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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,技巧篇:听力二,Lecturer:,Lucia Tian,本次讲座主要内容,复合式听写,长对话,短文,复合式听写,(06.12 26:10),Have a try!,Section C: Compound dictation:,You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways depending on the situation they are in. This is very_. All languages have two general levels of _: a formal level and an informal level. English is no _. The difference in these two levels is the situation in which you use a _level. Formal language is the kind of language you find in textbooks, _ books and in business letters. You would also use formal English in compositions and _ that you write in school. Informal language is used in conversation with _, family members and friends, and when we write _ notes or letters to close friends.,natural,usage,exception,particular,reference,essays,colleagues,personal,Formal language is different from informal language in several ways. First, formal language tends to be more polite. _ For example, I might say to a friend or a family member “Close the door, please, _,Another difference between formal and informal language is some of the vocabulary. _ Lets say that I really like soccer. If I am talking to my friend, I might say “I am just crazy about soccer, but if I were talking to my boss, I would probably say “I really enjoy soccer.,Formal language is different from informal language in several ways. First, formal language tends to be more polite. What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite. For example, I might say to a friend or a family member “Close the door, please, but to a stranger, I probably would say “Would you mind closing the door?,Another difference between formal and informal language is some of the vocabulary. There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal. Lets say that I really like soccer. If I am talking to my friend, I might say “I am just crazy about soccer, but if I were talking to my boss, I would probably say “I really enjoy soccer.,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,一、命题规律,1. 在选材上,多为说明文或议论文,且其观点鲜明、条理清楚。(捕捉信息),2. 在设题上,所需填写信息是和信息联系在一起的。(推断),3. 在考查的时间上 (如何利用?,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,二、复合式听写的考查要点,不仅考听的能力,还考单词拼写、信息记录和内容概括的能力。,例如,在2006年6月的四级试题中,第一局部的“schedule、“considerate、“necessarily等单词,四级复合听写必看,100,个单词,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,2006年12月的四级试题中,第二局部的最后一题原文内容为:“There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.这句话共19个单词,只凭记忆很难把它准确地写出来,这就要求考生把听到的要点记下来,然后再用自己的话概括出来。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,2. 不仅考单词和句子,而且考语法。,由于录音中的连读、弱读等现象的存在,有时只靠听难以区分名词是单数还是复数,动词是现在分词还是过去分词等等,考生须根据已具备的语法知识来加以推断,得出正确的结论。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,例如,2006年12月四级试题的复合式听写中有这样的内容:“You would also use formal English in compositions and (41) _ that you write in school. Informal language is used in conversation with (42) _, family members and friends, and when we write (43) _ notes or letters to close friends.,其中,41题的答案是“essays,为复数形式,但因为同后面的that连读,很难听清是单数还是复数。但根据其前面的“compositions and考生很容易推断出这里需要的可数名词essay一定为复数形式。同样,42题答案“colleagues也可以通过这样的方法推测出来。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,3. 不仅考词义,而且考词性。,有时在没有完全听清或记录时发生笔误的情况下考生可以根据其所处位置判断其应有的词性从而做出正确判断或修正。,例如,上文提到的2006年12月四级试题的复合式听写第43题答案应为“personal,可根据语法判断出该词应为形容词,从而判断出其正确拼写形式。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,4.,不仅考单句,而且考句与句之间的逻辑关系。,逻辑是指上下文的因果、转折、递进、解释等关系。考生可根据这些关系,在听录音之前即可概略地预测所缺单词,从而做到心中有数。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,例如,1998年1月四级考题:“ButMichaels (4) success hasnt always come easy. (5) _ his intelligence, he still lacks important life (6) _.由上下文的逻辑关系可以判断第5小题应该填Despite,即“虽然他聪明,但却缺乏很重要的生活。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,三、应试技巧,提前熟悉内容,了解文章大意,为捕捉正确信息提供足够线索,根据空格的位置和上下文信息推断第一局部所缺单词的词性和可能的内容以及第二局部横线上所缺的内容。,此外,第一句话往往是文章的主题句,且不设空,因此考生可以通过这句话了解文章的主题。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,2. 提前明确每一遍录音播放时的应试重点,为正确记录信息提供心理优势。,第一遍,单词局部尽量写出首字母一个或两个。以减少第二遍的负担。句子局部,尽量确定主语和谓语。,第二遍,单词局部填写完整。句子局部,确定主要含义。,3第三遍,检查单词局部。完善句子局部。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,3. 录音播放中要沉着、冷静、自信,确保听得全面、准确。,即使有没听清楚的信息,也不要着急,跳过该信息,把注意力集中在下面的内容上,后面进行查漏补缺。,4. 综合运用速记技巧,提高记录的速度和准确性。,方法不拘一格,只要自己能回忆起哪个单词即可。,2.,听力题型之复合式听写,5.,充分利用语法、逻辑和上下文信息进行验证,以确保所记录的每条信息都有充分的依据。,当播放完三遍录音之后,为了确保不丢冤枉分,需要对所记录的答案进行检查验证,看所填写的答案是否符合,语法、逻辑和上下文语境,,确保不出现笔误。,对于没有太大把握的答案也要通过语法、逻辑和上下文语境进行推断。在确保所记录的答案没有错误后,再把答案清清楚楚地誊写在答题卡上。,Lucia,:,英语听力容易,混淆拼错的单词,复合式听写,Students pressure sometimes comes from their parents. Most parents are well_, but some of them arent very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in _ to college. And a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their childrens difficulties.,meaning,adjusting,For one thing, parents are often not _ of the kinds of problems their children face. They dont realize that the _ is keener, that the required _ of work are higher, and that their children may not be prepared for the change. _ to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards, they may be upset when their childrens first _ college grades are below that level. At their kindest, they may gently _ why John or Mary isnt doing better, whether he or she is trying as hard as he or she should, and so on. _.,aware,competition,standards,Accustomed,semester,inquire,At their worst, they may threaten to take their children out of college or cut off funds.,Sometimes parents regard their children as extensions of themselves and _ _. In their involvement and identification with their children, they forget that everyone is different and that each person must develop in his or her own way. They forget that their children, who _,_,think it only right and natural that they determine what their children do with their lives,are now young adults, must be the ones responsible for what they do and what they are.,长对话,1,(06.12 9:00),Have a try!,Conversation 1,W: Hey, Bob, guess what? Im going to visit Quebec next summer.,19,Im invited to go to a friends wedding. But while Im there Id also like to do some sightseeing.,M: Thats nice, Shelly. But do you mean the province of Quebec, or Quebec City?,W: I mean the province. My friends wedding is in Montreal. Im going there first. Ill stay for five days. Is Montreal the capital city of the province?,M: Well, Many people think so because its the biggest city. But its not the capital. Quebec City is. But Montreal is great. The Saint Royal River runs right through the middle of the city. Its beautiful in summer.,W: Wow, and do you think I can get by in English? My French is OK, but not that good. I know most people there speak French, but can I also use English?,M: Well, People speak both French and English there. But youll hear French most of the time. And all the street signs are in French. In fact, Montreal is the third largest French speaking city in the world.,So youd better practice your French before you go.,W:,Good advice,. What about Quebec City? Ill visit a friend from college who lives there now. Whats it like?,M: Its a beautiful city, very old.,Many old buildings have been nicely restored. Some of them were built in the 17th or 18th centuries.,Youll love there.,W: Fantastic. I cant wait to go.,Questions:,19. Whats the womans main purpose of visiting Quebec?,20. What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip?,21. What does the man say about the Quebec City?,1.,听力题型之长对话,根据选项判断内容,抓住,听音要点,。考点分布:说话者身份、对话背景地点、主题或具体内容等,开头,一般打招呼,确定身份、话题,记录,关键词、时间、数字等,长对话,2,(06.12 9:00),Have a try!,Conversation 2,M: Hi, Miss Rowling, how old were you when you started to write? And what was your first book?,W:,I wrote my first Finnish (finished) story when I was about six. It was about a small animal, a rabbit, I mean,. And Ive been writing ever since?,M: Why did you choose to be an author?,W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness. Step One would be finding out what you love doing most. Step two would be finding someone to pay you to do this.,I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing,M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?,W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one. But I never really imagine a target audience when Im writing. The ideas come first. So it really depends on the ideas that grasp me next.,M: where did the ideas for the “Harry Potter books come from?,W: Ive no ideas where the ideas came from. And I hope Ill never find out. It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny wrinkle on the surface of my brain, which makes me think about the invisible train platform.,M: How did you come up with the names of your characters?,W:I invented some of them. But I also collected strange names. Ive got one from ancient saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memoirs and people I met.,M: Oh, you are really resourceful.,Questions:,22. What do we learn from the conversation about Miss Rowlings first book?,23. Why does Miss Rowling consider her so very lucky?,24. What dictates Miss Rowlings writing?,25. According to Miss Rowling where did she get the ideas for the Harry Porter books?,短文 ,Have a try!,短文1,Passage 1,Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has a direct impact on their performance at school during the day. According to classroom teachers, elementary and middle school students who stay up late exhibit more learning and attention problems. This has been shown by Brown Medical School and Bradley Hospital research.,In the study, teachers were not told the amount of sleep students received when completing weekly performance reports, yet they rated the students who had received eight hours or less as having the most trouble recalling all the material,,,learning new lessons and completing high-quality work.,短文,1,Teachers also reported that these students had more difficulty paying attention. The experiment is the first to ask teachers to report on the effects of sleep deficiency in children. Just staying up late can cause increased academic difficulty and attention problems for otherwise healthy, well-functioning kids, said Garharn Forlone, the studys lead author. So the results provide professionals and parents with a clear message: when a child is having learning and attention problems, the issue of sleep has to be taken into consideration. “If we dont ask about sleep, and try to improve sleep patterns in kids struggling academically, then we arent doing our job, Forlone said. For parents, he said, the message is simple, “getting kids to bed on time is as important as getting them to school on time.,短文,1,Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.,Question 26: What were teachers told to do in the experiment?,Question 27: According to the experiment, what problem can insufficient sleep cause in students?,Question 28: What message did the researcher intend to convey to parents?,3.,听力题型之短文,一、命题特点,形似阅读理解,难度相差悬殊。,指令directions时间可以利用。,短文体裁较为固定,选项,可作为推断短文内容的依据,试题类型是相对固定的,主要包括细节题、推断题、态度题、数字题、主旨题等。,3.,听力题型之短文,首先,浏览选项,,推断,问题内容和短文大意。,其次,手眼脑并用,,记录,关键信息。,再次,针对不同题型采取相应的解题技巧。,最后,检验核对,不允许任何由于疏忽造成的失误。,3.,听力题型之短文,1. 细节题。答案往往由first,most,because,in any case,as a matter of fact引出,留意后面的信息。,2. 推断题。注意总结性的话,每局部最后一句,3. 态度题。选项四个形容词. (听不出态度方向,选正面),4. 数字题。 (记录;一般不考运算),5. 主旨题。特别注意文章的两头,发音,: but,短文,2,Passage 2,Patricia Pania never wanted to be a public figure. All she wanted to be was a mother and home-maker. But,her life was turned upside down when a motorist, distracted by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car. The impact killed her 2-year-old daughter. Four months later, Pania reluctantly but courageously decided to try to educate the public and,to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a car is moving,. She wanted to save other children from what happened to her daughter.,短文,2,In her first speech, Pania got off to a shaky start. She was visibly trembling and her voice was soft and uncertain,. But as she got into her speech, a dramatic transformation took place. She stopped shaking and spoke with a strong voice. For the rest of her talk, she was a forceful and compelling speaker. She wanted everyone in the audience to know what she knew without having to learn it from a personal tragedy. Many in the audience were moved to tears and to action. In subsequent presentations, Pania gained reputation as a highly effective speaker. Her appearance on a talk show was broadcast three times, transmitting her message to over 40 million people.,Her campaign increased public awareness of the problem, and prompted over 300 cities and several states to consider restrictions on cell phone use.,短文,2,Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.,Question 29: What was the significant change in Patricia Panias life?,Question 30: What had led to Panias personal tragedy?,Question 31: How did Pania feel when she began her first speech?,Question 32: What could be expected as a result of Panias efforts?,Question Time,


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