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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,阶段专题复习,Unit 6,现在进行时,【,观察领悟,】,仔细观察例句,体会并写出现在进行时的具体用法。,1. Bill is,playing,basketball.,现在进行时肯定结构为,:,主语,+,+,.,2. Tom,isnt,doing his homework.,现在进行时否定结构为,:,主语,+,+,.,答案,:,1.,be(am,/is/are);,现在分词,2.,be(am,not/isnt/arent);,现在分词,3.,Is,Bill dancing?,现在进行时一般疑问句结构,:,+,主语,+,?,4.,What,is Bill doing?,现在进行时特殊疑问句结构,:,+be+,主语,+,?,答案,:,3.,Be(am,/is/are);,现在分词,4.,特殊疑问词,;,现在分词,【,探究总结,】,(,一,),现在进行时的用法,表示现在,(,说话瞬间,),正在进行或发生的动作。也可以表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。,1.,现在分词的构成。,(1),一般在动词词尾加,-,ing,。例如,: gogoing,looklooking,(2),以不发音字母,e,结尾的动词,去,e,加,-,ing,。,例如,: writewriting,closeclosing,(3),以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加,-,ing,。,例如,: getgetting,runrunning,2.,现在进行时的构成。,现在进行时的构成,: be+,动词的,-,ing,形式。,肯定句,:,主语,+be+,动词的,-,ing,形式,+,其他。,否定句,:,主语,+,be+not,+,动词的,-,ing,形式,+,其他。,一般疑问句,: Be+,主语,+,动词的,-,ing,形式,+,其他,?,特殊疑问句,:,特殊疑问词,+be+,主语,+,动词的,-,ing,形式,+,其他,?,(,二,),现在进行时的时间状语及标志性词,(1),now,现在,(2),at this time,在这时,(3),at the moment,现在,(4),look,看,(,常用于句首,),(5),listen,听,(,常用于句首,),【,实战演练,】,.,用所给词的适当形式填空,1. What are you doing now?,I,(clean) the windows.,2. Are you,(make) a cake? Yes, we are.,3. OK. I am,(come) now.,4. Is she,(listen) to the teacher?,5. Look at the picture. The children,(fly) kites.,答案,:,1. am cleaning,2. making,3. coming,4. listening,5. are flying,.,句型转换,1. Jenny is running. (,改为否定句,),_,.,2. Tom is looking at a picture. (,改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答,),_,?,_,.,3. Jim stands under the tree. (,改用现在进行时表达,),答案,:,1. Jenny isnt running,2. Is Tom looking at a picture; Yes, he is,3. Jim is standing under the tree,4. They are cleaning their classroom. (,对画线部分提问,),_,?,5. We are reading English at the moment. (,对画线部分提问,),_,?,答案,:,4. What are they doing,5. What are you reading at the moment,本单元以谈论活动为话题,具体谈论某人正在干某事,因此句子谓语要用现在进行时。描述日常活动和人们正在做的事情也是单元测试中常考话题之一。,【,习作在线,】,根据下面的图画,请你用英语写一篇短文,包括,6,9,个句子,短文要求达意、正确、连贯。短文开头已给出,不计入总句数。,Its seven oclock in the evening. Toms family are all at home.,_,_,_,_,【,思路点拨,】,(1),体裁,: _,。,(2),人称,: _,。,(3),时态,: _,。,说明文,第三人称,现在进行时,【,佳作鉴赏,】,Its seven oclock in the evening. Toms family are all at home.,Tom is listening to music,. His sister is playing with a cat.,His father is reading a book,. His mother is making a phone call to someone. His grandparents are watching TV. They are all enjoying themselves.,.,词汇速记,1.,报纸,(,n,. ),2.,洗,(,v.,),3.,电影,(,n,. ),4.,喝,;,饮料,(,v.,&,n,. ),5.,use(,v,.,),(,adj.,),有用的,6.,man(,n,. ) ,(pl. ),男人,7.,America(,n,. ) ,(,adj.,),美国的,8.,child(,n,. ) ,(pl. ),儿童,答案,:,1. newspaper,2. wash,3. movie,4. drink,5. useful,6. men,7. American,8. children,.,短语互译,1.,看电视,TV,2.,看报纸,a newspaper,3.,听,CD,a CD,4.,喝茶,tea,5.,几点,time,6.,在六点半,six,7. Dragon Boat Festival,8. wish to do,sth,.,9. a picture of my family,答案,:,1. watch,2. read,3. listen to,4. drink/have 5. what,6. at half past,7.,端午节,8.,希望做某事,9.,一张我的全家福,.,句型攻关,1. ,你在干什么,? ,我在看电视。,you doing?,Im,TV.,2. ,你在使用电脑吗,?,是的,我在用。,/,不,我没有。,you,the computer?, I am. /No, Im,.,3.,对于我们来说,今天和其他任何一天都一样。我们都很忙。,It is like,for us today. We are all busy.,答案,:,1. What are; watching,2. Are; using; Yes; not,3. any other day,.,词汇串记,Today is Saturday. Its 5: 00 p. m. . Do you know what Toms family are doing? His father is reading a,1,(,报纸,). His mother is making,2,(,汤,)and his sister is,3,(,洗,)clothes. Tom is,4,(,打扫,)their,5,(,房子,). At six p. m. , his mother will go to the,6,(,超市,)to buy some food. His father will,7,8,(,出去吃饭,). Tom and his sister will,9,(,学习,)at home. Tom,10,(,想念,)his grandparents very much. He wants to see them tomorrow.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,答案,:,1. newspaper,2. soup,3. washing,4. cleaning,5. house,6. supermarket,7. eat,8. out,9. study,10. misses,1. (2013,南京中考,)Millie, where is Miss Li?,She,a speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall.,A. gives,B. gave,C. is giving,D. has given,【,解析,】,选,C,。考查动词的时态。由问句中“米莉,李老师在哪里,? ”,可知应使用现在进行时,表示李老师现在正在做什么,所以选择答案,C,。,2. (2013,福州中考,)Mum, its late. Why are you still here?,Dad hasnt come back yet. I,for him.,A. am waiting B. was waiting,C. waited,【,解析,】,选,A,。考查动词的时态。句意,: ,妈妈,天晚了,您为什么还在这儿,? ,爸爸还没有回来,我在等他。因此用现在进行时。故选,A,。,3. (2013,扬州中考,)What are you going to do when you grow up?,A singer, but my parents wish me,a teacher.,A. am B. to beC. will beD. be,【,解析,】,选,B,。考查非谓语动词。句意,: ,你长大后将要做什么,? ,歌手,但我的父母希望我成为一个老师。,wish sb. to do,sth,. “,希望某人做某事”,故选,B,。,4. (2013,孝感中考,)My family has two dogs. One is white,is black.,A. other B. another C. the other D others,【,解析,】,选,C,。考查代词的用法。句意,:,我家有两只狗。一只是白色的,另一只是黑色的。,one. . . , the other. . . “,一个,另一个,”,。,other“,其余的”,后跟名词,; another“,另一个”,用于三者或三者以上的另一个,; the other,用于两者中的“另一个”,; others“,其余的,别的”,后面不跟名词。故选,C,。,


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