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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,动词的时态结构歌谣,一般现在时,,动词用原型,单数三人称,,动词加,“,s,”,一般过去时,,动词加,“,ed,”,现在进行时,am,is,are,加,doing,过去进行时,,was,were,加,doing,一般将来时,,will,加原型,现在完成时,,have/has,加过分,(p.p.),英语动词时态复习,Look! They _.(swim),Jim usually _(walk) to school, but yesterday,he _(take) a bus.,3. Kelly _(be) a student now, she _(be),a doctor in ten years.,4. Our life _(change) a lot in the last,few years.,5. When my father came in, I _(watch) TV.,are swimming,walks,took,is,will be,has changed,was watching,时态填空,PK,一般现在时 一般过去时,现在进行时 过去进行时,一般将来时,现在完成时,常见八种时态,一般,现在时:谓语动词用动词原形或第三人称单数,过去时:谓语用动词的过去式,将来时:谓语用,will/ be going to +,动词原形,现在,进行时:谓语用,am/ is/ are +,动词的现在分词,完成时:谓语用,have/ has +,动词的过去分词,过去,进行时:谓语用,were/ was +,动词的现在分词,知识框架图,时态,用法,基本,结构,标志词,a.,经常、反复发生的动作,b.,现时的情况或状态,c.,永恒的事实或真理,a.,表示现阶段或说话时正在进 行的动作及行为,,b.,在口语中,表示将要发生的动作。,频率副词,(often, usually, sometimes,等,),every day, once a week, on Sundays,now, at this time, at the moment, these days, look, listen,等,am/is/are + doing,be,动词,(am,is,are,),;,do /does,一般现在时,现在进行时,温馨提示,1.,以下几种情况也多用一般现在时,在,if, unless,等引导的条件状语从句中,,when, until, as soon as,等引导的时间状语从句中,当主句是一般将来时,,从句通常用一般现在时表示将来;,eg,: Well have a sports meeting,if it,doesnt rain,next Saturday.,b.,宾语从句部分若是表示,客观真理,,不管主句是何时态,,从句都要用一般现在时。,eg,: My mother told me,that the sun,rises,in the east.,2.,动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则,规则,举例,一般情况下直接加,-s,read,reads,write,writes,run,runs,swim,swims,以,-,ch, -,sh, -s, -x,或,-o,结尾的词加,-,es,teach,teaches,wash,washes,go,goes,以“辅音字母,+y”,结尾的词变,y,为,i,再加,-,es,但“元音字母,+y”,则直接加,-s,try,tries,carry,carries,study,studies,stay,stays,play,plays,say,says,3.,现在分词的变化规律,规律总结,例词,以不发音的,e,结尾的动词去,e,再加,-,ing,makemaking,havehaving,以一个单独发音的元音字母,+,一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节要双写最后一个辅音字母再加,-,ing,swimswimming,runrunning,以,-,ie,结尾的动词,变,ie,为,y,再加,-,ing,lielying,tietying,不符合上述情况的直接加,-,ing,playplaying,singsinging,初中阶段常见的需要双写最后一个辅音字母变现在分词的动词有,:,shop, stop, drop, run, get, sit, dig, put, begin, swim, chat, prefer,。,1.What is your brother going to be when he _?,-He is going to be a doctor.,A. grew up B. grows up C. grow up D. growing up,2. Please call me as soon as you _ to Beijing.,A. will get B. gets C. get D. getting,3. My mother is cooking while I _my homework.,A. am doing B. was doing,C. do D. did,4. Li Ming _ the dormitory. He is sleeping.,A. cleans B. isnt cleaning C. is cleaning D. cleaned,拓展练习,Finish the exercises on P26.,am having,need,is shopping,shops,is searching,is visiting,is reading,is watching,want,go,时态,用法,基本,结构,标志词,过去的动作或,状态。,一般过去时,过去进行时,was/,were+doing,yesterday,three days ago,last night/week,just now,at that time,at this time yesterday,when, while,过去某时正在进行,的动作,be(was,were),did,动词过去式的变化规则及读音,一般过去时常用动词的过去式表示。不规则动词的过去式有其特殊形式,要特别记忆。,be,动词的过去式为,was/were,。规则实义动词的过去式是在动词原形后加,-d,或,-,ed,其变化规律见下表,:,例词,规律总结,读音规则,playplayed,;,helphelped,一般直接加,-,ed,清辅音后读,/t/,如,helped, laughed,浊辅音、元音后读,/d/,如,lived, stayed,/t/,和,/d/,后读,/Id/,如,needed, started,movemoved,;,useused,以不发音的,e,结尾的加,-d,studystudied,;,carrycarried,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的变,y,为,i,再加,-,ed,stopstopped,;,fitfitted,;,fixfixed,以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母,(x,除外,),结尾的重读闭音节双写结尾字母再加,-,ed,句式变换,肯定式,疑问式,否定式,I worked.,Did I work?,I did not work.,He (She, It) worked.,Did he (she, it) work?,He (She, It) did not work.,We (They,You)worked,.,Did we (they, you),work?,We (They, You),did not work.,They _in London at that time.,A. are having B. having C. were having,D.had,2. My friend _to Qingdao last month.,A. moved B. moves C. has moved,D.moving,3. Why didnt you play soccer with us?,-I _my sister then.,am,looking after,B was,looking after,C.,look after,D.,looked after,4. There _nothing new in yesterdays paper.,A. Is B. are C. were D. was,拓展练习,Finish the exercises on P27.,was watching,won,was writing,sent,was,practising,took,found,was reading,were playing,was talking,called,wasnt,时态,一般将来时,用法,基本,结构,标志词,将来要发生的动作,或状态,will+ do,am/is/,are+going,to do,tomorrow, the day,after tomorrow,next week/ month,If you are late for school, the teacher _angry.,will be B. is C. are D. was,2,. The Greens _for Shanghai next month.,is leaving B. left C. are leaving D. leaves,拓展练习,1.,用法:,1,2,现在完成时,现在完成时,过去,现在,过去,的动作对,现在,的影响。,I,have finished,my homework.,过去,的动作持续到,现在,。,I,have studied English,for six years.,3.,标志词,:,already, just, yet, ever, never, recently,in the past 3 years, before,so far/by now,over the years,since+,时间点,/,过去时态的句子,for+,时间段,2.,基本结构:,have/has+ done,1,2,1. I lost my keys yesterday.,2. I have lost my keys, I cant,open the door now.,4.,现在完成时和一般过去时的异同点:,共同点:,动作都在,过去,。,不同点:,和,现在,有无关系。,(,与现在有关的过去动作用现在完成,,与现在无关的过去动作用一般过去。,),5.,易错点,:,have/has gone to,表示“,去了,某地”,have/has been to,表示“,去过,某地”,have/has been in,表示“,来,/,去,某地多久”。,1.-Where is Tom?,-He _Europe.,2. Tom _Europe twice.,3. Tom _Europe for five days.,has gone to,has been to,has been in,6.,瞬间动词和延续性动词,若句中出现,时间段,,则必须使用,延续性动词,。,e.g.,Her lovely dog _for 10 days.,begin/start,be on,come,die,leave,buy,become,join,be in/a member of,borrow/lend,be dead,have,be in/at,be,away(from,),be,keep,has been dead,瞬间动词和延续性动词转换关系如下:,常见非延续性动词与延续性动词的转化对照表,非延续性动词,延续性动词,非延续性动词,延续性动词,borrow/lend,keep,die,be dead,open,be open,close,be closed,buy,have,join,be in/a,member of,leave,be away,(from),finish/end,be over,begin/start,be on,arrive/come,be here/ in,catch/get a cold,have a cold,marry,be married,I wont see the film with you because I,_(,see)it,already.,2. Great changes _(take place),in our country since 1978.,3. Jim isnt here. He _(go) to the library.,4. How long _you _(,买,) the bike?,5. The Greens _(,来,)China for 5 years.,6. They _ in 2000.,They _for 12 years. (,结婚,),have seen,have taken place,has gone,have,had,have been in,married,have been married,Millie is writing about some modern inventions that have changed the way we live. Help her choose the correct words in brackets to complete her article.,Great inventions,Finish the exercises on P28.,have made,have changed,used,has solved,washed,was,took,have had,travelled,have made,Many modern inventions (1) _ (make/ have made) a great difference in out life. They (2) _ (changed/ have changed) the way we live.,In ancient times, people (3) _ (used/ have used) salt to help them keep fish or meat for a longer time. Fresh food would go bad in summer in a few hours. The invention of fridge (4) _ (solved/ has solved) this problem.,have made,have changed,used,has solved,In the past, people (5) _ (washed/ have washed) their clothes by hand. It (6) _ (was/ has been) tiring, and it (7) _ (took/ has taken) a lot of time. With the invention of the washing machine, people (8) _ (had/ have had) more time to relax.,In the old days, people (9) _ (travelled/ have travelled) by ship. Now planes (10) _ (made/ have made) journeys more comfortable.,washed,was,took,have had,travelled,have made,手工,中考动词时态考试技巧:,做动词时态题的时候要注意以下几个方面,:,1.,根据,时间状语,确定时态,2.,根据,上下文已有时态信息点,确定时态,3.,上下文语意,确定时态,4.,在复合句根据,时态呼应,确定时态,5.,时态中的,“特殊”对策,根据,时间状语,确定时态的原则:,Every summer many foreigners _ to Hainan for vacations.,A. comes B. came C. come D. coming,Every summer,根据,上下文已有时态信息点,确定时态的原则:,2. Is your mother a nurse?,-Yes, she is. She _ in Town Hospital.,has worked B. works,C. worked D. working,Is,利用,上下文语意,确定时态的原则:,3. Wheres your mother, Lucy?,-She _ TV in the room.,watches B. watched,C. is watching D. watching,s,在复合句根据,时态呼应,确定时态的原则:,4. Do you know if he,back next week? If he,back, please let me know.,comes; will come,B. will come; will come,C. will come; comes,D. comes, comes,if,a.,If,引导宾语从句,“是否”,b.,If,引导状语从句,“如果”,If,时态中的,“特殊”对策,的,原则:,5. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25,Christmas Day. (2009,辽宁,),is B. was,C. has been,宾语从句表示客观真理,时态不受主句限制而用一般现在时,December,25,Christmas,Day,中考链接,综合填空,-Where is Li Ming? -He _to,some foreign music in bed.,2. I _a friend of mine when I was walking,down the street.,3. They _on line when I came in.,4. Dont bring the mobile phone to the class,-room, or it _.,5. People _a lot of trees over the,years.,6.,There_an,important test in two days.,7. The boy often _the students exercise,books for the teacher.,hand out, listen, take away, chat, meet, be, plant,is listening,met,were chatting,will be taken away,have planted,will be,hands out,There is a small forest near,Tonys,house. In summer, Tony likes going there to play with some of his friends. There _ a lot of tall trees in the forest. All kinds of birds like,_their homes there. Tony and his friends like counting the bird nests(,鸟巢,).They are very happy when they _ the number of the nests rising. Sometimes, they bring food to the birds. The birds are singing happily in the tree. It _that they like human friends.,Several years ago, Tony and his friends felt surprised when they saw some workers _down the trees. The workers told them the trees would _into some useful things. After they cut down the trees, many baby birds died after they fell down from the trees. The children felt sad. They decided _something to tell people to take care of nature. Since then, the children _many letters to many newspapers to save the environment.,are,find,seems,cutting,be made,to do,have written,building,find, have, seems, to do, building, have written, be made, do, cutting, are,Thank you!,Millie is writing about some modern inventions that have changed the way we live. Help her choose the correct words in brackets to complete her article.,Great inventions,Many modern inventions (1) _ (make/ have made) a great difference in out life. They (2) _ (changed/ have changed) the way we live.,In ancient times, people (3) _ (used/ have used) salt to help them keep fish or meat for a longer time. Fresh food would go bad in summer in a few hours. The invention of fridge (4) _ (solved/ has solved) this problem.,have made,have changed,used,has solved,In the past, people (5) _ (washed/ have washed) their clothes by hand. It (6) _ (was/ has been) tiring, and it (7) _ (took/ has taken) a lot of time. With the invention of the washing machine, people (8) _ (had/ have had) more time to relax.,In the old days, people (9) _ (travelled/ have travelled) by ship. Now planes (10) _ (made/ have made) journeys more comfortable.,washed,was,took,have had,travelled,have made,手工,


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