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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A fine day,Lesson 33,What is he doing,He is sharpening the pencil.,What is she doing,She is taking off her coat.,What is it doing,It is drinking the milk.,What is she doing,She is shutting the door.,What is she doing,She is typing a letter.,What is she doing,She is emptying a basket.,What is it doing,It is eating a bone.,What is he doing,He is cleaning his teeth.,What is she doing,She is cooking a meal.,Who is cooking a meal,What is she cooking,What is she doing,She is looking at the picture.,Who is looking at the picture,What is she looking at,What is he doing,He is turning on the light.,Who is turning on the light,What is he turning on,What is she doing,She is turning off the tap.,Who is turning off the tap,What is she turning off,cook,shav,e,sleep,cooking,shaving,sleeping,typ,e,typing,s,i,t,si,tt,ing,sh,u,t,shu,tt,ing,直接加,ing,以不发音的,e,结尾,去掉,e,再加,ing,以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加,ing,写出以下的动词的现在分词形式 1.run 2.make,3.shine 4.take,5.walk 6.fly 7.empty 8.cry,9.shut 10.put,11.dust 12.shave,day,de,n.,日子,cloud,klad,n.,云,sky,ska,n.,天空,sun,sn,n.,太阳,shine,an,v.,照耀,with,w,prep.,和,在一起,family, fml,n.,家庭,(,成员,),walk,w:k,v.,走路,步行,over, v,prep.,跨越,在,之上,bridge,brd,n.,桥,boat,bt,n.,船,river,rv,n.,河,ship,p,n.,轮船,aeroplane,erplen,n.,飞机,fly,fla,v.,飞,day,n. Its a fine day.,day and night,日日夜夜,day after day,日复一日,cloud,(c),e.g. There are some clouds in the sky.,black clouds,乌云,cloudy adj.,多云的,cloudless,无云的,sky,(u) in the sky sky-blue,天蓝色,sun,sunrise a beautiful sunrise,sunset a beautiful sunset,sunglasses,sunny a sunny room; a sunny day,shine,v.,The sun shines everyday.,The sun is shining,sunshine,阳光的照射,; sunlight,Youre my sunshine after the rain.,你是我雨后的阳光,walk,v/n,walk home go out for a walk,We walk to school everyday.,Lets go out for a walk.,over,prep,跨越, 在,之上,walk over the bridge;(walk on the bridge),fly over the river ; jump over the fence; over,强调过程,从一端到另一端,而,on,强调位置,on,beneath,There is a village beneath the hills,above,The book is above me on the shelf.,below,Put the desk below the picture.,over,The bridge is over the river.,under,with prep,be with和一起Im with my parents.,They are with their children.,family n 家庭成员,How many people are there in your family,There are four people in my family.,family doctor,home 抽象的概念 My home is in China.,house房子构造,建筑物本身,Will you come to my house tomorrow,family家庭成员关系,boat,boat race in the same boat,river,There are some boats on the river.,There are many fishes in the river.,ship,space ship,aeroplane 正式,airplane正式,plane非正式,fly,v,飞,飞行,An aeroplane is flying over the river,fly a kite,I must fly,Im flying to London tomorrow.,n.,苍蝇,not hurt a fly :,非常善良,天空,云,太阳,照耀,家庭,(,成员,),和,一起,走路,步行,words,s,u,n,cl,ou,d,sh,i,ne,sk,y,f,a,m,i,l,y,w,i,th,w,al,k,br,i,dge,o,v,er,r,i,v,er,b,oa,t,sh,i,p,ae,r,o,pl,a,ne,fl,y,桥,跨越,河,小船,轮船,飞机,飞,Complete words.,cl_ _ d,_ _ n,f_ m_ ly,sh _ ne,b_ _ t,w _ th,s _ _,sh_ p,aer_ pl_ne,w_ _ k,br_ _ge,r _ v_ _,_ v_ _,bridge,cloud,shine,family,cloud,s,sky,sun,walk,boat,boat,s,river,ship,aeroplane,1. What is Sally looking at,2. Where is the Jones family,Questions,5. Are there any boats on the river,4. Who is walking over the bridge,3. Are there any clouds in the sky,6. What are Mr. Jones and his wife doing,2. Is it a cold day today,7. Whats Tim doing,8. What is the aeroplane doing,1.It is a fine day today.,今天是个大晴天。,英语中,表示天气内容的句子通常以,It is ,开头。,It is raining now.,天正在下雨。,2.There are some clouds in the sky.天上飘着几朵云。,1这是一个典型的“there be构造的句子,因为句子的主语“some clouds是复数,所以句型用“there are。,2)“在天上的表达式“in the sky,而不是“on the sky。,There are some birds in the sky.天上有一些小鸟。,3.Mr. Jones is with his family.,琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。,with,是个介词,后面常常跟名词或者代词来做它的宾语。,be with sb.,和某人在一起,4.Family,1)家庭,I have a happy family.,我有一个幸福的家庭。,2)家庭成员,My family are all workers.,我们家都是工人。,family在表示“家庭意思的时候是一个单数的可数名词。,family在表示“家庭成员的时候是一个集合名词,本身表示复数。,Sally is looking at a big ship.,The ship is going under the bridge.,5.Sally is looking at,a,big ship.,萨莉正在看着一艘大船。,look at,是一个动词词组。,学生们正在看着黑板。,The students,are looking at,the blackboard.,It is a fine day today.,Mr. Jones is with his family.,They are walking over the bridge.,There are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is shining.,Fill in the blanks with suitable words,Tim is looking at an aeroplane.,There are some boats on the river.,The ship is going under the bridge.,Mr. Jones and his wife are looking at them.,Sally is looking at a big ship.,The aeroplane is flying over the river.,Fill in the blanks with suitable words,1.,sun, shining , is , the,4.,at, an, is, Tim, aeroplane, looking,5.,over, the, is, the, flying, aeroplane, river,2.,a, looking, is, big, Sally, at, ship,3.,the, bridge, under, is, ship, the, going,组词成句,6.,bridge, walking , are , they, over, the,7.,them, looking at, and, Mr. Jones, are, his wife,What are they doing,Lesson 34,What are the cooks doing,They are cooking.,cook,What are the children doing,They are sleeping.,sleep,What are the men doing,They are shaving.,shave,What are the children doing,They are crying.,cry,What are the women doing,They are typing letters.,type letters,What are the children doing,They are doing their homework.,do their homework,What are they doing,They are washing dishes.,wash,dishes,What are they doing,They are walking over the bridge.,walk over the bridge,What are they doing,They are waiting for a bus.,wait,for a bus,What are the children doing,They are jumping off the wall.,jump off the wall,What are they doing,They,are,sleep,ing,.,What are they doing,They,are,cry,ing.,What are they doing,They,are,wash,ing,.,What are they doing,They,are,wait,ing,.,What are they doing,They,are,jump,ing,.,What are they doing,They,are,cook,ing,.,What are they doing,They,are,fly,ing,.,What are they doing,They,are,eat,ing,.,Thank you!,


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