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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,腦 部- (1),腦部的正常CT及MRI解剖,腦部解剖構造-Brain Parenchyma(腦實質),Cerebrum : frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe,Cerebellum,Basal ganglia, thalamus,Brainstem, midbrain,Subarachnoid spaces (蜘蛛網膜下腔, CSF spaces),Ventricles (腦室)- lateral, 3rd, 4th ventricles,Cisterns (腦池)- suprasellar, quadrigeminal cisterns (四疊體腦池).,Fissures (腦裂)- Sylvian, interhemispheric fissures,Sulci (腦溝),F: frontal lobe P: pons,T: temporal lobe,s: suprasellar cistern (,碟鞍上腦池,),Ce: cerebellum d: dorsum sella,F,T,Ce,s,P,d,parietal lobe,4th V,F,T,Mb,Ce,F: frontal lobe Mb: midbrain,T: temporal lobe,s: suprasellar cistern (,碟鞍上腦池,),Ce: cerebellum,s,Temporal lobe,parietal lobe,F,Qc,Mb,3v,T,O,F: frontal lobeSy: Sylvian fissure,T: temporal lobeO: occipital lobe,Mb: midbrain3v: 3rd ventricle,lv: lateral ventricle,CC: corpus callosum (genu),Qc: quadrigeminal cistern (,四疊體腦池,),Sy,CC,parietal lobe,lv,F,P,O,Sp,CC,F: frontal lobeCC: corpus callosum,P: parietal lobeSp: splenium of CC,O:occipital lobe lv: lateral ventricle,s: sulcus,parietal lobe,lv,s,s,F,P,Ci,CS,If,F: frontal lobeIf: interhemispheric,P: parietal lobe fissure,Ci: cingulumcs: central sulcus,CS: centrum semioval,cs,parietal lobe,p,g,c,t,i,c: caudate nucleus尾狀核 p: putamen被核 g: globus pallidus 蒼白核 t: thalamus 視丘i: internal capsule 內囊,Basal ganglia,lv: lateral ventricle, frontal horn,3v: 3rd ventricle,qc: quadrigeminal cistern,Sy: Sylvian fissure,qc,sf,3v,lv,sc: suprasellar cistern,aq: aqueduct,th: temporal horn of lateral ventricle,認識腦室及腦池,sc,aq,th,Sy,th,3v,lv,頭 部 外 傷,Classification of Head Injury,腦外病灶 ( Extracerebral Lesions ),腦內病灶 ( Intracerebral Lesions ),其他傷害,頭部外傷的後遺症,Extracerebral Lesions,Epidural hematoma (硬腦膜上腔血腫),Subdural hematoma ( 硬腦膜下腔血腫 ),Subdural effusion( 硬腦膜下積水 ),Counter-coup Injury,The lesion is in the opposite side of impact site,30% incidence.,Scalp swelling,EDH,同側撞擊,同側出血,Counter-coup Injury,Dura,(硬腦膜),Subdural,(硬腦膜下),Epidural,(硬腦膜上),二. Extracerebral lesions,Epidural hematoma,Subdural hematoma,Subdural effusion,Acute Epidural Hematoma,Fusiform (紡綞狀) or biconvex (雙凸狀) hyperdense lesion,腫塊效應強,可造成herniation(疝脫),The hematoma still contains uncoagulated blood, or still has active bleeding.,Round , stream-like filling defects may be seen in the hematoma.,需緊急處理,Acute Epidural Hematoma,血塊內含較灰區(箭), 代表正,在出血中,有未凝結的血塊,EDH:紡垂型,高濃度血塊,頭皮腫(箭),撞擊處,Acute Subdural Hematoma,Sickle-shape (鐮刀型) or new lunar shape (新月型) of hyperdense lesion over large portion of cerebral hemisphere,The hematoma may extending into the subdural space of tentorial region or interhemispheric fissure,SDH:新月型(A.B),SDH可能在interhemispheric,fissure內(C)。,SDH也可在tentorium下(D),(不要誤為腦內出血),A,B,C,D,Acute Subdural Hematoma,Chronic Subdural hematoma,Shape: Semilunar, Fusiform, Oval shape,Density:,Hyperdense,Isodense,Hypodense,Mixed density,Chronic Subdural Hematoma,T1WI,T2WI,methemoglobin,Hyperintense Subdural Hematoma,Subdural Effusion,Occurred in aged patient or infant,Developed several days later after a head injury,Often bilateral,Spontaneously resorbed,Craniotomy, V-P shunt, meningitis also may cause subdural effusion,Subdural Effusion,4 days later 10 days later,Intracerebral Lesions,Brain contusion 腦挫傷(edema, hemorrhage.),Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)蜘蛛網膜下腔出血,Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) 腦室內出血,Brain Contusion,Brain edema mixed with multiple small hemorrhages 腦水腫合併出血 :最常見,Solitary hematoma,Circumscribed area of brain edema 局部腦水腫:很少見,Diffuse brain edema,Diffuse axonal injury 廣泛神經軸受傷,Brain Contusion,Punctate hemorrhages and edemas in the subcortical white matter of,left frontal lobe (A) and corpus callosum (B,C),A,B,C,Head injury, GCS:3Diffuse axonal injury (DAI),Traumatic SAH,Often associates with other intracerebral or extracerebral lesions,CT findings:,Linear high density in the subarachnoid spaces (sulci, fissures, cisterns),May cause hydrocephalus,Traumatic SAH,1,1,2,3,4,5,5,2,1. SDH,2. EDH,3. Contusion hemorrhage,and edema,4. IVH,(外傷性腦室內出血),5. SAH,(外傷性蜘蛛網膜下腔出血),SAH:在腦溝、腦裂、腦池內,看到出血,5,Open Cranial Injury,Skull fracture,Pneumoencephalus,頭部外傷後遺症,廣泛腦萎縮 ( Diffuse brain atrophy ),腦室積水 ( Hydrocephalus ),腦組織軟化 ( Encephalomalacia ),86,5,14,Acute SDH &,contusion,hemorrhage,86,5,16,Post-craniotomy,the SDH,disappeared,delayed,hemorrhage; SAH,in Rt. tentorium,86,8,13,Encephalomalacia,change with,mild hydrocephalus,Decompression hemorrhage,with encephalomalacia change,1st day,4 months later-brain atrophy,5th day,Coma after head injury,4 months later, semi-vegetate stage,Multiple punctate hemorrhages,Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) caused brain atrophy,86,9,10: Communicating hydrocephalus,86,2,6: Traumatic SAH in the sulci, interhemispheric fissure,SAH caused communicating,hydrocephalus,To Be Continued.,


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