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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,review,含有be动词的肯定句变成否认句,一般疑问句。,含有be动词的肯定句变成否认句,只要在be动词后面加not。,含有be动词的肯定句变成一般疑问句,只要将be动词提前。,答复:Yes,主语+be或者No,主语+be+not。,1.A: Are you Mark B: Yes, I am. No, Im not. 2.A: Is he in the room B: Yes, he is. No, he isnt. 3. A: Are they Jim and Tony B: Yes, they are. No, they arent. 4. A: Is it a map of China B: Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 5. A: Are these your pencils and pens B: Yes, they are. No, they arent. 6.A: Is that an ID card B: Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 7. A: Is she Alices aunt B: Yes, she is. No, she isnt.,一般疑问句,I am a student.He is my brother.She is,his mother.This is her eraser.That is your computer game. It is his ruler.They are hie parents.These are her cousins.Those are in the classroom.,在,be,动词后面加,not,Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball,baseball bat,ping-pong ball,bat,Ping-pong,是汉语拼音转化来的。英文中,table tennis.,soccer ball,football可以指英式足球 也可以指美式的橄榄球抱在手里,撞来撞去的。soccer专指英式足球,也就是用脚踢的那种球。,basketball,volleyball,tennis racket,baseball bat,Sports Things,ping pong,ping pong bat,basketball,volleyball,tennis,tennis,racket,soccer,实义动词,(have,has,had),Have/has 一二人称用have,三人称用has,过去式用had.,含有实义动词的肯定句变成否认句,在实义动词前,一二人称借用dont,三人称借用doesnt.过去式借用did,含有实义动词的肯定句变成一般疑问句,在句首,一二人称以及复数借用do,三人以及单数称借用does.过去式借用did.,句型转换:句子变脸,会按要求给以下的句子变变脸吗,1.I have some baseball bats.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定答复),_,2.We have a big TV in our house. (改为否认句),_,3.She has many things to do today.(改为一般疑问句,并作否认答复),_,4.Kate has some money in her pocket.(改为否认句),_,5.My parents have five good friends.(就划线局部提问),_,Do you have any baseball bats Yes, I do.,We dont have a big TV in our house.,Does she have many things to do today No, she doesnt.,Kate doesnt have any money in her pocket.,How many good friends do your parents have,6.The books are in the bookcase.(改否认句),_,7.The baseball is under the bed.(改一般疑问句),_,8.The pictures are on the wall.(对划线局部提问),_,9.Is the CD on the sofa(做肯定答复),_,10.Are the chairs next to the table(做否认答复),_,The books are not in the bookcase.,Is the baseball under the bed,Where are the pictures,Yes, it is.,No, they arent.,Has/have got,肯定句: 主语+have/has got+其他,否认句: 主语+havent/hasnt got+其他。,一般疑问句:Have/has+主语+got+其他。,答复: Yes,主语+have/has.,No,主语+havent/hasnt,用,have got,或,has got,填空,1,I_a pet dog.,2,Sam_ an email.,3,Daming_a piano.,4,You_ a new watch.,5,They_a big house.,将以上的句子变成否认句,一般疑问句,并且答复。,have got,has got,has got,have got,have got,Do you have a bookcase,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Do you have an alarm clock,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,t,a,ble,dr,e,sser,bookc,a,se,ch,air,dr,awer,al,ar,m cl,o,ck,pl,a,nt,c,a,p,A: Does Tom have,B: Yes,he does. / No, he doesnt.,She has a soccer ball.,Does she have a soccer ball,Yes, she does.,No, she doesnt.,I,dont,have a ping-pong bat.,Do you have a ping-pong bat,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Lily has a basketball,Does Lily have a_,Yes, _ _.,We dont have a _.,_ you _ a _,No, _ _.,He _ _ _.,_,Yes, _ _.,I _ _ _ _ _.,Do you have_ _,No, _ _.,basketball,she does,baseball,Do,have,baseball,we dont,has a volleyball,Does he have a volleyball,he does,dont have a tennis racket,tennis racket,I dont,动词的第三人称单数形式,have-,has,do do,es,be-,is,know-know,s,need- need,s,let-let,s,play-play,s,ping-pong ball,ping-pong bat,_play,s,ping-pong ball,.,Wang Nan,tennis,tennis racket,_play,s,tennis.,Marry,A: Do you have a volleyball,B: Yes, I do.,A: Lets play volleyball.,B: Great!/No,Lets +,动词原形,情态动词,+,动词原形,祈使句,用来表示请求、命令的句子叫祈使句。祈使句以动词原形开头,一般不用主语,省略主语you。祈使句的否认句在动词前加not.,Lets do it!,Come in!,Sweep the floor!,Clean the room!,let,Lets,包括说话者和听着在内。,Let us,不包括听着在内,Lets,Let us,Match the words with the pictures.,1. interesting 2. fun 3. boring 4. relaxing 5. difficult,What do the pictures mean,fun,difficult,interesting,relaxing,boring,A: Lets play soccer.,B: I dont have a soccer ball.,A: Well, lets play volleyball.,B: That,sounds,good,感官动词,Seem,smell,taste,hear,feel,感官动词都是系动词,A: Lets play soccer.,B: I dont have a soccer ball.,A: Well, lets play volleyball.,B: That,sounds,good,interesting,fun,boring,difficult,relaxing.,主,+,系,+,表,Interest/bore/excite,Interest/bore/excite,加,ed,修饰人。,Interest/bore/excite,加,ing,修饰物。,Be interested in,。对。感兴趣。,Think it over,If you want someone to play ping,pong with you. What can you say,Lets play ping-pong.,Shall we play ping-pong,What / How about playing ping pong,Why not play ping pong with me,Why dont you play ping pong with me,Do you want to play ping pong with me,Would you like to play ping pong with me,Would you mind playing ping pong with me,late,Late -early,Be late for sth,做某事迟到,.,快点,去学校要迟到了。,Come on,you will be late for school.,Play,Play 玩,演奏,演出,打/踢,Play+the+乐器,Play+球类/比赛/棋类/牌类。,Do you play_piano in your free time,No,I like sports.I often play_soccer with my friends.,Difficult-different,Its adj for sb to do sth,做作业对她来说很容易。,Its easy for her to do homework.,扫地对他来说很困难。,Its different for him to sweep the floor.,Same-different.,Same,通常和,the,连用。,The same.,like,Like+doing sth,习惯性的动作或者爱好,Like to do sth,一次性或特指的某一具体的爱好,我喜欢星期天拜访朋友,这个星期天我想去拜访,Joan,。,I like visiting friends on Sundays and I like to visit Joan this Sunday.,class,Have class,上课,In class,在上课,After class,课后,Class-classmate,Get,Get sb sth=get sth for sb,给某人某物,Get sth from,从,.,取某物,Get me some water,Get some water for me.,我每周都收到哥哥的一封来信。,I get a letter from my brother every week.,我们可以从银行取钱。,We can get our money from the bank.,Fun,Make fun of sb,取消某人,Have fun,玩的开心,别取笑你的弟弟,Dont make fun of your brother.,我们打篮球玩的很开心。,We have fun(in) playing basketball.,With,With,和。在一起,带有,使用。一般放在句子的后面,他常常和姐姐去购物,He often goes shopping with his sister.,他使用钢笔写这封信。,He writes this letter with a pen.,她是个长头发的姑娘。,She is a girl with long hair.,Ed Smith,ha,s,a great,sports,collection. He,has,8 tennis,rackets,9,basketballs, and 7,baseballs,.,He,has,3,soccer,balls,and 5,volleyballs,.,But he,doesnt,play,sports,-,he only,watch,es,them on TV.,Answer the questions:,Who has a great sports collection,What does he have,Does he play sports,Is he interested in(对感兴趣sports,Ed Smith has a great sports collection.,He has 8 tennis rackets,9 basketballs,and 7,Baseballs,3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs.,No, he doesnt.,Yes, he is.,Sonia Hall has a sports collection.,She _ five _, eight,_, four _,and three _. She _,sports every day.,has,baseball,s,basketball,s,tennis racket,s,soccer ball,s,play,s,Yes,I do, Do you have a ball,Lets play soccer.,That sounds good, Do you have a tennis racket,No, its boring.,Lets play tennis.,Yes, I do. I have a basketball.,5,1,4,2,3,6,二、句子,1. 本单元应该掌握的句子,1. Do you have a TV,Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,2. Do they have a computer,Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,3. Does he have a tennis racket,4. Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.,5. Lets watch TV.,6. No, that sounds boring / great.,2.,本单元要求熟悉的句子,I want to play basketball.,I dont have a soccer ball.,Volleyball is so difficult.,Ed Smith has a great sports collection.,She plays sports every day.,3.,本单元可以扩展的句子,1. Can you play basketball,Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,2. Why do you like ping-pong,Because its interesting / easy,3. What balls do you have,4. My favorite sport is.,5. What club do you want to join Why,短文改错: 读下面的对话,判断每行是否有错,如有错,请找出并改正.,A: Excuse me, Li Ping. Do you have a color pencil,B: Sorry, I do.,A: Do you think Lin Tao have one,B: Yes, I think so. You can ask for him.,A: Lin Tao, can I borrow you color pencil, please,C: Yes. What color are you want,A: The yellow it.,C: Here you are.,A: Thank you. I can give it back soon.,C: Thats right.,do,改为,dont,have,改为,has,are,改为,do,it,改为,one,Thats all right.,二. 补全对话.,A: Lets play _, OK,B: Sorry, I dont have a volleyball. _ I have a basketball.,A: I _ want to play basketball. I only want to play volleyball.,B: Who _ a volleyball Do you know,A: Maybe Tom has one. Lets go and ask him.,A&B: Hi, Tom! _ you have a volleyball,C: No, I _. _ Peter have one,volleyball,But,dont,has,Do,dont,Does,A&B: Oh, he _.,A&B&C: Hi, Peter! Do you have a volleyball,D: Yes, I do. But it is at home.,A&B&C: _ to hear that!,B: Well, lets play basketball. OK,A&C: OK!,A&B&C: Peter, please _ us.,D: OK! Lets play!,Sorry,join,does,A: Do you have a TV,B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,A: Do they have a computer,B: Yes, they do./ No, they dont.,A: Does he have a tennis racket,B: Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.,A: Does she have a soccer ball,B: Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.,A: Does Peter have a baseball bat,B: Yes, he does, No, he doesnt.,一般疑问句,I_,dont,_,have a TV.You _,dont_,have a basketball.They_,dont,_have a soccer ball.He _,doesnt have,_ a dictionary.She _,doesnt have_,some hats.It _,doesnt have,_ four legs.,否认句,He,doesnt have,a dictionary.,She,doesnt have any,hats.,It,doesnt have,four legs.,改错:请你当专家,给下面的句子来会诊,My brother like playing basketball.,_.,2. Do she have a computer,_,3. Lets play the volleyball.,_.,4. We have many club.,_.,5. Sorry, I not know.,_.,My brother like,s,playing basketball.,Does she have a computer,Lets play volleyball.,We have many clubs,.,Sorry, I,dont,know.,Goodbye!,


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