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Unit,7 The Universe,In this unit you will:,1. learn about the universe and black holes from lectures;,2. familiarize yourself with the words and expressions,related to the theme of the unit;,3. learn to use these words and expressions correctly in,complete sentences;,4. enhance listening skills through non-theme-related,audio and video materials;,5. learn to use proper expressions and sentence structures,in job interviews.,Learning objectives,Part I Theme-Related Activities,Part II Listening Strategies,Part III Extensive Listening,Part IV Communication Skills,Part V Assessment Log,Part I Theme-Related Activities,Section I,Lecture I,Section II,Lecture II,Section III,Lecture III,1. Do you know what the Big Bang is,2. What do you want to know about the origins of the,universe,Lead-in questions:,Unit 7 Part I Section I Lead-in questions,Word Bank,dense /dens/,adj.,密集的;稠密的,speck /spek/,n.,小点;污点,compress /kmpres/,v.,压紧,压缩,amorphous /mfs/,adj.,无固定形状,的;不规则的,turmoil /tml/,n.,动乱;混乱,fraction /frkn/,n.,小部份;少量,shock wave /skwev/,冲击波,loophole /luphl/,n.,漏洞,空子,mind-blowing,adj.,非常令人兴奋的;给人印,象极深的,Unit 7 Part I Section I Word Bank,Notes,Unit 7 Part I Section I Notes,Task 1,Watch the,video clip,and then decide whether,the following statements are true or false.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section I Task 1,1. The Big Bang is the origin of space, not the origin of,time.,2. It is impossible to describe the moment of creation in,human language.,3. Everything was actually a single point, infinitely small,unimaginably hot: a super dense speck of pure energy.,4. Gravity has shaped the universe. If gravity were,stronger than it is, it would be a very boring universe.,5. A shockwave of energy erupted and expanded the,universe in one direction at incredible speed.,T,F,_,_,F,_,T,_,F,_,Task 2,Watch the,video clip,for the second time and then complete the following sentences.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section I Task 2,1. All we know is that from what may have been nothing,we go to a state of almost,.,2. Understanding how nothing turned into something may,be the .,3. If you understand that, you start to understand the Big,Bang: when time and space began and,.,infinite density and infinite,temperature and infinite violence,_,_,the greatest mystery of our universe,_,a great big,explosion created everything,_,_,Unit 7 Part I Section I Task 2,4. At the dawn of time, the universe explodes into existence,.,5. It is not even matter yet, just a point of raging energy:,.,6. Carlos Frenk studies how gravity shaped the universe,.,7. Next he programmed a universe with too much gravity. If,gravity was stronger than we think it is, again well end up,with a failed universe. .,from absolutely nothing into everything,_,it was the beginning of the universe and everything in it,_,by creating artificial universes in this super computer,_,Everything will end up in black holes,_,Unit 7 Part I Section I Task 2,8. Even schoolchildren know that you,.,9. Scientists think it took less than a millionth of a millionth,of a millionth of a millionth of a second for the universe to,.,10. So now the Big Bang is only a few “Planck Times old:,than,the speed of light.,“cant go faster than,the speed of light,_,_,expand from the size of an atom to a baseball,_,an exploding mass of pure energy expanding faster,_,1. What do you know about the universe,2. Why do scientists spend so much time and energy,exploring the universe Is it worthwhile,3. According to the lecture, what is “Planck Time How do,you understand this term,4. What is the relationship between man and the universe,Task 3,Watch the,video clip,again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the,class.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section I Task 3,【Script】,Script,Unit 7 Part I Section I Script,Word Bank,exotic /ztk/,adj.,奇异的;异国情调的,reside /rzad/,v.,定居于;隶属于,Schwarzschild radius,史瓦西半径,auditorium /dtrm/,n.,观众席;礼堂,supernova remnants,超新星遗迹,astronomical /strnmkl/,adj.,天文学的;天文的,spiral /sparl/,n.,螺旋形;螺旋式,Unit 7 Part I Section II Word Bank,prima donna,女主角演员,galactic nuclei,星系核,emanate /emnet/,v.,产生;表现;显示,stealth /stel/,adj.,隐形的,Unit 7 Part I Section II Word Bank,Notes,Unit 7 Part I Section II Notes,1. _ is the basic question for someone who is interested,in finding and studying black holes.,A. How does one observe something one cannot see,B. Whether or not there is a particular type of black hole,C. Whether or not there is a really a massive black hole,at the center of the galaxy,D. Why can one not see a black hole directly,Task 1,Watch the,video clip,and choose the best answers to the questions below.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 1,2. Which is NOT mentioned as the reason why analyzing,black holes is interesting,A. It gives people an opportunity to prove whether or not,these exotic objects really exist.,B. It gives people the opportunity to understand how,these supermassive black holes interact with their,environment.,C. It gives people the opportunity to understand how they,affect the formation and evolution of the galaxies in,which they reside.,D. It gives people the opportunity to understand why the,gravitational pull of black holes is so intense that,nothing can escape it.,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 1,3. The lecturer only focuses on , one of the three,characteristics of black holes.,A. the mass B. the spin,C. the charge D. the simple object,4. Why does the lecture say that the Schwarzschild radius,is actually quite a useful concept,A. Every object has Schwarzschild radius.,B. It is named after the man who discovered it.,C. It gives the key elements for the proof of a black hole.,D. It determines the mass of an object.,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 1,5. The lecture claims that the idea that supermassive black,holes might exist at the center of galaxies is a kind of,argument.,A.direct,B. indirect,C. skeptical,D. convincing,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 1,1. Where is the best place to look to find stealth black,holes at the center of galaxies,2. What is an ordinary black hole thought to be,Task 2,Watch the,video clip,for the second time and give a short answer to each of the following questions.,Task,In our own galaxy, the Milky Way.,It is thought to be the end state of a really massive stars life.,_,_,_,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 2,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 2,3. What does the lecturer call relatively exotic galaxies,Why,4. If there is a supermassive black hole, why must one,assume that it is a black hole on a diet,She likes to call them the prima donnas of the galaxy,world, because they are show offs.,_,_,That is the way to suppress the energetic phenomena seen in active galactic nuclei.,_,_,Task 3,Watch the,video clip,again and speak for two minutes on the topic. Prepare to answer one or two questions from classmates or the teacher after the presentation.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 3,【Script】,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 3,For Reference:,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 3,Suggested questions and answers:,1. What is the significance of investigating supermassive,black holes,It gives people an opportunity to prove whether or not these exotic objects really exist. Second, it gives people the opportunity to understand how these supermassive black holes interact with their environment, and to understand how they affect the formation and evolution of the galaxies in which they reside.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 3,2. What are the characteristics of a Schwarzschild radius,3. What does a wide fi eld picture of the center of the Milky Way,show Why,It depends only on the mass of the object. Bigger objects have bigger Schwarzschild radii; smaller objects have smaller Schwarzschild radii. For black holes, it is actually,quite a useful concept, because it not only shows when a black hole will form, but also gives the key elements for the proof of a black hole.,_,_,_,_,_,_,It shows a line of stars, because earth is in a galaxy which is a flattened, disk-like structure. When looking towards the center, one sees this plane which defines the plane of the galaxy.,_,_,_,_,Unit 7 Part I Section II Task 3,4. What is the advantage of studying this galaxy What is the,key to this experiment,5. What qualifications should one have if he wants to be a,professor like the lecturer,The advantage of studying this galaxy is simply that it is the closest example of the center of a galaxy that one will ever have, because the next closest galaxy is 100 times further away. So, one can see far more details in this galaxy than anyplace else. The ability to see detail is the key to this experiment.,_,_,_,_,_,One must take many years of advanced math and physics.,_,Script,Unit 7 Part I Section II Script,Word Bank,Keck observatory,凯克天文台,adaptive optics,适应性光学仪器;自适应光学,slide /slad/,n.,幻灯片,stellar nursery,恒星育婴室,dearth /d/,n.,缺乏;不足,cosmology /kzmldi/,n.,宇宙学,contend /kntend/,v.,处理,对付,advent /dvent/,n.,出现,到来,Unit 7 Part I Section III Word Bank,Notes,Unit 7 Part I Section III Notes,1. Which of the following statements is not true,A. Stars will orbit a black hole in the very same way,that planets orbit the sun.,B. It is the gravitational pull that makes the planets orbit.,C. If there were no massive objects, the planets would,go flying off.,D. If there were no massive objects, the planets would,orbit at a much faster rate.,Task 1,Listen to the audio clip and choose the best answers to the questions below.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section III Task 1,2. Why has the world,s largest telescope been used for this,experiment,A. To show there is a large mass inside a small volume.,B. To see stars that are as close to the center of the galaxy,as possible.,C. To know the scale of the orbit.,D. To know how fast the mass goes around.,3. The lecturer compares observing through the telescopes to .,A. looking at a pebble at the bottom of a stream,B. looking at ice in a glass of water,C. looking at oneself in a mirror,D. looking at cans in a plastic bag,Unit 7 Part I Section III Task 1,4. The lecturers favorite star goes around in .,A. 15 years B. 50 years,C. 200 years D. 500 years,5. Which of the following statements about the stars near the,black hole is true,A. Old stars are red and young ones are yellow.,B. There are fewer young stars than old ones.,C. There are few old stars and many young stars.,D. The number of the young stars is almost the same as the,number of the old ones.,Unit 7 Part I Section III Task 1,1. hosts two telescopes with a mirror 10 meters.,2. It turns out these telescopes, or any telescope on the ground,has had a little bit of a challenge living up to this campaign,promise, and that is because of the .,3. This animation here shows you one example of the,techniques that we use, called .,4. To give you a sense of how small that size is, thats the size,of our .,5. A black hole does not make a kind neighbor to a .,a,. stellar nursery,b,. cosmology,c,. solar system,d,. Keck observatory,e,. dimensions,f,. atmosphere,g,. astronomy,h,. adaptive optics,Task 2,Listen to the audio clip again and then select the words below to complete the following sentences.,Task,Unit 7 Part I Section III Task 2,d,_,f,_,h,_,c,_,a,_,d,_,Unit 7 Part I Section III Task 2,6. On a much longer time scale, what we hope to do is build,even larger telescopes, because, remember, bigger is better,in _ .,7. We hope to be able to test some of Einsteins theories of,general relativity, some ideas in about how galaxies form.,8. So, in conclusion, Im going to show you an animation that,basically shows you how these orbits have been moving, in,three .,a,. stellar nursery,b,. cosmology,c,. solar system,d,. Keck observatory,e,. dimensions,f,. atmosphere,g,. astronomy,h,. adaptive optics,g,_,b,_,c,_,【Script】,Script,Unit 7 Part I Section III Script,Part II,Listening Strategies,Understanding Lectures:,Note-taking 3􀀁,Understanding Lectures : Note-taking 3,The average lecturer speaks approximately 125-140 words per minute, and the average note-taker writes at a rate of about 25 words per minute. Writing quickly can fill the gap, but sometimes one hastily scribbles notes which end up as illegible chicken scratches. Unreadable notes are useless, so the solution is to write legibly in shorthand. The following strategies, including mathematical and shorthand symbols and abbreviations, can help one write down more and faster in a clear and organized way, especially when it comes to long reports and lectures.,Unit 7 Part II,Unit 7 Part II,Task 1,Listen to the following sentences and take notes, using mathematical and shorthand symbols.,Task,Unit 7 Part II Task 1,1. The death toll from the earthquake was over eighty thousand.,2. The diameter of the Earth is four times greater than the,diameter of the Moon.,3. About 80 percent or 85 percent of modules from Solarfun,are currently shipped to Europe, but demand from China,and the U.S. will increase sharply in the future.,# of death of earthquake 8k.,_,diameter of Earth 4 d of Moon.,_,80%-85% modules shipped to Eur. but Cn & US dmd in future.,_,_,Unit 7 Part II Task 1,08, I-rds, 47% drive 75mph (120 km/h) sl.,4. Interstate roads in 2021 showed that 47% of drivers were,driving over the 75 miles per hour (120 kilometers per hour),speed limit.,5. The famines they create have killed over 40 million people,in the 20th century alone.,_,famines created killed 40 m in 20th c.,_,1. He has a rare stamp in his collection.,2. You will never understand why she did not finish her,studies in high school.,3. Please bring your workbook to class on Thursday.,Task 2,Listen to the following sentences and take notes, using abbreviations and contractions.,Task,Unit 7 Part II Task 2,Hes rare stamp in col.,_,never undstnd. why she didnt finish hs.,_,Pls bring wb to class on Thurs.,_,Unit 7 Part II Task 2,4. Write down your problems in your notebook and try to solve,them by yourself.,5. That was something the students could not wait to see.,Write prblm in nb and solve myself.,_,Stdts couldnt wait to see it.,_,dress code,着装要求,conservatively /kns:vtvli/ adv.,谨慎地;适当地,corporate /k:prt/ adj.,公司的;企业的,neutral /nju:trl/ adj.,中性色调的;中立的,accessory /ksesri/ n.,女性饰品,trim /trm/ v.,修剪;修整,manicure /mnkj/ n.,修指甲,overdo /uvdu:/ v.,把,.,做得过分,fragrance /fregrns/ n.,香味,;,香气,jangly /dgli/ adj.,叮当作响的,Word Bank,Unit 7 Part II Word Bank,Research the job,Dress Conservatively,What to wear:,Task 3,Listen to the audio clip and take notes using shorthand marks and abbreviations.,Task,Unit 7 Part II Task 3,D(=dress) aprop (=appropriately) do hw (=homework), call HR to know d(=dress) code,_,_,D(=dress) conserv.(=conservatively) , persona.(=personality) later classic suit, grey, dark blue,_,_,try suit in adv(=advance) , be sure it fits & clean, No wrink(=wrinkle) ,_,_,Unit 7 Part II Task 3,【Script】,With everything , you are,Appearance tips:,w/m:,w:,move comf(=comfortably) , Aprop(=appropriate) acces(accessories) ,briefcase , organzd. (=organized), polished shoes ,watch.,_,_,_,evrthg. toge(=everything together),_,conf(=confident) & comf(=comfortable),_,trim hair, light fragr(=fragrance),_,nails (=manicure), light makeup, no noisy jewl (=jewelry),_,Script,Unit 7 Part II Task,Part III,Extensive Listening,I,News Reports,II Interview,III Lecture,IV,Conversations,V,Passage Listening,VI Compound Dictation,silicon /slkn/,n.,硅,fabricate /fbrket/,v.,制造;装配,circuit /skt/,n.,电路;线路,bunny /bni/,n.,(儿语)兔子(,Easter,Bunny,复活节小兔子,据信,带给儿童巧克力等礼物),Word Bank,Unit 7 Part III I News Reports I,1. What is “Eat Your Face,A. Traditional goodies.,B. An activity associated with Easter.,C. The name of a media lab.,D. A new type of 3D printer.,2. What problem did Carr have,A. Most people do not like chocolate.,B. The machine will not be popular in shopping malls.,C. People do not want to eat candy with their faces on it.,D. It is difficult to operate the machine.,Listen to the report and then do the following exercise.,Unit 7 Part III I News Reports I,3. What can be inferred from this news report,A. Carr is crazy for chocolate bunnies.,B. People tend to like the things that can be,personalized.,C. Traditional goodies are no longer popular.,D. 3D printers will use plastics or silicon to fabricate,models.,【Script】,Unit 7 Part III I News Reports I,Script,Unit 7 Part III I News Reports I,ecology /kldi/,n.,生态;生态学,turbine /tban/,n.,涡轮机;汽轮机,comprise /kmpraz/,v.,组成;包含,depot /dep/,n.,仓库;小站,desalinization /dislnen/,n.,脱盐,Word Bank,Unit 7 Part III I News Reports II,1. What inspired Kevin Schafer to have this idea,A. Noah.,B. The destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.,C. Harvest City.,D. The earthquake that leveled Port-au-Prince.,2. Which statement about “Harvest City is true,A. It will be set up on a barge on the river.,B. It will be built from sustainable and recycled material.,C. The farm land, residential areas, and markets will be,connected by canals.,D. It will not be based around sustainability, just the same as,Noah.,Listen to the report and then do the following exercise.,Unit 7 Part III I News Reports II,3. What do people think of


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