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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module Two,No Drugs,All these things are called:,DRUGS,crack cocaine,Ice drug,Cannabis,Heroin,If someone offers you some drugs, what will you do?,New Words to Learn,addict,n.,对上瘾的人,addicted,adj.,对上瘾的,addictive,adj.,使人上瘾的,inject,v.,注射,blood pressure 血压,anti-social,adj.,反社会的,crack cocaine 强效纯可卡因,heart attack 心脏病,drug dealer毒贩子,大麻烟会使你产生一种 “极度饥饿感”,脉博跳动 加快,眼睛发红,昏昏欲睡。大麻的烟雾中焦油的含量要比高焦油香烟烟雾中的焦油含量高出50%。因此,如果经常吸食大麻,得肺癌和慢性支气管炎的可能性就会增加。还会在协调自身行动的能力方面导致某些问题。这在做驾驶汽车、操作机器等工作时显得特别重要。,cannabis,大麻,crack cocaine,快克、纯可卡因,有劲。当使用纯可卡因时所有这些感觉会更加强烈。过度吸食可能导致惊厥、突然发病、中风、脑出血或心力衰竭。长期使用可卡因/纯可卡因将会导致心理上强烈的依赖性,并出现其他健康问题,如鼻部组织遭到破坏,呼吸困难和体重减轻等。,少量的可卡因会提高你的体温,使你的心跳加剧,呼吸加快,你会感到信心十足,更加警觉,觉得格外,Fast Reading,What does the passages mainly tell us?,It tells us a story about a drug addict and the dangers of using cocaine.,Match each part with the topics,A. A Drug Addict and His Story,B. The Dangers of Using Cocaine,Part 1 Part 2,Part 3 Part 4,Part 5 Part 6,Answer these questions:,1. Which drugs did Adam Rouse use?,2. How do drug users use cocaine?,3. How did Adam pay for the drugs?,4. What may smoking cocaine cause?,Careful Reading,1. Which drugs did Adam Rouse use?,Cannabis and Crack cocaine,2. How do drug users use cocaine?,Some drug users inject cocaine, others smoke it.,4. What may smoking cocaine cause?,It may cause heart attacks or anti-social behaviour.,3. How did Adam pay for the drugs?,He had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs.,Decide whether these sentences are,true or false. Correct the false ones.,Adam, who started using drugs at the age of 19, is now in prison.,People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles.,Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly.,Smoking crack cocaine can change peoples behaviour.,Adam stopped using drugs several weeks after the doctor saw him.,F,T,F,T,F,Which sentences in the text have the same meanings as the following ones?,Smokers will depend on crack cocaine if they smoke it.,It will be more dangerous for users injecting the drug to use the same needles.,1.Smokers will depend on crack,cocaine if they smoke it.,2.It will be more dangerous for users injecting the drug to use the same needles.,Users,become addicted to,crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.,Users,who inject the drug,are also,in more danger,if they,share,needles,with,other users.,What can you infer according to the passage?,Smoking drugs can make drug addicts relaxed and healthy.,Addicts wont do harm to society.,Smoking drugs is harmful, but many people still smoke it .,Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug.,Read article 1 on P12 and 2, 3, 5, 6 on P13, then fill in the blanks:,Adam started using _ at the age of 15. One day, he began to take _ Cocaine. To get money, he _ into a house and _ a television. At that time, he was _ to crack cocaine. At last he was taken to the_ station. He stopped taking drugs and now he works in a _ for drug addicts.,drugs,crack,broke,stole,addicted,police,centre,Cocaine is a powerfully _ drug. Some drug users _ cocaine, others _ it. Smoking _ cocaine to reach the brain quickly. Using cocaine _ users heart rate. Sometimes they have heart _ and even show,anti-social _ .,addictive,inject,smoke,allows,increases,attacks,behaviour,Read article 2 on P12 and 1, 4 on P13 and fill in the blanks:,Role-play,You: a drug dealer,Try to sell some drugs.,Your partner: a smoker,Refuse or accept?,Topic A:,You: a drug addict,describe your experiences of smoking drugs and your feelings,Your partner: a doctor,tell him the harm of using drugs and give some advice,Topic B:,You may use the following keywords:,have a try ,do harm to,be addicted to,feel painful,give up,cause,increase,Assignment,Suppose you are Adam who work in a center for drug addicts.,Prepare a short speech introducing the dangers of using drugs to the students of Tengzhou No.2 Senior High School.,Good morning everyone,Im very glad to have this chance sharing my experiences with you.,I was once a drug addict,Cocaine is an addictive drug. It can ,An Example,


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