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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Revision,Translate the phrases and,sentences.,1.足够好 _,2.最擅长于 _,3.太多努力_,4.开场 _,5.取得进步 _,6. 继续做某事 _,7. 英语角 _,8. 越来越受欢送 _,good enough,be best at ,too much effort,at the beginning,make progress,continue to do,English corner,more and more popular,Unit 2,We all own English.,Module 7,English for you and me,boss,n.,老板,secretary,n.,秘书,1/4,quarter,zero,0,industry,n.,制造业,工业,Indian,n.,印度人,adj.,印度的,type,n.,种,类,类型,1. boss n.,老板,2. secretary n.,秘书,3. quarter n.,四分之一,4. zero n.,零,5. industry n.,制造业,工业,6. Indian n.,印度人,adj.,印度的,7. type n.,种,类,类型,New words,Where can you see English in our daily life,signs,English is everywhere in our daily life,the USA,Canada,New Zealand,Australia,South Africa,the United Kingdom,Ireland,Singapore,India,English Around the World,Match the ideas with the paragraphs.,Para 1,Chinese may be the next world language in the future.,English is the most important international language today.,English spread through trade and the media.,We all own English.,English has borrowed many words from other languages.,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Para. 1 T or F,1.,English is spoken by about 400 million,people, and is used by a half of the worlds,population.,2. In Ghana, India and Singapore, people only,use English every day.,3. In China, English is learned as the most,important foreign language.,F,quarter,F,T,Para. 2,Why is English spoken everywhere,Because,(1) in the 19th century, English became _;,(2) in the 20th century, the US _ through _.,the language of world trade,spread English to the world,newspapers, television and films,Para. 3 Fill in the form,borrowed words from other languages,words,borrowed from,French,Arabic,Italian,Chinese,Para. 4,an international,language,1. When do people think China will become,an international language,A. by the middle of the 21st century,B. by the middle of the 20th century,2. What do some European schools teach,A. only Chinese,B. Chinese together with some European,languages,3. Most people that English will be used,around the world _.,A. in a few years,B. at least for the,next twenty or thirty,years.,Para. 5,1. Do people speak different types of English,around the world,2. Who owns English,Yes, they do.,English is owned by everyone who speaks it.,4 million,a quarter,working,foreign,trade,the media,other languages,the middle of the twenty-first,the next twenty or thirty years,everyone,speaks English,Useful expressions,1.be used as_,2. a foreign language_,3.grow up_,4. communicate with_,5.spread,.,to_,6. borrow.from._,7.the importance of._,8. together with_,9. around the world_,10. different types of._,被用作,.,外语,长大,与,.,交流,传播,.,到,.,从,.,借,.,.,的重要性,和,.,一起,加上,全世界,不同类型,.,What do you want to use English for,I want to use English for reading English newspapers and communicating with foreigners.,Do you know any Chinese words from English,Give some examples.,沙发,(sofa),咖啡,(coffee),博客,(blog),可口可乐,(coca cola),Do you agree that Chinese will one day,replace English,Maybe. If China continues to grow in importance, Chinese will become as common as English by the middle of the 21st century.,Complete the questions with the words in the box.,boss India quarter secretary zero,Does a private _ work for a manager or a teacher,2. Does a(n) _ look after office workers or work alone,3. What are the people who live in _ called,secretary,India,boss,boss India quarter secretary zero,4. How many times does _ appear in 1,000 and 1,000,000,5. If 1.75 billion is a(n) _ of the worlds population, whats the whole population of the world.,quarter,zero,Now work in pairs. Ask and answer.,Write a composition called,The future of Chinese,.,Write notes about the following:,How many people speak Chinese in China,800 million.,How many people speak Chinese outside China Where are they,Singapore, Malaysia, Chinese communities all over the world.,Who is learning Chinese outside China,Schoolchildren in the UK and the USA.,Do you think people will speak Chinese as an international language in the future Why,Yes. Because of importance of China as a world leader.,Write a composition called,The future of Chinese,(II),Write your notes in full sentences.,About 800 million people speak Chinese at home in China. People in Singapore, Malaysia ,Add any further information or ideas you may have.,Many people find Chinese an easy language to learn.,Now write your composition.,As we all know, there are many languages in the world, and different countries have different languages as their mother languages, such as Chinese, English, Russian and French. Chinese, which can be dated back to thousands of years ago, is widely spoken in the world, and will have a bright future, acting a more and more important role on the world stage. The reasons are as follows.,The Future of Chinese,Sample 1,First of all, Chinese characters are a kind of writing in pictures, which are easy to learn and memorize. Second, compared with other languages, Chinese has much emotional colouring, including happiness, angriness, sadness and pleasure. There are many words and expressions for choices to express different feelings.,Third, taking up one-fifth of the worlds population, China will have more and more effect on the world in all kinds of fields, like politics, economy and culture. China will become the centre of the world. And certainly Chinese, as the mother language of it, will be used more and more often. From a long run, Chinese will have a bright future and have the opportunity to be the world language.,Sample 2,Chinese is one of working languages in the United Nations. Not only people living inside China, but also many Chinese outside China speak it. You will find large or small groups of Chinese people living in almost every country in the world. They are living and working there. Chinese has the largest number of speakers in the world.,The Future of Chinese,However, we have entered a period in history when children are all learning beginner or higher level English. But looking into the future, the number of learners may grow smaller almost as quickly as it increased. Many language learners are expressing an interest in learning Chinese.,1. In Ghana, India and Singapore, English is used as a working language ,注意used后面所接的介词,be used for 表示用于某种目的,be used as 表示“用作。,Hemp (,大麻,) can be used for cloth and ropes.,Dustbins are used for household waste.,A red lamp is used as a danger signal.,It can be used as an adjective.,Language points,2. English is now used by nearly a,quarter,of the worlds population, .,quarter,n,.,四分之一,Only aquarterof the earth is land.,Threequartersof the theatre,was,full.,Aquarterof the residents,are,over 55 years old.,【2021黔西南州】 Which is the biggest number of the four, _.,A. One third B. Two thirds,C. A half D. A quarter,B,quarter的根本意思是“四分之一, 四等分, 可以用来指距离、数量、价格及物体的四分之一的量, 也可专指时间的“一刻钟, 十五分钟或“一季度, 三个月。,Its aquarterpast ten.,The flight was put off about aquarter because of ground fog.,He pays his rent at the end of eachquarter.,3. There is a good chance that you will meet someone who speaks English.,本句中There is a good chance that 可以作为一个句型记忆,表示“很可能。,There is a good chance he will fail.,There is a good chance that Ill finish the work tomorrow.,There is a chance that ,有可能,chance短语:,give sb. a chance 给某人一次时机,have a chance to do sth. 有时机做,miss a chance 错过时机,lose a chance 失去时机,chance句型:,The chance is that / The chances are that ,有可能(句型中的The和That 可省略),The chance is (that) shes already heard the news.,Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.,一句多译:那里有可能藏着蛇。,The chances are that there is a snake over there.,There is a chance that a snake is over there.,4. The reason why is that in the 18th century ,He doesnt come here today. The reason is that hes ill at home.,The reason is that he didnt catch the bus.,The reason is that we cant get there on time.,注意:在表示“的原因是这个意思时,不能说:the reason is because, 而应该用the reason is that 。, Why didnt he go to school last,week The reason was _ he was ill.,A. why B. because C. that D. what,C,5. More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, together with some European languages.,together with ,与,一起,连同,He collects coins, together with stamps and postcards.,He sent me the book,together witha letter.,The battogether withthe balls,was,stolen.,


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