秋五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where do you work课件 人教版(精通)

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秋五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where do you work课件 人教版(精通)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Where do you work?,cinema,电影院,bank,银行,hotel,宾馆,work,工作,study,学习,CCTV,中国中央电视台,hospital,医院,New words and Expressions,shopping mall,购物中心,in,在.里面,on,在.上面,at,在,shop,商店,restaurant,饭馆,company,公司,New words and Expressions,library,图书馆,grandfather,(grandpa),(外)祖父,grandmother,(grandma),(外)祖母,driver,司机,New words and Expressions,ci-ne-ma,I work in a,.,Where do you work?,cinema,ban-k,I work at,the,of China.,Where do you work?,bank,stu-dy,I study at,No.4 Primary,School,How about your daughter?,Where do you study now?,bank,hos-pi-tal,He works in Korla,.,Where does your father work?,Hospital,CCTV,She works at,.,Where does your mother work?,CCTV,A: Thats my mother. Shes on TV.,B: Really? Whats her job?,B: Where does she work?,A: She works at,.,CCTV,A: . Shes a TV reporter.,B: Is your father a TV reporter, too?,B: Where does he work?,A: He works in Korla,.,Hospital,A: No, hes a doctor.,ho-tel,She works in a,.,Where does your aunt work?,hotel,shopping mall,.,?,A: Wh,ere,do you,work,?,B: I,work in a (school / bank / cinema),.,A: Wh,ere,do,es,you,r mother,work,?,B:,She,works in a (school / bank / cinema),.,Pattern practice,CCTV,bank,cinema,hotel,study,work,shopping mall,where,Practice,1.,do you work?,2. Where,your mother work?,3. She,in a school.,4.,I work in a,.,5. I work at the,of China.,6. I,at No.4 Primary School,.,7. My mother works at,.,hospital,CCTV,Where,does,works,bank,study,res- tau-rant,MY mother works in,a small,.,restaurant,com-pa-ny,ma-na-ger,My father is a,in,a big,.,manager,company,li-bra-ry,My father works in the City,.,Library,Pattern practice,A:,What does your father do?,B:,My father is a manager.,A:,Where does your father work?,B:,My father works in a big company.,labrary,cinema,bank,CCTV,company,shopping mall,hospital,manager,chotel,Practice,1.,.,My father is a,in a big,.,2. My father works in the City,.,3.,My mother works in a small,.,4. I am,Canada,.,5. There,six people in my family,.,6.My grandfather is a taxi,.,from,company,manager,Labrary,restaurant,are,driver,Have a try,(,连词成句,),1.My; manager ; a; is ; a; big;,company ; father ; in (.),2.,work; bank; I; in; a,(.),3.,six ; There ; people ; are ;,family; in; my,(.),;My;Library;the;in;City;,works,(.),一、改为一般疑问句,1.,My mother works in a small restaurant,.,2. There are six people in my family.,3.,My father works in a big company,.,4.,My father is a manager,.,二、对划线部分提问,My mother works,in a small company,.,2.,There are,six,people in my family,.,3.,My grandfather is a taxi driver.,4.,I work,at the bank of China,.,Where does your mother work,?,How many people are there your family,?,What,does your grandfather do,?,Where do you work?,Homework,背第,四,单元单词。,微信,读,第四单元,课文。,抄第四单元重点句型2-4遍 并 背会,。,复习1-4 单元,。,See you !,


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