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初 中 英 语 作 文 教 学 A Yourself (有 关 于 你 自 己 ) my name is_ I am _ my English name is _ I am _ years old I was born in 1996 in I am a _ girl (quiet, active, creative,) B Your family background or childhood There are _ people (members) in my family. I was brought up in a happy family My father is a _ and my mother is a _ (worker, business man, engineer, teacher, doctor) I have_ younger sister (brother older) C Your hobbies I like _ My hobby is playing _ I am good at _ (basketball, football, piano, reading, printing) D Your school life I graduated from_ My favorite subject is_ (Chinese, Maths, English, ) E Your wish in the near future I hope to be happy in this class I wish I can learn more about English F Your ambition and aspiration I wish to be a _ my ambition is to be _ G Last Thank you for your listening Thank you for your time Wish to see you again Would you like to make friends with me? Self-introductionn Hi, my name is , I am from ,Im years old. Im in class grade in middle school.n There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. They love me very much. And I love them too. n My hobby is playing and enjoying, I like making friends with others. Would you like to make friends with me? 1 写 作 原 则 :n 使 用 自 己 熟 悉 的 句 型 , 避 免 汉 语 式 英 语 我 的 表 坏 了 W: my watch is bad R: there is something wrong with my watch. my watch has something wrong. n 用 简 单 句 型 , 可 用 陈 述 句 , 感 叹 句 等n 注 意 语 法 、 句 法 的 灵 活 运 用 语 态 、 时 态 要 准 确主 谓 语 要 一 致注 意 冠 词 用 法 he is an honest student 中 的 an 不 能 写 成 a注 意 拼 写 、 标 点 符 号 和 大 小 写 汉 语 英 语 句 号 。 . 省 略 号 顿 号 、 无 n 描 写 人 物 时 要 生 动 具 体 外 表 : tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak 服 饰 颜 色 : red, yellow, blue, white, black 内 心 世 界 : glad, happy, sad, interested 感 情 描 写 : love, like, hate, cry, smile 动 作 描 写 : come, go, take, bring n 上 下 文 要 连 贯 并 列 : and, as well as, or 转 折 : but, yet, however 时 间 关 系 : first, second, third, before, after 空 间 关 系 : behind, above, below, to the right 递 进 : also, and, too, then 因 果 : because, thus, so, otherwise 列 举 : for example, such as n 书 写 工 整 , 卷 面 整 洁n 写 完 之 后 , 勿 忘 检 查 格 式 是 否 错 误 拼 写 是 否 错 误 语 言 是 否 错 误 时 态 , 语 态 是 否 错 误 人 称 是 否 用 错 1 看 图 作 文 four girls, a man, a boy, a panda, a girl, a boy and a girlWho:Where:In a park, on the grassWhen:Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning,What:Dance, take pictures, sing, talk, fly a kite, ride a wooden horse It was a afternoon. There were many people in the park. Look!Four girls happily. A girl . How high the kite was! A boy . A panda .What a lovely animal! A boy and a girl It was really good to see everyone enjoying the spring sunshine. fine/sunnywere dancing was flyinga kitewas singing was riding a wooden horsewere talking was taking pictures.happily. A man on a winter morning, be covered with, make a snowman, throw snowballs What will happen later? Li Ming, fall down, be badly hurt, cant stand up, take him to hospital 1、看清图片。2、看懂图片。(确定 Who,Where,When,What的内容)3、确定时态,并能正确写出时态的结构4、写作时注意:书写格式(字母大小写,标点)主谓一致正确使用动词句子之间要有连贯性,内容的完整性(尽量使用习惯用语和熟悉的句型)小 结 2 : Write a Note of Asking for Leave A Note of Asking for Leave December 15th, 2010Dear Miss _,_ Yours, Ling Ming 如何写请假条: 例: 假如你是李雷, 星期一早晨得了重感冒,给老师写个请假条, 告诉老师医生建议你休息, 需请假三天, 请老师原谅. Asking for leaveMonday morningLi LeiDear Sir, Im very sorry I cant come to school this morning because Ive got a bad cold. The doctor advised me to stay in bed a few days .Could you apply for a three days leave. Ex.1.你感觉不舒服,要去看医生而不能去上学,请以张明的名义给老师写个请假条. Asking for leave May,20th ,2002Zhang MingDear teacher, Im not feeling well today. Mother will take me to see the doctor. So I cant be at school. I want to ask for one days leave. Thank you. 3 : Write a letter 15 Renming Road Jinhua,321000 Dcecmber 22th ,2004Dear Wang Lin, Thank you for your letter. I miss all of you very much. How I wish to s e e y o u a l l s o o n ! But Yours, Li Ming 4 : Write a diaryFriday, December 28th , 2010 Sunny Im so glad to see my teachers and friend again.。_ 日记书写格式.1.在日记的左侧写出日期( 星期,日,月,年)2. 在同一行的右侧写出当天的天气情况.Eg.1 6月15日 星期天 阴 今天下午我的同学们去了动物园,他们玩的很 开心,但我没去,因为我姑妈病了,正住院,我在医院照顾她.她感到比以前好多了.我祝她早日康复 Sunday June 5 Cloudy All my classmates went to the zoo this afternoon. They had a good time there. But I didnt go with them, because my aunt was ill and she was in hospital. I went to look after her. She felt much better than before. I hope she will get well soon. 5.失物招领与寻物启事书写格式 1.在启示上方中间的位置写上 “FOUND” “LOST” 字样. 2. 写上你 所捡到或丢东西的特征及名称. 3.在哪里去认领或联系方式.例1. FOUND A black pen was left at the library yesterday afternoon ( December 12th).Will the owner please ring 4016633. Ex.1.请写一则 “失物 招领”提示: 教研室拾到一串(a bunch of)钥匙,有丢失者请到办公室认领. FOUND A bunch of keys was left in the Teachers Room. Please the owner of it comes to Room 505 and ask Teacher Zhang to recognize it. Or telephone the number 8675432. Ex.2. 请写一篇“寻物启示”提示: 你丢了一辆自行车和一个书包.请拾到者和王海联系,或请到一年二班.谢谢! Lost A black bike with a school bag was lost yesterday. People who has found it please ring the number 894325. Wang Hai .Or you can come to Class Two , Grade One. 6 如何写通知? 1.在正文的上方中间写上 “ NOTICE” 字样. 2. 在左上角上写所要发往的通知单位或人. 3. 通知的右下角写明发通知的单位或人. 例3. NOTICE All the students: We are going to hold a sports meeting at eight tomorrow morning. The students get together on the playground. You must get ready for your own lunch. Headmaster Ex.3. 明天早上八点, 二年级同学要在校门外集合, 请穿上旧衣服, 去人民公园种树.请根椐所给条件写一通知. All the students of Grade Two, Tomorrow we ll go to the People s Park to plant trees. Please put on your old clothes and meet outside the school gate at eight o clock tomorrow morning. March , 10th , 2001 7.电话信息: ( 看下面表格,填写相应的内容 )例.4 Telephone Message From:_ To : _ Date :_ Time:_Message: David : Your mother is going to Shanghai tonight. She has no time to say “Good-bye” to you. Just let me say “ Sorry” to you. She will be back next Wednesday. SusanSusan David July ,21th 2 in the afternoon Ex4 .根据给内容完成表格: (Today is May the fifth. It is 10:30 now. Li Leis mother is answering the phone)A: Hi! B: Oh ,Can I speak to Li Lei, please?A: Sorry , he isnt in. Can I take a message?B: Yes, please. This is Jim.A: Hi! Jim! B: Hi! Next Sunday is my birthday. Could you tell him to my party please? A: OK. Ill tell him. B: Thank you! Bye. Telephone MessageFrom:_ To: _Date: _ Time: _Message: Jim Li LeiMay 5th Ten thirtyCome to Jims birthday party next Sunday.Ex5. Ex6.读下面对话, 写一篇电话留言.A: Hello, 7-5-1 double 8-2.B: Oh ,hello. May I speak to Ann, please?A: Sorry, she is out . Who is calling?B: Jane. Could you take a message for me, please?A: Certainly. What is it?B: Please ask Ann to come to my birthday party at five tomorrow afternoon.B: OK. A: Thanks a lot. Bye! Telephone MessageFrom : _ To :_Date :_ Time : _Message Jane Ann/ / Jane asked you to her birthday party at five tomorrow afternoon. THANK YOU !Good bye!


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