岗位职责-Manag er Jobs

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Click here to type page title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,professionalstandards,bc,Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.,Professional Standards,BOS,Bc,Click here to type page title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,bc,Professional Standards,Author: Peter Aman,Contributors: Barbara Bjornson,Laird Reed,2,低价转让,:,超低价转让,3800,元买回的管理咨询资料,有兴趣的朋友请联系,.,qq: 282148179,3,“咨询全案资料完整版,与市面上流行的零散的几百元的一些所谓咨询报告PPT文件绝不相同,与其他出售资料书籍,网上下载的绝不相同!,此次开放的“咨询全案资料包括麦肯锡、波士顿、毕博、罗兰贝格、埃森哲等国际知名,咨询公司和北大纵横、新华信、远卓、汉普等优秀的外乡咨询公司2000年至2004年期间的咨询,工程资料及相关方法、工具及成果。,“咨询全案资料中含有咨询工程过程性文件和完整的提交文件,相信这些资料不管对于您本,人还是贵公司都有很好的参考价值和借鉴意义。,对于咨询人士来说,“咨询全案资料更是撰写工程建议书、编制咨询报告、建立行业知识库、,建立公司自身方法体系、咨询工程接单及过程管理等活动的有效支持工具。,“咨询全案资料列表请查阅附件。,为确保您放心购置,您可以提前验证资料的真实性和价值性。您可以向我们索取资料详尽目录,,在目录里任选两份文档,告诉我们这两份文档的标题,我们会通过email或QQ传给您,方便您进行,资料品质的校验。,4,professionalstandards,Agenda,Compliance and Introduction,Policies,Cases,Sources of additional information,5,professionalstandards,Agenda,Compliance and Introduction,Policies,Cases,Sources of additional information,6,professionalstandards,Professional Standards Compliance,Failure to follow described policies will result in significant penalties, up to and including immediate involuntary termination.,7,professionalstandards,Policy Areas,Protecting /,sharing client information,Competitor data,gathering,Exclusivity,and client conflict,Harassment,and,discrimination,Insider,trading,General and Expense Policies,Policy Areas,8,professionalstandards,What,a set of worldwide professional standards (captured in client service policy statements) which reinforce our commitment to acting with integrity and honesty,specific guidelines (captured in client service policy statements) for tricky situations where there is tension between doing the best for the client and doing the “right thing, or between needs of multiple clients,a group of people in the center and in local offices dedicated to interpreting and applying the policies,Program Description (1 of 4),9,professionalstandards,Why,Bains reputation and success ultimately depends on it to ensure that the instinctive reaction to a tricky situation is generally the right one,reinforce a firm wide commitment to “doing the right thing,reinforce a culture which embodies integrity and honesty that we can all be proud of,provide a business environment consistent with firm management and employees values,Protection from lawsuits,Program Description (2 of 4),10,professionalstandards,Who,every individual employee - embodies our professional standards, thoroughly understands them and applies them consistently and comprehensively,local office Professional Standards Program Manager - interprets, counsels, provides feedback to other offices and the Center,Professional Standards Program Director (Peter Aman) - central resource to manage implementation of program and assist driving of continued program development and improvement,Professional Standards Program Officer and Coordinator (Colin Anderson, Barb Bjornson) - central resource to further develop, refine, and interpret; mechanism for mediation,Management - reinforce (actively), interpret, apply, provide incentives/disincentives,Program Description (3 of 4),11,professionalstandards,How,through local resources (Professional Standards Managers coordinated with the Center),worldwide training for all levels,role modeling at the team level,local communications and marketing coordinated by the center (e.g., intranet),internal/external marketing,incentives and disincentives,BVU,Program Description (4 of 4),12,professionalstandards,Agenda,Compliance and Introduction,Policies,Cases,Sources of additional information,13,professionalstandards,Professional Standards Policies,Protecting and sharing client information,Competitor data gathering,Exclusivity and client conflict,Harassment and discrimination,Insider trading,General and Expense Policies,14,professionalstandards,client identity,client internal data,proprietary insights,purchased studies (permission may be overarching at case start),presentations,proposals,back-up information,success stories,general insights,general developed information,publicly available information,Information,Which can and should,be shared,Which should be shared once sanitized,Cannot be shared without explicit permission from the client,No confidential or proprietary information (including the clients identity and characteristics of the relationship), provided by or obtained for, a client may be given to anyone outside the case team. Information which is neither proprietary nor confidential may be shared only with the express approval of a Bain partner on the originating case, and in many cases, the client.,Protecting & Sharing Client Information - Guidelines,15,professionalstandards,When client information is provided to a competing case team or within a Practice Area, the material must be sanitized by or at the direction of the Operating VP who is then also responsible for approving the final product,When client information is provided to a non-competing case team, the process of sanitizing the information may be done by or at the direction of the VP asking for the information but the Operating VP is responsible for approving the final product,Sanitizing (or disguising) client information and approving/disapproving communication of the information is the responsibility of the Operating VP who did the work according to the following guidelines:,Protecting & Sharing Client Information - Disguising Information,16,professionalstandards,Is the information confidential (or does it unambiguously belong to the client)?,Yes,No,Does the developed info create a competitive advantage for the client (i.e., would the value received by the clients be reduced by sharing the info?),No,Does the developed information depend heavily on client proprietary data/input/information,Source data highly proprietary (not public),Source data reliant on client input and or involvement (e.g., client interviews),No,Did client pay a significant portion (e.g., x% or $x) of the cost of Bains value-added in developing the information (i.e., insight paid for by one client, not many)?,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Would sharing the info pass the “Sunshine Test?,Would sharing the info pass the “Sunshine Test?,Yes,No,No,Yes,Sanitize Information and Share it,Information May Not be Shared Without Client Permission,Information Should be Shared,Protecting & Sharing Client Information-Decision Rules for Developed Info.,17,professionalstandards,*,Copyright permitting,Protecting and Sharing Client Information - Policy Summary,External Reports,Article or report name, date, author, etc.,News or magazine article,Literature search,Report purchased by Bain (not client),Bain Presentations,Methodology Slides,Workplans,Industry overview data,Strategic insights (if the insights were developed over many clients and not just one (e.g., lessons learned from a retail customer segmentation case),Strategic insights (if the insights were developed for just one client (e.g., a sequencing algorithm for two auto manufacturers),Internal client data,Client research/data,Report purchased by client,A study conducted by the client,A data spreadsheet from the client,X,X,X*,X*,X,X,X,X,X,X,X*,X,X,Information that can and should be shared,Client approval before sharing information,Information must be disguised before sharing,Subject to Operating VP approval,18,professionalstandards,The greatest amount of the highest quality information,At the lowest possible cost for our client,With the highest standards of professional conduct (and tradeoffs will always be resolved in favor of business ethics over data collection convenience),Competitor Data Gathering - Objectives,19,professionalstandards,Client confidentiality must be protected.,never reveal client name without VP and client approval,All statements, written or verbal, must be true.,Lying is never acceptable under any circumstances,Refusing to answer questions is preferable to lying,Bain Employees can not mis-represent themselves, the firm (name or type of enterprise), or the type of research they are performing,Competitor Data Gathering - Policies (1 of 4),20,professionalstandards,Interview respondents can be promised non-sensitive results of research only if such results are furnished as described and promised,No company may be contacted by a case team for a competitor interview without express approval from a VP on the case (to prevent inadvertently calling another offices/teams client by mistake),Competitor Data Gathering - Policies (2 of 4),21,professionalstandards,Only VPs may approve/sign written statements which describe for competitor interview targets the purpose of the questions or the destination/limitations on the use of the resulting data,Non-management employees may be contacted only with express approval (from a VP on the case),When interviewing someone currently associated with our client who previously worked for a competitor of our client, Bain staff should clearly communicate that,we expect them to honor their confidentiality commitments to their current (or previous) employer,we are specifically asking them to avoid divulging any information which is proprietary or should be considered confidential,we are only asking for information that they are comfortable divulging,Competitor Data Gathering - Policies (3 of 4),22,professionalstandards,In no circumstances may a Bain employee offer any kind of monetary or non-monetary incentive for the purpose of gathering information,Bain employees are responsible for the actions of those they directly or indirectly supervise,Overarching test of any decision is always the “Sunshine Test - whether the action stands up under scrutiny by an objective 3rd party (or on the front page of the Wall Street Journal),Competitor Data Gathering - Policies (4 of 4),23,professionalstandards,How do we represent ourselves?,I am (your name) of Bain & Company - a management consulting firm,I am (your name) of Bain & Company - I am doing market research,I am (your name) a potential investor,I am (your name) a potential customer,I am (your name); would you give me some information,I am (your name) a business school student,Bain & Company - a market research firm,a market research firm,Always,Acceptable,Acceptable Only with VP and often client,Approval,Absolutely,Prohibited,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,Competitor Data Gathering - Guidelines (1 of 3),24,professionalstandards,How do you represent the client?,no mention,industry of client,area of interest to client,client name,anything else,What organizations do we contact?,customers,industry associations,suppliers,competitors,security analysts,Always,Acceptable,Acceptable Only with VP and often client,Approval,Absolutely,Prohibited,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,Competitor Data Gathering - Guidelines (2 of 3),25,professionalstandards,Who in the organization do we contact?,senior management,middle and junior management,non-management (labor and clerical),Are incentives appropriate for gathering information,money,other non-monetary rewards,Always,Acceptable,Acceptable Only with VP and often client,Approval,Absolutely,Prohibited,X,X,X,X,X,Competitor Data Gathering - Guidelines (3 of 3),26,professionalstandards,Bain & Company is dedicated to helping our clients achieve outstanding results. As such, we pride ourselves on having the most rigorous standards in the consulting industry with respect to confidentially and conflict of interest.,Confidentiality of data:,Our goal is absolute protection of proprietary client data,Rigorous internal policies and procedures,“,Assignment exclusivity:,Bain & Company will not accept a client assignment worldwide where in our judgment success would cause an existing client assignment to fail. Under many circumstances, this permits Bain to serve two competitors in an industry. However, this will often restrict staffing and the office involved. To our knowledge, no other leading consulting firm operates a standard this rigorous.,Exclusivity and Client Conflict - Policy Summary (1 of 2),27,professionalstandards,Formal “performance partnership:,Where appropriate, we aspire to agree to formal “performance partnerships with our clients, aimed at creating sustained exceptional client results. Such arrangements are entirely at the behest of our clients. A “performance partnership relationship is in no way a requirement by Bain & Company.,“Internal Bain gatekeeper:,A member of the Bain & Company worldwide Policy Committee is designated “internal gatekeeper, to ensure any issues relating to possible conflict of interest are resolved in a manner fully consistent with Bain policies and client interests.,“,People exclusivity:,Individuals who are involved in strategy work for a client are restricted from dong strategy work for a direct competitor for a minimum period following the end of an assignment - typically one to two years for senior individuals.,Exclusivity and Client Conflict - Policy Summary (2 of 2),28,professionalstandards,Harassment and Discrimination - Policy Summary,No employee shall threaten or insinuate any adverse effects whatsoever on another employee who is refusing to submit to sexual advances.,No employee shall engage in sexually harassing behavior, including propositions, sexual comments, sexually degrading terms, or the display of workplace decorations, which could possibly offend another employee.,No employees shall create an offensive or intimidating work environment or experience by words, acts, jokes, threats, or printed materials which demean or show hostility to an individual race, color, religion, gender, nationality, age, sexual orientation, or disability.,29,professionalstandards,Our policy on insider trading provides the greatest protection to both individual employees as well as to the firm (designed to prevent any violations of securities laws, inadvertent or otherwise, as well as to avoid the appearance of improper conduct on the part of anyone employed at our firm).,You are prohibited from trading, and from tipping others to trade, in a companys stock when:,you know material, non-public information about a company; or,the company is a Bain client (and appears on Bains Restricted List); or,the company is otherwise associated with Bain or a Bain client (and appears on Bains Restricted List),If trading outside the U.S., you are expected to adhere to local laws; however, even if there is no local prohibition on “insider trading, trading in the stock of a Bain client is not permitted.,Insider Trading - Policy Summary (1 of 2),30,professionalstandards,The “Restricted List of companies in which employees may not trade is maintained by Local Controllers, Corporate Treasury and possibly the senior Librarian in each local office.,If you own a security, you may,sell the shares immediately (assuming no issue of insider information) or,hold the shares (either in a “blind trust or until 3 months after you leave Bain),in rare circumstances and only with the approval of the Center, you may be able to sell a security on the Restricted List within a prescribed window,The consequences of insider trading violations can be staggering:,civil fines up to 3 times the profit gained or loss avoided by the trading,criminal fines (no matter how small the profit), of up to $1million,liability to those damaged by the trading,the appearance of improper conduct can have a very serious impact on Bains business and financial results,sanctions up to and including termination of employment for cause,Insider Trading - Policy Summary (2 of 2),31,professionalstandards,General and Expense Policies,Employees may not violate any criminal or civil laws or regulations (federal, state, or local) as part of any work for Bain & Company or its clients nor may they recommend (either seriously or in jest) that the client violate any criminal or civil laws or regulations.,Bain & Company letterhead may only be used for Bain & Company business.,Employees can not accept gifts or payments from 3rd party vendors except those generally accepted in the business community) (e.g., frequent flier awards).,Employees cannot use Bain or Bain generated contacts to promote or sell products of companies in which they have a material interest.,General Policies:,Employees must follow Expense Standards to determine reimbursable expenses.,Expense Policies:,32,professionalstandards,Agenda,Compliance and Introduction,Policies,Cases,Sources of Additional Information,33,professionalstandards,While talking socially with a friend who is working for a different client in the same industry as your client (telecommunications), your friend mentions that her manager has just approved the purchase of a $4,000 industry report. This 200 page comprehensive document is from a research firm and has much of the data that she needs to complete her analysis. She thinks it might be helpful to your case team.,You believe this report contains much of the data and analysis that you would need for your own analysis. Your friend has a copy of the report, and, as it contains no private or confidential data from her client, she asks if you want a copy. Additionally, she offers you a number of general articles, web pages, and literature searches on the industry that might be of some use to you.,Situation:,Complication:,Cross-Team Sharing of External Data Sources (1 of 3),34,professionalstandards,Can you photocopy parts of the $4,000 report that her Bain case team purchased?,Can you use the publicly available articles, web pages, and literature searches your friend has found even though she conducted the search on time that was billed to another client?,Questions:,Cross-Team Sharing of External Data Sources (2 of 3),35,professionalstandards,If Bain, not one of its clients, paid for the report, the information can be shared within Bain. However, you should check with the Bain library and the research firm that published the report to ensure copyright laws will not be violated.,If a Bain client purchased the report, Bain must secure the approval of that client in order to share the report with another client - check with your VP. Typically, the two clients will split the cost of the report. Again, you should check with the Bain library and the research firm that wrote the report to ensure copyright laws will not be violated.,Publicly available articles, web pages, and literature searches can be shared with you with approval of the manager on the case - check with him/her first.,Answers:,Cross-Team Sharing of External Data Sources (3 of 3),36,professionalstandards,While researching the benchmarking work that Bain has done for its clients in the utilities industry, you find a case that contains an internal and external BDP for a competitor from another country. A case summary exists on BRAVA but it does not have any of the backup data that would be helpful in your efforts to benchmark the competitors of your client. Though the case was disguised in BRAVA it appears that some of the best practices are internal to the Bain client for whom the work was performed.,A slide that lists sources in the BRAVA presentation shows that much of the information that was collected for the competitors is from public sources like OSHA, the EPA, and various local newspapers. However, there is detailed cost information on the old client that came from their finance department as well as an internal report that the clients operations group conducted, independent of Bain, on their competitors machinery maintenance costs. To ensure the accur


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