,5,很难相信他以前学业上困难重重。,It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school.,当他爸妈搬到城里工作时,,When his parents moved to the city to work,6,他们无法回家来照看他。,they could not be at home to look after/take care of him.,于是他对学习变得不感兴趣又旷课。,7,So he became less interested in studying and missed/was absent from classes.,然后他父母决定把他送到寄宿学校。,8,Then his parents made a decision/decided to send him to a boarding school.,他发现那里的生活很困难。,He found life there difficult.,9,一天他对他的老师说他想离开学校,,One day he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.,他的老师建议他的父母亲自与自己的儿子好好谈一谈。,10,His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person.,这次谈话改变了他的生活。,This conversation changed/influenced his life.,11,他意识到他的爸爸妈妈一直爱他,,He realized that his parents would always love him,他们为他所做的好事感到自豪。,12,and they would be proud of/take pride in everything good that he did.,现在他比以前格外快乐又更加外向。,13,Now he is much happier and more outgoing than he used to be.,我变化多大呀!,How I have changed!,14,我的生活在过去几年里发生了很大变化。,My life has changed a lot in the last few years.,我过去很胖,,I used to be fatter.,15,我通过每天跑步体重减少了很多,,I lost a lot of weights by running every day.,跑步是很好的锻炼方式。,Running is a very good exercise.,16,如今我身材苗条身心更加健康。,Now Im thinner and fitter and healthier.,我一生最大变化是更加擅长英语了。,The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in English.,17,这要感谢我的英语老师杨老师,,This is thanks to my English teacher,Mr Yang.,他教会了我学练英语的技巧。,He has taught me how to learn and practice English better.,18,这就是最重要的变化,,This is the most important change,因为我对口语产生了浓厚兴趣,,because Im becoming strong interested in speaking English.,19,能与班上同学进行交际,,And I can have conversations with my classmates.,更爱英语语言,,I am doing better in English language.,20,这已让我的父母为我感到更加自豪。,This has made my parents prouder of me.,妈妈坐了许多小时的车回到家亲自跟孩子谈话。,21,The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child in person.,22,他以前是个很内向的少年,,He used to be a very quiet teenager.,他大多数时间沉默不言,,He remained silent most of the time,23,很少与其他人说话。,and seldom talked to other people.,假如你老是旷课的话,,If you are always absent from class,24,那你就不会通过考试。,you will fail the examinations.,老师为帮助学生赢得了英语竞赛而感到骄傲。,25,The teacher takes pride in helping his students win the English competition.,26,凯特祖父母对她已经有了极大影响。,Kates grandparents have had a great influence on her.,那位英国老师说话很幽默,,That British teacher is very humorous.,27,他总是给我们讲有趣的笑话。,He always tells us interesting jokes.,通常要求人们在求职面试中提供常规的自我简历。,28,People are usually required to give a general self-introduction in a job interview.,29,蒂娜在篮球比赛中表现很出色,,Tina played very well in the basketball game,并且她爸爸妈妈为她感到骄傲。,and her parents were proud of her.,30,我过去常穿小号服装。,I used to wear small-sized clothes.,我的头发以前是卷发。,My hair used to be curly.,31,我以前常常观看动画片。,I used to watch cartoons.,我过去常玩捉迷藏游戏。,I used to play hide and seek.,32,我以前个子很小。,I used to be short.,33,Good habits achieve beautiful life.,Try to be your best,.,34,


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