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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to my class!,Teaching goals,1.Greetings.,2.,Self-introduction,3. Rules,初一(,12,)班,by Cindy,Who are they?,What are they saying?,P1,Boys names_Girls names,_,Bob,Dale,Eric,Frank,Alice,Cindy,Grace,Helen,Hello,!,Good morning!,A: Good morning! My name is I like Nice to meet you!,B: Good morning! My name is I like Nice to meet you!,Self-introduction,Who are you?,Report: Good morning, everyone! My name is I likeNice to meet you! This is He likes That is She likes,Pairwork,Group work,Rules in class,1.,课前准备(卫生、桌椅、物品)。,2.,课上(坐姿、专心、朗读、,做笔记、发言、讨论),3.,课下(复习、预习、作业、总结),What should we say?,早上六点半见面:,下午二点见面:,晚上七点见面:,晚上睡觉前:,第一次见面:,老朋友见面:,Im fine= Im OK= Im all right,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,Good night!,How do you do?,How are you? Im fine, thanks.,And you? Im fine, too.,Nice to meet you!,How do you do?,Nice to meet you!,What should we say?,再见时:,收到别人的赞美时:,帮助别人,回应别人的谢意时:,回应别人的歉意时:,Bye bye!/ See you later /tomorrow!,Thank you!,Youre welcome./Its my pleasure.,Not at all./Thats all right./Thats OK.,课堂指令:,1.Do you understand me? /Understand?,理解我的意思吗?,/,听懂了吗?,2.Any volunteers?,有自告奋勇者吗?,3.Who would like to have a try?,有谁愿意试试么?,6.Well done/ Very good/ A good job!,非常好!,5.Try your best.,尽你最大的努力。,7.Be brave.,勇敢点。,4.Listen carefully.,认真听。,8.Keep quiet, please!,请保持安静!,9.Read aloud.,大声读。,10.Speak loudly.,大声说。,11.Work in pairs and make a dialogue /,conversation with your partner.,两个人一组活动,与你的伙伴编一个对话。,12.Work in groups of four/six.,四,/,六个人一组。,13.Are you clear?/ Clear?,听懂了吗?,14.Any more?/ What else?,还有吗?,15.Any problems?,有问题吗?,16.Listen and answer the questions.,请听并回答问题。,17.Take notes, please.,请做好笔记。,18. finished?,完成了吗?,物品准备,红笔一支,笔记本、听写本、生词本、作文本,音标卡一套,English learning,1.,书写(字迹工整,注意大小写和标点),2.,单词记忆(朗读、归类、重复记忆、运用),3.,订正(有错及时改正,消除薄弱点),4.,口语(朗读、不怕出错、不怕羞、唱英文歌、看英文电影),5.,写作(多背诵、多阅读、多总结),单项选择,1. -Good evening, Eric. -_, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon,C. Good evening 2,一,Sit down,,,P1ease,-_. A,I,m fine B,My name is Li Lei,C,Thank you3,一,What,s your name? -_. A,Clark B. I,m OK,C,Thank you4. -Thanks for helping me with my English.,- _.,A. No thanks. B. Youre welcome C. Sorry,Summary,How do you greet people in different situations?,在不同情境下怎么问候他人?,2.,Are you familiar with your,English teacher and classmates?,你是否熟悉你的英语老师和同学?,3. Can you follow the rules in the English class?,你能否遵守英语课的规则?,


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