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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,EBC(课前背诵L1 Part I 局部课文以及改正听写本上的错误),Lesson 11 Is this your shirt,God is a girl,荣耀榜:1. 三好学生,2. (上课积极),3. (爱思考),Review,复习一下吧!,orange,yellow,green,red,Words and expressions,whose,pron.,谁的,blue,adj.,蓝色的,perhaps,adv.,大概,white,adj.,白色的,c,atch,v.,抓住,shirt,n.,衬衫,看后页图所示亲属关系,完成下面的句子。,1. Elena is Cindys _.,2. Shelley is Kims _.,3. Paul is Kims _.,Shelley,Jim,Damon,Elena,Hans,Judy,Kim,Cindy,Paul,现在来完成下面的句子吧。,1. Elena is Cindys _.,2. Shelley is Kims _.,3. Paul is Kims _.,aunt,grandmother,cousin,s的名词所有格,定义:表示名词的所属关系的形式。,s所有格构成:,1一般情况下,在名词词尾加s。,Tims shirt, Lindas bag,2假设名词已有以-s或-es结尾的复数词尾,直接在其后加 。,the students books,3不以-s结尾的复数名词,直接在其后加s。,childrens candies,练习:,我哥的女朋友,my brother,s,girl,friend,工人们的老板,the workers,boss,女洗手间,women,s,room,Kelly,的连衣裙,Kelly,s,dress,男孩们的足球,the boys,football,模仿例子,仿写句子。,this white shirt / Tim ,Whose is this white shirt,This white shirt is Tims., this tie / my father,Whose is this tie,This tie is my fathers., that blouse / my sister,Whose is that blouse,That blouse is my sisters.,英语物主代词,数,人称,类别,单数,复数,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,形容词性物主代词,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their,我,的,你,的,他,的,她,的,它,的,我们,的,你们,的,他们,的,a,dj.,练习:,这是你的衬衫吗?,这是他的书吗?,那是她的外套吗?,那是我们的教师吗?,Is this your shirt,Is this his book,Is that her coat,Is that our teacher,练习:,这是谁的衬衫?,这是谁的书?,那是谁的外套?,那是谁的教师?,Whose shirt is this,Whose book is this,Whose coat is that,Whose teacher is that,A new dress,Lesson,13,up,stairs,down,stairs,楼上,楼下,upstairs,楼上,;downstairs,楼下,地点副词,:,here, there, upstairs,downstairs, home, abroad, downtown,地点副词前面,不能,加介词, come here go there, come upstairs go home, go abroad go downtown,smart,=fashion,smart adj., 漂亮的,时髦的,巧妙的,Alices hat is smart. 爱丽丝的帽子时髦而漂亮。,The pink dress is lovely and smart.,那条粉色的裙子得意又时髦。,指人 聪明的,伶俐的,精明的,You are a smart boy. 你是个聪明的男孩。,He is a smart boss. 她是个精明的老板。,carpet,地毯,New words and expressions,colour n. 颜色 case n. 箱子,green adj. 绿色 carpet n. 地毯,come v. 来 dog n. 狗,upstairs adv. 楼上,smart adj. 漂亮的,时髦的,hat n. 帽子,same adj. 一样的,lovely adj. 得意的,秀美动人的, colour n. 颜色 = color美,what colour is 是什么颜色的?,你的包是什么颜色的? 我的包是粉色的。, What colour is your bag Its pink., ,What构成的特殊疑问句,What make is it 它是什么牌子的?,What nationality are you 你是哪国人?,Whats your name 你叫什么名字?,green adj.,绿色的,n.,绿色,green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶,light green 淡绿色 dark green 深绿色,green hand:新手,没有经历的人,Tomisfat,but heisntagreenhandinfootball.,他虽然胖,但在足球上可不是个新手。,green card:绿卡,green light:绿灯;特权,gr,ee,n gri:n,字母组合,ee,发,i:,的单词,你能说出几个?,b,ee,蜜蜂 thr,ee,3 thirt,ee,n 13,m,ee,t 遇见 s,ee,看见 f,ee,l 感觉,t,ee,th 牙齿 f,ee,t 脚 k,ee,p 保存,试着读读下面的单词,Come here. 过来。 here:这里,Come on. 快来 / 拜托 / 得了吧 / 过来,Come on. Lets go fishing. 来吧,我们去钓鱼。,Come on. Im not a baby.,拜托,我又不是婴儿。,Come on. Stop day-dreaming.,得了吧,别做白日梦了。, go:去 Go there. 去那儿。,come v.,来,lovely adj., 得意的,漂亮迷人的,It is a lovely garden. 那是个迷人的花园。,Your hat is lovely. 你的帽子很得意。, 得意的,亲切和蔼的,Tina is a lovely girl. 缇娜是个得意的女孩。,有亲切和蔼,心地善良的含义,辨析,:,lovely,和,smart,lovely 强调得意、柔和、和蔼之美,smart 强调聪明、伶俐之美, same adj. 一样的,反义词 different adj. 不同的, the same as 和一样,This umbrella is the same as that one., be different from 和不同,Im different from my sister., the same to 对也一样, Have a nice day! 祝你愉快!, The same to you. 你也是。,Louise: What colours your new dress,Anna: Its green.,Louise,Anna,Anna:,Come upstairs and see it.,Louise:,Thank you.,Louise,Anna,Anna:,Look! Here it is.,Louise:,Thats a nice dress.Its very smart .,Louise,Anna,Anna: My hats new, too.,Louise: What colour is it,Anna,Anna:,Its the same colour. Its,green, too.,Anna,Louise:,Thats a lovely hat!,Louise,课文讲解, What make ? 是什么牌子的?, What nationality ? 是哪国的?,我们之前见过类似的句型:,练习1,这辆车是什么牌子的?,练习2,Steven是哪国人?,What make is this car,What nationality is Steven,1.what colour,引导的特殊疑问句,What colour? “是什么颜色的?,What colour is your new dress,你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?,What colour is Sallys cat,Sally的猫是什么颜色的?, 根据你自己的情况答复以下问题。,What colour is your schoolbag,What colour is your English book,What colour is your T-shirt or sweater,问问你的同学这几个问题。, 把刚刚的答案总结为一段话。 _s school bag is _. Her/His English book is _.,用于表示,命令,、,请求,、,建议,、,叮嘱,、,警告,等。,它通常,省略主语,,,以动词原形直接开头,。,2.,祈使句,Stand up,please. 请站起来。,Open the window,please. 请翻开窗户!,Come upstairs and see it. 到楼上来看看吧。,祈使句变否认形式是在开头加“Dont,Dont,Stand up,please. 请不要站起来。,Dont,open the window,please.,1. 你的连衣裙是什么颜色的?是绿色的。,2. 安娜的帽子是什么颜色的?一样的颜色,也是绿色的。,3. 翻开你的书。,4. 不要翻开你的书。,试着翻译下面的句子。,What colour is your dress Its green.,What colour is Annas hat,Its the same colour. Its green, too.,Open your book.,Dont open your book.,3. Its the same colour.,它是一样的颜色。,Linda is 9 years old, Joanna is the same age.,They are in No. 37 middle school, I am in,the same school.,_,同样的年纪,_,同样的学校,开心一笑:三只乌龟决定去喝咖啡。它们刚到咖啡店的门口,就下起雨来。于是最大的那只乌龟对最小的乌龟说,“回家去取伞吧。最小的乌龟说,“如果你们不把我的咖啡喝了,我就去。“我们不喝,另外两只乌龟容许说。两年后,大乌龟对中乌龟说,“好吧,我猜他肯定不回来了,我们可以把它的咖啡喝掉了。正在这时,一个声音从门外传来,“你们要是喝了,我就不去拿伞了!,Homework:1.抄写L13-14单词表单词(2-4-2),写出中文并默写,家长作业本上签字。,2.每天读书并背诵Lesson 13 十分钟 ,家长在书上签字。,3.完成练习册L13(下次收上来)。,下次上课时间:2021 .2.2 上午8:40(3),LESSON TWO,元,音,单,元,音,(12个),前元音,:i:, i ,e ,中元音,:, :, ,后元音: a: :, ,u:,u,双,元,音,(8个),合口双元音,:ei ai i u au ,集中双元音:, i u,小游戏,听音抢音标:,游戏规那么:教师把音标卡片分两组贴在黑板上,学生分成男女生两组,教师念音标,学生听到后立刻到黑板前将听到的音标拿下来,放到事前准备好的篮子里,谁快就得一分。最后看哪组得分高。,


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