BEC higher module 1高级商务英语

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,HIGHER,SUCESS WITH,BEC,BEC (Business English Certificate),General Introduction,2013,年,BEC,考试时间,报名时间:2013年2月26日2013年3月15日,报名地点:常州大学城纺织服装职业技术学院9号楼9318办公室,费用:,高级598元,; 材料:一寸或两寸彩照一张,身份证,VANTAGE,HIGHER,Reading,1hr,1hr,Writing,45mins,70mins,Listening,40mins,40mins,Speaking,14mins,16mins,Time Allocation,Grading,成绩评定(overall grade)平均成绩,Each skill accounts for 25%,BEC中级分A、B、C (pass)、N、F五等,BEC高级分A、B、C (pass)、N、F五等,【BEC高级C】: 雅思7分,【BEC高级B】:雅思8,【BEC高级A】:雅思9分,MODULE 1,Business Topic,Working life,1.1 Business topic,: Working life,1.2 business skills,:Asking and,answering questions,1.3 Exam spotlight:,Reading Test,Introduction and Part one,MODULE 1,Vocabulary: Describing working life,1.1.working life,paediatrics,gratification,permanent post,self-employed,cubicle,veteran,personal summary,life expectancy,flipside,coddling,儿科学,满足,喜悦,固定工作,个体经商的,小隔间,富有经验的,溺爱的,个人情况介绍,预期寿命,反面,相反情况,Vocabulary: Describing working life,pre-course,self-motivated,expertise,software solution,mandatory,covering letter,canton,pilot,trial,marital status,1.1.working life,预备课程,自我激励的,专长, 专门知识,软件解决方案,强制性的, 义务的,(信函)附信,婚姻状况,(瑞士的)州,(小规模)试点的,实验,Vocabulary: Describing working life,preconceive,rule out,1.1.working life,事先的看法,排除, 取消,commune,on ones own initiative,ongoing,discrimination,市镇单位(法意等国),主动地,持续存在的,不公平待遇 歧视,dynamic,Teleworking,entrepreneur,interpersonal skill,有活力的,电子化办公方式,企业家, 创业家,人际交往技能,Describing working life,Life is what happens to you while youre busy making other plans,- John Lennon,(The Beatles),_,have ones eyes and minds fixed upon the future,_ be absent-minded about whats going on now,_ meet the goals for future,_ ignore the beauty in the everyday life,_ live for the moment (活在当下),_ think and plan for the future.,_ Life is short and time is swift.,_ Lost time is never found again.,_ Life is unpredictable.,_ Tomorrow never comes.,Describing working life,1. What does thid quotation mean to you?,with age and experience, develop new interests and aptitudes,the employment market is subject to change,meet different people, higher salary and great job satisfaction,be self-employed: be ones own boss, earn more money,be an employee: have a regular income, no long working hours,with the introduction of new technology, efficiency raised &time saved,more flexible working hours & no longer be confined to 8 hours a day,Describing working life,2. Discuss these questions,Reading,Attitudes to work,6. different attitude to work form their parents,be willing/unwilling to work long hours?,be more/less bent on the work,(dont) ask for extra pay for overtime work,Performance doesnt matter.(干好干坏一个样),be more or less dedicated to work (兢兢业业),job-hunt frequently or stick to the same job,more spacious and comfortable working environment,be entitled to,little appetite for hard work,twenty-somethings,inatant gratification,coddling parents and colleges,be spoiled and premature,break ones backs for you,bury onself in a cubicle,Young Workers Want It All, Now (p7),Reading,Attitudes to work,be spoiled & premature,indulge in internet & lose temper easily,have never experienced hardships,every demand is met,be willing to develop their skills and take on chanllenges,better educated, more money, more freedom,Reading,Attitudes to work,8. younger generation & older generation,the only source of self-fulfillment,spend all their time & effort in work,possess a strong commitment to work,declare a higher priority for work over personal life,working life integrates well with private life,neither relaxation nor entertainment,Listening,The future of human resources,5.,Brainstorm,:,What are the roles of HR department?,to recruit and select potential employees,making employees aware of health insurance benefits,Keep a check on employees health and safety issues,and approve employees maternity leaves, sick leaves, annual leaves,Responsibility of paperwork for hiring or firing employees,Advertising prospective jobs, and taking interviews and selecting potential employees,Reviewing performance and assessing raise and promotions,Keep a guard on any kind of discrimination whether related to race, age, and color and employer abuses, sexual harassment or bullying.,Task one: Employee group,1E 2F 3B 4G 5A,Task two: Proposed Action,1A 2B 3D 4E 5G,Listening,The future of human resources,flexible hours,working environment,pay,training,career prospects,retirement,Listening,The future of human resources,6. Priorities of HR managers & your working life,Listening,The future of human resources,Reference,1. avoid crawling along in traffic2. less stress handle more demanding assignment9. be more motivated with good career prospects.10. the better retirement benefits, the more loyal of employees,CVs and personal summaries,1. The applicant is very confident, perhaps over confident and his claims are not backed by evidence.,2. This applicant seems to have the appropriate skills and experience, but what happened to his own company?If he is so successful why he is lookinf for work in another company? Did he go bankrupt? what type of company was it?,3. This candidate appears to well qualified and seems modest, but relaible.,Guides for employers (P10)雇主指南,Two types of,CVs,Reverse Chronological Resume,Two types of Resume,Functional Resume,The anonymous CV,Necessary:1,2,3,4,8,12,14,16,17,Optional:5,6,7,9,10,11,13,15,18,Reading,The anonymous CV,Geneva fights prejudice with anonymous CVs,Reading,The anonymous CV,4. Whats the idea behind an anonymous CV?,To consider only the skills and experience of the candidate and not other facts, such as age, sex, racial and social background is to tackle discrimination.,5. close,1 with 2 would 3 all 4 not 5 that 6against,1.,2 Asking and Answering Questions,tug,Cornish,ground,tanker,on the spot,assert oneself,publicity,拖船, 拖轮,康沃尔郡的(英国的,使搁浅, 使触海底,油轮,处在困境中, 在危险中,坚持自己的权利,公众的注意,Vocabulary: Describing working life,Listening,An Environmental Accident,1. reference,1) The ship made for port because of severe wheather conditions but hit some rocks near the coast.,2)Three including this one,3)Reasonably well. He explains the cause clearly and tries to,put the accident in context.,2. close,1) So, can you tell me,2) is it?,3)what are you intending,4) Do you think that,5) isnt it?,Questions:,1. why qualified?,2. why be employed?,3.experienced or not?, ?,5.Lower voice, less confident?,6.why left?,7. how much know about?,8. What you did yesterday?,Answers,1.highly organized, self motivated,2. manage multiple tasks, handle stress,3. able to anticipate needs &problems,4. get some training in conputer skills,5.a quietly-spoken person but confifent,6. no advancement opportunities,7.history, product range, financial situation, core competencies, marketing strategies,Speaking,A Job Interview,EXAM SPOTLIGHT,1.3 Reading test:,Introduction and Part One,Good resouces for articles:,1.3 Reading test:,Introduction and Part One,SUMMARISING,1. Suggested answer:,Rather than making candidates feel comfortable, you will learn much more about them by asking challenging questions.,2. Answer:,1C 2C 3E 4A 5B 6D 7A 8E,Homework,剑桥,BEC,真题集(,4,),Reading Exercise,P22 Part 1,P40 Part 1,P58 Part 1,


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