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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,The Environment,Reading,Water pollution,Air pollution,Rubbish,What about the pictures below,caused by the quick economic development,Lets enjoy a short video!,Thank about a question:Whats the video about,The economy,Unit 2 Reading,or,the environment,must we choose,A,debate,between an environmentalist and an economist,Learning aims,After the class,we will be able to:,1.know the reading strategy and correctly,use it in reading comprehension;,2.get the main idea of the passage,Have you ever watched a debate or even taken part in a debate,Do you know something about debates,?,Reading strategy:reading a debate,What is the order of a debate,1.One side:present their points first,2.The other side:follow and present their,points,3.Have a discussion,Speakers in a debate will represent,opposite,views.,本单元阅读策略:阅读辩论内容,阅读此类文章要找准:,1、议题为何,2、几方参与,3、对应观点,4、具体论据,完成报纸第四期阅读2021 高考题,Lin Shuiqing,recycling_,industrial waste_,population_,fishing_,water pollution_,production_,Qian Liwei,taxes_,recycling_,factories_,production_,laws_,Put the subjects each speaker talks about,in the correct order.,6,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,5,Lin Shuiqings,speech,large areas of the world,Factories produce,poisonous chemicals,place,atmosphere,make us sick,water,sea,kill sea creatures,be wiped out by fishing boats,catch fish without giving them time to lay eggs,a lasting effect upon the number of fish,more people,more land,more food,7 billion,be damaged by_,be destroyed,have died,animals,industrial waste,=,cut back on production,reduce the amount of things,environmentally friendly ways of living,Suggestions in,Lin Shuiqings,speech,recycling,factories,clouds of dirty smoke,a pipe pouring chemical waste into a river,as an economist,be seen as being against the environment,businessmen,escape from the responsibilities to,the environment,money,economic development is _for the environment,factories,&,industries,control the amount of pollution,spend money repairing the damage,very concerned about the environment,lose the jobs,cut back on amount of things,bad,recycling,more from recycled materials,less directly from the environment,more effective laws,higher taxes,the key to helping both sides,produce,preserve the environment,do harm to the environment,have to pay to do it,Mr Qian Liweis suggestions,Your opinion,What can we do in our daily life in order to protect the environment,Using,handkerchief,instead of the,paper napkin,.,Using,paper bag,instead of,plastic bag,.,Do not use,one-off chopsticks,.,Throw cans,bottles,paper and plastic into the,dustbin.,Finish related exercises(,报纸第四期语法填空,),Fill in the blanks according to the passage.,Lin Shuiqing,chemical waste,Many places have been destroyed.Many plants and animals have died.Factories produce large numbers of harmful chemicals,the waste of which goes into the atmosphere and makes us sick.,Rivers are full of chemicals which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures.,water pollution,Reasons she provides to convince you,fishing,Fishing boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.,population,The worlds population has grown by six times what is was in 1800.The figure is now approaching 7 billion people.,It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry,and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.We may even create more jobs and help the economy at the same time.,recycling,production,People should try to cut back on production and reduce the number of things we make and buy.,Fill in the blanks according to the passage.,factories,There are many factories and industries which control,the amount of pollution they produce,and are very,careful to spend money repairing any damage they,cause.The people operating these factories are deeply,concerned about the environment.,Qian Liwei,production,If we cut back on the quantity of things we produce in,order to save the environment,then jobs will be lost.,People are more important than fish and trees.,Reasons she provides to convince you,We should produce more things from recycled materials,and less from materials taken directly from the environment.,recycling,laws,We need more effective laws to preserve the,environment,which still allow the economy to grow.,This includes more inspections to control how many,trees are cut down and how many fish are caught.,taxes,Factories which pollute the environment should have,to pay higher taxes.,Try to fill in the table,备选?,Cut back on production because industry produces waste,pollutes the environment.,A healthy environment and a stable economy should be possible at the same time.,More people need more land to live on and more food to eat.,People are more important than fish and trees.,Produce more things from recycling materials.,Expand our recycling industry.,Cut back on production,recycle rubbish,teach people about environ-,mentally friendly ways of living.,Recycle rubbish,effective laws,control ho


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