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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语科技论文写作与发表,Research Paper Writingand Publishing,西北工业大学,自动化学院,李晖晖,科技论文的概念,a,written,and,published,report describing,original,research results“,From,:,Day, R.A.: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Second edn. ISI Press,Philadelphia (1983),Scientific papers have to meet two requirements,:,how the paper is written,the way it is published.,Why to write papers,Publishing papers is very critical for researchers,It is a process of getting ideas, performing them, presenting them, testing them, and making them accepted by other researchers,It is one representation of research productions.,科技论文的重要性,The general structure of a paper comprises following sections(in their typical sequence):,title, authors, affiliate(附属机构,即作者所在单位), abstraction, keywords, introduction, body, conclusion, acknowledgments(致谢), appendix如果有的话, references.,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,1、Title,“as the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper“,effective titles should:,identify the main issue of the paper,begin with the subject of the paper,are accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete,do not contain abbreviations(缩写,attract readers,科技论文撰写格式,example,:,An efficient arithmetic codes suiting for hardware design(,一种硬件实现的高效算术编码,),Network Programming Based on Web(,基于,Web,的网络编程,),。,科技论文撰写格式,Attention:,avoid to use words like:,studies on, investigations on, observations on,problem is not proper for title,Articles in title(,题名中的冠词,),。,在早年,科技论文题名中的冠词用得较多,近些年有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可不用。,eg,:,The Application of Microprocessors on Processing of Chemical Heat-treatment,其中的冠词,the,可不用。,标题长度一般不超过,12,个单词,科技论文撰写格式,upper case and lower case in title,a.,THE APPLICATION OF THE MODELS OF NONLINEAR REGRESSION.,b.,The Contourlet Transform for Image Compression.(,每个词的首字母大写,但,3,个或,4,个字母以下的冠词、连词、介词全部小写。,),c.,Image coding using wavelet transform,the form b. is often used, but the form c. appear more and more,。,科技论文撰写格式,2,、,Authors,Li Hui,Li Huihui , Li Hui-hui,3、Affiliate,单位应是作者在进展研究工作时所在的单位,一般写在作者姓名下方。寄给国外杂志应写明所在单位的部门,如大学的系、研究所的室、医院的科等。在国内杂志上发表文章,不写单位地址;在国外杂志发表文章,一般应在单位下面写详细地址。,假设作者不止一人,而又来自不同单位,那么单位可分别写在合作者下方。,也可以在作者姓名右上方注上a, b, c或星号*, *,然后在脚注中分别列出这些记号并写上单位和地址。,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,4. Abstract,“an abstract comprises a one paragraph summary of the whole paper. “,Abstracts have become increasingly important, as electronic publication databases are the primary means of finding research reports in a certain subject area today .,A checklist listing relevant parts of an abstract:,1. Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results,2. Problem statement: What problem is the paper trying to solve and what is the scope of the work,3. Approach: What was done to solve the problem,4. Results: What is the answer to the problem,5. Conclusions: What implications does the answer imply,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,there are some things that should not be included in an abstract:,Information and conclusions not stated in the paper,references to other literature,the exact title phrase,illustrative elements such as tables and figures,科技论文撰写格式,说明:,有相当数量的作者和审稿人认为, 科技论文的撰写应使用第三人称、过去时和被动语态。但调查说明, 科技论文中被动语态的使用在1920-1970 年曾比较流行, 但由于主动语态的表达更为准确, 且更易阅读, 因而目前大多数期刊都提倡使用主动态。国际知名科技期刊“Nature, “Cell等尤其如此, 其中第一人称和主动语态的使用十分普遍。,为了解专业期刊对写作风格的规定, 有人随机抽查了500 份医学和生物学英文期刊的“读者须知。统计说明, 82%的期刊没有文风方面的规定。,可见, 为简洁、清楚地表达研究成果, 在论文摘要的撰写中不应刻意回避第一人称和主动语态。,科技论文撰写格式,Common used sentences in abstract writing:,This paper introduce(s),propose(s),present(s),describe(s),discuss(s),deal(s) with,focus(es) on,show(s),2.In this paper, is(are) introduced.,科技论文撰写格式,3. This paper(article) is concerned with(aimed at,、,intended to) the study(determination of),4. It is the aim(intend,、,purpose) of this paper to discuss(present,、,describe),5. The chief aim(main purpose,、,primary object)of this paper is to,has(have) concluded(gained,、,obtained,、,yielded,、,arrived at,、,generated,、,acquired),This result(fact,、,demonstration,、,illustration,、,classification,、,comparison,、,analyses) gives (shows),科技论文撰写格式,8.The approach is based on,9.Conditions are considered for,10.The required foris needed,11.The formulas is derived for according to,12.Test has been carried out to study,13.The simulation is performed using,14.The result of this study can be generalized for,15.Result forare found to be close to the experimental data.,科技论文撰写格式,实例1:,一种适合硬件实现的高效算术编码,摘要:本文提出了利用查找来实现二值算术编码,防止乘,除法运算,可以简化硬件设计,该算法具有较小的概率逼,近误差,因此性能退化较小。,Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new implementation,of multiplication-free binary arithmetic coding by use of,table lookup which reduce the complexity of hardware,design. The scheme can be shown to have better,Approximation of the used probability model and to have,Minor performance degradation.,科技论文撰写格式,实例2: 快速概率分析进化算法及其性能研究,摘要:概率分析进化算法是最近几年开展起来的一类新的构造性进,化算法。本文介绍了其产生背景和根本原理,分析了复杂概率模型,导致的计算复杂性,在此根底上提出快速概率分析进化算法的概念,和算法模型。文中给出了Bayes网络作为概率模型,爬山算法作为快,速搜索技术的算法实例,实验结果验证了快速概率进化算法是具有,很好的性能。,Abstract:This paper discusses the probabilistic model evolutionary,algorithms which are a class of new algorithms proposed recently.,After introducing the original and the principles of these classes of,algorithms, the paper analyzes the complex computation caused by the,complex models. Based on this, a new fast evolutionary algorithm,based on probabilistic models is proposed. Also, a fast algorithm which,uses the Bayes network model combined with the climbing-hill,searching is realized. The experimental results show that the new,algorithm has quick, reliable and accurate performance.,EI,文摘要求,摘要一般符合2个要求就可以被EI收录。,1. 专业对口,2. 英文文摘符合要求,具体要求如下:,1. 文摘要尽量简短。,取消不必要的字句:如 It is reported “Extensive investigations show that “The author discusses “This paper concerned with ;文摘开头的 In this paper,一些不必要的修饰词,如“in detail、“briefly、 “here、 “new、 “mainly也尽量不要。,对物理单位及一些通用词可以适当进展简化;,取消或减少背景信息,文摘第一句应防止与题目Title重复,限制文摘只表示新情况,新内容,过去的研究细节可以取消;,不说无用的话,如“本文所谈的有关研究工作是对过去老工艺的一个极大的改进,“本工作首次实现了.,“经检索尚未发现与本文类似的文献等词句切不可进入文摘;,作者在文献中谈及的未来方案不纳入文摘;,2. 文摘应包含正文的要点,将文章的主要内容写,清楚,重点内容不能漏掉,比方试验研究的方,法、设备、材料等,一定要给出结论。,3. 文摘应有自我的独立性(EI是二次文献的数据库,,只有摘要,没有原文,所以摘要很重要)。,EI,文摘要求,4. 不需要自己标榜自己的研究成果。,5. 文摘中不能出现图、表数据。,6. 语句简洁,专业词汇准确。,文体方面的要求:,1. 用过去时态表达作者工作,用现在时态表达作者结论,2. 能用名词做定语不要用动名词做定语,能用形容,词做定语就不要用名词做定语,如:用measurement accuracy 不用 measuring accuracy,用experimental results 不用experiment results,EI,文摘要求,可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用of 句型。,如:用measurement accuracy 不用accuracy of measurement,用equipment structure不用 structure of equipment,可用动词的情况尽量防止用动词的名词形式,如:用 Thickness of plastic sheets was measured.,不用 Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made.,3. 注意冠词用法,不要误用,滥用或随便省略冠词,4. 尽量用主动语态代替被动语态,5. 尽量用简短、词义清楚并为人熟知的词,6. 慎用行话和俗语,EI,文摘要求,EI,文摘要求,7. 删繁从简;,如用 increased 代替 has been found to increase,用the results show 代替 from the experimental results, it can be concluded that,8. 在文摘中尽量少用特殊字符(各种数学符号、上下,脚标及希腊字母)及由特殊字符组成的数学表达,式。因为它们的输入极为麻烦,而且极易出错,影,响文摘本身的准确性和可读性,9. 对那些已经为群众所熟悉的缩写词,如radar、,laser、CAD等,可以直接使用。对于那些仅为同行,所熟悉的缩略语,应在题目、文摘或键词中至少出,现一次全称。,4、Keywords,文章中写明关键词,便于科技索引工作者编关键词索引(Keyword Index),也便于读者从不同的来源中发现你的文章,前三个关键词一般安排如下:1本文的学科分类;2主题思想;3实验或理论方法。 关键词一般35个。,科技论文撰写格式,5、Introduction,The introduction section leads the reader from a general subject area to a particular field of research.,Three phases of an introduction can be identified:,1. Establish a territory确立领域,a) bring out the importance of the subject and/or,b) make general statements about the subject and/or,c) present an overview on current research on the subject.,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,2. Establish a niche确立地位,a) oppose an existing assumption or,b) reveal a research gap or提醒研究空白,c) formulate a research question or problem or,d) continue a tradition.,3. Occupy the niche占据位置,a) sketch the intent of the own work and/or,b) outline important characteristics of the own work;,c) outline important results;,d) give a brief outlook on the structure of the paper.,Style:,Problem X is very important.,Previous work of A and B has been studied, But they have certain weakness,We present C, features of C, experiments of C, Compared with A and B, C is better,Outline of the paper,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,写引言时要注意时态问题。在提到过去的研究报道时,一般用现在完成时,如:“It has been reported;“It has been pointed out by. “It has previously been proved that;等。或用一般过去时,如“J.Kane reported,“S.Gray found,“The author discovered等。在谈到过去研究中已经肯定的东西时,应该用现在一般时,如Ross 140 emphasizes the work of Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon whose central finding was that pattern recognition is critical in most human decision making tasks:,引言中在谈到本研究的目的时,用一般现在时,如“A comparative studyis reported.“This paper presents an analysis of 。在提到本研究的具体方法和结果时,那么用一般过去时。,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,6,、,Body,以试验研究报告类论文为例,1) Theoretical Analysis,/theoretical foundation,Purpose: Theoretical support to your work,Style:,Definition,Lemma,Theorem,Proof,Put tedious details in Appendix,科技论文撰写格式,2) Materials and Methods,详细说明实验所使用的仪器设备种类、型号等,说明实验和观察的步骤和方法。,论述应是以使本领域的科学家在必要时能重复作者的工作并能判断出作者结论的可靠性和有效性。,给出的信息不必过分详细,描述的重点是新的工作和新的方法,对于已发表的一般标准技术、方法或设备,只需扼要介绍或举出参考文献即可。,科技论文撰写格式,3) Results,这是论文的价值所在,是论文的关键局部。它包括给出结果,并对结果进展定量或定性的分析。,写作要点是:以绘图和或列表必要时等手段整理实验结果,通过数理统计和误差分析说明结果的可靠性、再现性和普遍性,进展实验结果与理论计算结果的比较,说明结果的适用对象和范围,分析不符合预见的现象和数据,检验理论分析的正确性等。,科技论文撰写格式,4)Discussion for results,Purpose: The relationship between your work and some very related works,Style:,Work A,Why it is very related,Difference to your work,Work B,Why it is very related,Difference to your work,。,科技论文撰写格式,时态问题:,表示研究目的的动词时态一般要使用过去时,这是因为研究的目的是在着手研究时确定的。,表达结论的动词时态一般使用现在时态或完成时态,而且以使用现在时态为主,除非在强调已取得的成果时方可使用现在完成时。,表示研究过程中动作或状态的动词时态一般使用过去时,这是因为研究工作是在撰写论文之前进展的。但有时也会强调某一行为或状态巳完成或持续到撰写论文时,也会使用现在完成时。,说明图表的事态一般使用现在时。,科技论文撰写格式,主谓一致性:,复合主语用and连接时,一般用复数动词,但and所连接的主语系指同一人或物时,仍用单数动词,用or,nor,eitheror, neitheror,not onlybut连接的复合主语,谓语动词应随后一个主语的人称和数变化,用as well as连接的复合主语,谓语动词应随前一个主语的人称和数而变,集合名词committee,class等作主语,当整体看时谓语用单数,但就其中各个成员来考虑时,用复数,用number作主语,前置the时谓语用单数,前置a时谓语用复数,7,、,Conclusion,Generally, this section includes:,Presentation of background information as well as recapitulation,重述要点,of the research aims of the present study.,Brief summary of the results, whereas the focus is on discussing not recapitulating the results.,Comparison of results with previously published studies.,Conclusions or hypotheses drawn from the results, with summary of evidence for each conclusion.,Proposed follow-up research questions.,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,Common used sentences in conclusion writing:,It is clear from the forgoing discussion that,In conclusion(summary),The above results(data,、,findings)leads us a conclusion that,From, the following conclusion can be made(drawn),On the basis of , we now conclude,We now sum up,We have demonstrated in this paper,8、Acknowledgement,致谢主要包括以下两局部:,1写明在研究过程中给予你帮助的个人和单位;,2写明在研究经费上给予帮助的外单位或基金会。,The author is indebted to for and to for,The author would like to express their appreciation to,In particular we would like to acknowledge the contribution of,The author wishes to thankfor,This work was supported by,The authors are grateful to for their fruitful discussion,科技论文撰写格式,科技论文撰写格式,9、Appendix,附录作为正文主体的补充。附录并不是必需的,一般仅在某些内容如数学推导、定理证明、计算框图、计算结果、源程序清单、附图等插入正文后有损于正文的连贯性、条理性和完整性或对一般读者价值不大或引用他人工作不便列入正文的情形下,才考虑作为附录处理,但在正文中必须提及附录及其作用。,10、References,注意两点:,1只应列入重要的已发表的文章。与文章关系不大的不要放进去。尚未发表的资料、尚在印刷中的文章、学位论文、文摘等一般也不要放进去。,2引证的文章应该自己阅读过,不要转引自其他文章,这可能会造成过失。,科技论文撰写格式,参考文献的具体写法有以下两种情况:,按作者姓名字母顺序排列(Alphabetical list of references),是按引用顺序排列(numbered list of references)。,采用序号编排方式时,有时出版物要求将作者名字写在前面姓写在后面的格式,而又有的出版物要求姓写在前,名写在后。,遇到多作者情况时,即可以将各作者的姓名一一写出,也可以只写出第一作者,其余用et al表示,有的刊物那么要求写出前三名作者,其余用et al表示。,不同期刊有不同要求,要有针对性的参阅有关书刊上的实例。,In summary,,,common style is,:,Problem X is important,Previous works A, B, and C have been done,A, B, and C have their weakness,Your work D,Theoretic analysis,Experimental comparison against A, B, and C,Why D is better,Strength and weakness of D,Future works on D,科技论文撰写格式,Group discussion:,What characteristics should good paper have,Whats your opinion of the following kinds of papers, do you think they are good papers:,providing too many “new ideas in a paper.,Using many unnecessary mathematical formulas to show papers theoretical depth.,Evaluating own work very well in the paper.,Referring too many own literatures than others.,科技论文撰写格式,what makes a good paper,Good paper=solid content+good writing skills,Solid content=good ideas+good results,Good writing skills: structure, flow, argument论据,理由,.,Logical, clear, succinct简洁, consistent,.,English,Standard must be high,your best efforts,compared with others, yours is good/best,科技论文撰写格式,几点误解,Misconceptions 1:,The more, the better,Dont provide too many “newideas in a paper. Try your best to focus on your core work,几点误解,Misconceptions 2:,The more complex, the better,Try to make your paper easy to be understood.,Remember: You are showing your thoughts instead of confusing the readers,Mathematical language is to help you clearly express your thoughts, not to show your depth,几点误解,Misconceptions 3:,The more selling, the better,Dont exaggerate too much on your work. The reviewers/readers will judge it.,几点误解,Misconceptions 4:,The more authoritative, the better,Dont refer too many own works while ignoring others.,Dont behave as a bigshot if you are not,论文写作中的一些本卷须知,在科技论文写作过程中,除了大量使用文字来表,达一定的概念、理论和应用外,还充满了大量的,图片和公式等。由于这局部内容具有一定的特殊,性,所以要写好科技论文,还需掌握其写作方,法。,与图有关的表达,线型,实线,solid line,虚线,dashed line,点线,dotted line,粗线,heavy line,细线,light line,点划线,dot-dash line,阴影线,shaded line,曲线,curve,折线,piecewise linear (broken) line,论文写作中的一些本卷须知,图形,(1) graph,坐标图,coordinate graph,条线图,bar graph,曲线图,curve line graph,比例分配图,circle graph, percentage graph,分配,(,布,),图,distribution graph,一览图,schedule graph,论文写作中的一些本卷须知,(2) diagram,方框图,block diagram,概图,schematic diagram,逻辑流程图,logic flow diagram,箭头图,指示图,arrow diagram,电路图,circuit diagram,状态图,state diagram,论文写作中的一些本卷须知,作图的有关用语,(1),表示图的几个部位,(a),左上角,(,图,)top left,或,upper left corner,。,(b),右上角,(,图,) top right,或,upper right corner,。,(2),坐标的表达,先纵坐标,后横坐标,两者可用,versus(vs),或,against,连在一起,写成,y versus x,,或,y plotted against x,。,直流电压或电流与时间的关系图一般呈直线。,A plot of d.c. voltage or current versus time normally produces a straight line.,在图,1,中,,log I,是对,v,画的。,In Fig. l log I is plotted against v.,论文写作中的一些本卷须知,编号,对于较短的文章,可将所有的图顺序统一,编号。如:,Fig.1,,,Fig .2,对于较长的文章,可,将图分章节编号。如:,Fig.1-1,,,Fig.1-2,2.,表,编号参考图的编号,如,Table1,,,Table2,3.,公式,一般按顺序编号,论文写作中的一些本卷须知,常用刊物和书籍用语:,刊物journal, 杂志magazine, 期刊periodical,刊物的一期issue, 过期刊物back issue,周刊weekly, 月刊monthly,季刊quarterly,半年刊semiyearly,年刊annual,双年biyearly, 双月刊bimonthly,半月刊fortnightly,三日刊(半周刊)semiweekly,第一版first edition,再版reprint edition,最新版latest edition。,袖珍本pocket edition(book),单行本(抽印本)offprint,增订本enlarged edition,修订本revised edition,,精装本deluxe edition,平装本paper back,,丛书series,全集omnibus book,选集anthology,卷volume, 册tome,会议录proceedings,专题论文集symposium,学报会刊:某协会的刊物transaction。,科技论文发表,科技论文发表,Publishing Scientific Papers,Preparing work:,写作之前,应根据论文的内容和份量选择向何处投稿。,如果不清楚刊物的稿件要求可去函索取投稿须知,投稿须知包括论文的格式要求,办刊宗旨、征稿范围、收费要求、 等重要信息。,如果有多个合作者,应在动笔之前根据实际奉献大小决定作者名单和名次。,科技论文发表,Scientific Quality Management,peer review(同行审查、blind review,double-blind review,1.Journal Publications,Roles Involved:,Referee编委: A journal has an editorial board编委会that includes a number of referees who are responsible for reviewing and evaluating submitted papers.,科技论文发表,Editor,: Also called,Associate Editor.,副主编,The most important function of an editor(can also be a group of persons) is to make the final decision whether to accept or to reject a submitted paper.,Managing Editor,: Also called,Editor-in-Chief.,主编,The difference between editors and managing editors is that the review process (dealing with the author and referees) is mostly within the realm of the editor, whereas post-acceptance issues are taken care of by managing editors.,Publisher,. Publishers print accepted papers in (periodical) journal issues.,科技论文发表,The process,The first step is : the author has to submit the paper according to the,instructions,issued by the journal editor.,Some common authors mistakes at this stage include:,Not adhering to the journals paper formatting and layout,布局,guidelines (e.g.using the wrong font size, line spacing, page numbering, etc.).,Exceeding maximum paper length (word count, page count).,The papers thematic focus is not within the scope of the journals subject areas,科技论文发表,The next step the editor takes is to select referees for peer reviewing the paper. Usually the editor forwards the paper to,two or three,referees.,Referees provide information like:,Thematic relevance to the journals scope of subjects.,Significance of contribution.,Originality of the work.,Coverage of relevant literature.,科技论文发表,More focusing on the writing style of the paper:,Clarity of writing: readability, organization, conciseness, and technical quality of the paper.,Appropriate title and abstract.,Appropriate use of well-designed figures and tables.,Sound conclusion and discussion.,Length of the paper relative to its usefulness.,An exampleIEEE T-CSVT review form,科技论文发表,Also increasing the likelihood of acceptance are the following characteristics of submitted papers:,Strong reputation of the author.,Successful test of the proposed theory.,Different content than usually published in the journal.,The editor collects referees recommendations and makes a decision:,Accept,Modify,Reject,科技论文发表,注意:,向刊物投稿一般需要附上一封投稿信cover letter.,内容包括:简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等如“not to review list。另外,还需附上主要作者的中文姓名、通讯地址、 、 和e-mail地址。此外有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式。另外还有的可能要写明你没有一搞多投等。,各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,在杂志的guide for authors一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。,科技论文发表,常用模板:,1) Dear Dr. *:We submit our manuscript entitled * to “some journalfor publication.接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.,Sincerely yours, 通讯作者,科技论文发表,2) Dear Prof. *:This is a manuscript by*and *entitled “. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “. in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it .Correspondence should be addressed to *at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:.Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours,*,假设是修改稿,应在同寄走的修改稿附一封信,对审查意见的交代,Dear Dr.:,Thank you very much for your letter of March 10, 1994 with regard to our manuscript (94A106) together with the comments from the two reviewers, I am sending here with two copies of our revised manuscript. Our incorporation of the reviewers suggestions is as follows:,Reviewer A,1. P2, lines 6-8, The sentence has been changed as subjected.,2. P2, line 2 from bottom: “As described before (ref.6) has been added.,科技论文发表,Reviewer B,1. P4, line 2, “At a concentration of 0.02 mg/ml has been added,2. P5, line 12, “Even after removal of DTT and urea by dialysis has been inserted.,I believe the manuscript has been improved satisfactorily and hope it will be accepted for Publication in ,best regards,Sincerely yours,End.: Two copies of revised manuscript ,Two copies of original manuscript,科技论文发表,科技论文发表,2. Conference Publications,the,conference chair,(,who can be considered the,counterpart to the editor of a journal) issues a,Call For Papers,(CFP) to invite autho


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