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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2.3 Stripping and Pit Development露天矿剥离与生产,一、重点专业词汇和词组,Fundamental concepts 根本概念,Involved in 涉及,Steeply dipping 急倾斜的,flat-lying 平缓的,keyed to 答案,关键,Complementary 补充的,补足的,Dewatering 脱水的,Investigated 调查研究,Extraction 萃取,获取,Attachments 附件,附属装置,property of trees 乔木,surface,drainage,路面,排水,,地表水系,Limitations 限制,suspended solids 悬浮体,Compliance 承诺,服从,顺从,Effluent 排放,Hydroseeding 水力播种,Conventional 传统的,In addition 此外,另外,Ultimately 最终,根本,根本上,Integrity 完整性,Sediment 沉淀物;沉积,diversion daiv:n 转移;消遣;改向,expanded to 推广,disturbed dist:bd 扰乱的,受害的破坏的,Suspended 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的宣判,Sedimentation ponds 沉降池,precipitation,pri,sipitein,沉淀,,沉淀物,regrade 降级、重新分类,,重整坡度,Approximate 近似于,大概的,使接近,Highwalls 边坡;未开采工作面,Restoration 恢复;复垦,;修复,复原,Exceedng 超过,Replacement 更换,重置,stockpile 料堆、贮存,Plowing 翻耕,耕作,preparation 制备,制剂,Pre,mining 前期开采,Post,mining 后期开采、开采之后,divert 转移,eliminate 消除,解决,comparison with 与相比,over-compaction 过分压实,minimize,minimaiz 使减到最少,,最小化,a minimum of 至少,最少的,auger drilling 螺旋钻机,1、This section covers the fundamental concepts involved in both the open pit mining of thick or steeply dipping deposits as well as the strip mining of thin ,shallow , and relatively flat-lying seams or beds.,这局部内容包含的根本概念涉及两个方面:厚的或急倾斜矿床的露天开采,以及薄的、浅的、相对平缓的矿层或矿床的露天剥采。,二、复合难句,2、The surface mining method selected for a specific property is generally keyed to the overburden removal system , since this unit operation usually involves the greatest capital and operating cost components,为一定特性而选择的露天采矿方法通常是表土剥离系统的关键。因为这局部作业通常包含最大的资金和运作本钱。,3、Once the stripping method and complementary equipment have been selected , extraction equipment systems are selected for the other unit operations,一旦选定了剥离方法和相应配套设备,随后?就选定其它局部作业所需的开采设备系统。,4、Standard engineering practice dictates that various alternatives be investigated, not only for the stripping system, but also for the other unit operations.,工程实践标准要求研究各种备用方案,不仅是为了剥离系统,也是为了其他局部作业。,5、The goal is to provide maximum resource extraction at a minimum cost including both capital and operating cost considerations.,其目的是以最小的资金投入和运营本钱去获取最大的资源产出。,6、This involves clearing the property of trees and shrubs and then removing the stumps and roots to insure a homogeneous topsoil.,这包括去除乔木和灌木丛,并搬运树桩和树根以确保带有同性质表土。,7、Grubbing is often done with rake-like grubbing attachments on agricultural tractors or dozers.,除根通常是用装在农用拖拉机或推土机上的像耙一样的除根装置来完成的。,8、Regulations dictate that the topsoil be removed and ultimately replaced upon graded spoils.,条例规定:必须分类移置表土并最终按照表土等级分类放回到破损区。,9、Topsoil can either be stockpiled at the side of the pit area for later redistribution or hauled immediately to the graded area for,redistribution.,或者将剥离的表土堆放在矿区旁边等待以后重新分布,或者立即运送到整平区进展重新分布。,10、In the latter case , the topsoil,can,either,be hauled,around the pit,or,across,the pit on spoil bridges.,对于后一种情况,或者将表土沿矿坑运出,或者穿过矿坑从表土带上运出。,11、The decision,is made,on the basis of,economics considering topsoil quantities and haul distances.,这要,根据,经济学上考虑到的表土量和运输距离而定。,12、Self -elevating scrapers,are,the most common means of removing and redistributing topsoil,,although,loader/truck or wheel excavator/belt systems,find,application,where,topsoil quantities,are,large,andor,haul distances,are,long.,自动升降刮运机是剥离和重新分布表土最常用的工具,尽管装载机卡车或者轮式挖掘机带式运输机系统也,应用于,表土量大,及或,运距远的地方。,13、In cases where multiple soil horizons (i, e. A, B, and C) exist , these layers must be removed separately and stockpiled and redistributed to maintain the integrity of each horizon,在多种表土层并存如A、B、C等多层表土的情况下,这些表土层必须单独剥离、堆放及重新分布,以保持每个表土层的完整。,14、For many years , it has been good operating practice to divert surface water from active pit areas to eliminate剔除 in-pit water problems.,多年来,人们积累了丰富的实践经历,从现役矿区转移地表水以解决坑内积水的问题。,15、,Diversion,ditch systems,were utilized,to,deflect,the water and,direct,it,into,natural,drainages,.,用转向排水渠系统使矿坑地表水改向并把它们导入自然排水系统。,16、Surface drainage from disturbed areas,must pass,through,a,sediment pond,来自被破坏区域的地表水系必须穿过一个沉淀池,17、Effluent from the ponds,must meet,limitations,of pH , iron , manganese , total,suspended solids, etc,从池里流出的水必须符合PH、铁、锰、悬浮物总量等方面的要求,18、Sedimentation ponds must be constructed to standards on capacity , detention time , dewatering 脱水作用, location , slopes , etc. ; these standards , particularly the capacity standards , have been contested by industry.,沉降池必须按照容量、沉降时间、脱水作用、位置、边坡等标准来修建;这些标准,特别是容量标准一直是业内有所争议的,19、Discharge compliance must meet l0-year , 24-hour precipitation events,完全排放必须到达10年24小时的沉淀要求。,20、Treatment is required , if necessary to meet effluent standards,如果必须到达排放标准,那就还需要进展综合治理。,21、General design measures,taken,to,meet,these standards economically,include,minimizing,the disturbed area ,stabilizing,backfill ,diverting,overland flow,around or through disturbed areas to,reduce,pond size ,revegetating,immediately to,reduce,sediment load , and,separating,pit water,from,other water to,minimize,treatment.,经济地满足这些标准的总体设计措施包括:最小化受害区、稳定回填系统、使地面水流围绕或穿过受害区改道以减小沉降池的大小、立即再种植以减少输沙量、区分矿坑水与其他水以使治理工作量最小化。,22、Regrading or striking-off the spoil is usually accomplished with large-horsepower dozers , and final grading is done with large graders,表土再分类或刮砂通常由大功率的推土机来完成,而最终的整平那么需要大型的平土机来完成。,23、,As,previously,discussed, scrapers , dozers ,or loader/trucks,are utilized,in this operation with topsoil,replaced,continuously or from stockpile,正如,前文所述,刮运机、推土机、装载机卡车都被用到不断重置表土的工作中。,24、Some preparation of the graded spoil , plowing, etc. is usually done to stabilize the topsoil bed.,一些整理过的泥渣、翻耕等制备通常用来加固表土根底。,25、Traffic patterns are designed to prevent over-compaction of the bed.,设计运输模式是为了防止表土床过分压实。,26、Planting is accomplished either by hydroseeding or with conventional farm equipment and must be done as soon as practical with seed selection based on postmining采后的 land use,用水力播种或传统的农场种植设备来完成种植,而且一选种根据采后土地使用情况就必须种植。,27、Success is usually judged by comparison with a reference area , with production rated as 评价为some percentage of that area,种植成功与否通常是通过比较参考面积以及那个区域的成活率来判断。,28、Erosion must be controlled so that gullies or rills more than 276 mm in depth do not develop.,必须控制水土流失侵蚀,使深度超过276mm的冲沟或小溪不再开展。,小结,1、专业知识:,清理和除根,表土移置,矿山排水、侵蚀和沉积控制,表土再分类,表土重置或再分布,再种植,2、英语知识:嵌套从句,


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