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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 2,My home town and my country,Where is your hometown,north,west,east,south,My home town and my country,Hong Kong,Shenzhen,Unit1 Its taller than many other buildings.,A map of England,a,part,of Britain,Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.,New words and expressions,population,n. (某一地区的)人口,,全体居民,-Whats the population of ?的人有多少?,-The population ofis / has a population of ),Eg. -Whats the population of China,-The population of China is 1.3 billion.,/China has a population of 1.3 billion.),注意:表示人口的多或少用large 或 small,2. million,num. 百万,(1)表示确数,,用数词+million (hundred/thousand/billion)+名词复数,Eg.There are twenty thousand books in this library.,(2)表示约数,用“hundreds/thousands/thousands/millions of+名词复数,Eg.She has millions of dollars.,3.pretty good 相当好,很好,(1)pretty 副词,意为“相当地;非常;很,修饰形容词或副词。,eg. His English is pretty good.,(2)pretty 形容词,意为“漂亮的,测中表示女孩的得意或某物精致得意、小巧玲珑,带有感情色彩。,eg. The pretty girl is pretty friendly to us.,4. famous adj.著名的,知名的,be famous for“因而闻名/知名,Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.,杭州以西湖而闻名。,中国以长城而闻名。,_,China is famous for the Great Wall.,be famous as “作为而知名,,指作为某种身份而为众人所知。,eg. Sun Yang is famous as a swimmer.,孙杨作为一位游泳运发动而知名。,Han Geng is famous _ a singer.,A .as B. for C. to D. on,A,Whos fast?,population,million,pretty,north,尤其,大学,island,mountain,雨伞,countryside,Language points,1. Well, its on the coast near Hong Kong.,on the coast 意为“在海滨,沿海。,eg.They live in a small village on the coast.,on the+方位词+coast of 在的海岸,eg.Xiamen is a city on the south coast of China.,2.Its gettign bigger and busier.,busy adj. “热闹的;繁忙的;忙碌的。,busier 是其比较级形式。,eg. We live on a very busy road.,be busy doing sth.忙于做某事,be busy with sth.,eg. What are you busy with every day,I am busy getting ready for my exam.,3. Some day it will become as busy as HongKong, Im sure.,some day “有一天,也可写作someday.仅指将来的某一天,只能用于将来时。,eg.Li Jian hopes to have his own company some day.,I want to fly to the moon some day.,one day 意为“有一天,既可指将来的某一天,也可指过去的某一天,用于将来时或过去时。,eg.Id like to go and visit Africa one day.,I saw Mary in the supermarket one day.,as busy as “和一样繁华,asas意为“和一样,表示两者之间的同级比较,两个as中间用形容词或副词的原级。否认形式not as/soas,意为“不如,eg. Jack is as tall as me.,She dosent draw as/so well as her brother.,sure 形容词,意为“确信,有把握的;肯定的,eg.-What time will they go,-Im not sure.,sure 的用法:,Are you sure (that) you know how to get there,He is sure about his success.,sure,be sure (that),确信,be sure of/about,对.有把握,另外,sure还有be sure to do sth.的用法,,“务必要做某事;一定要做某事,eg. Be sure to come here on time tomorrow.,Mike is sure to succeed.,4. Its over ten million, I think.,over=more than “超过,多于,后常跟数目.,eg.More than 500 students are watching the game.,less than 是more than 的反义词组,意为“少于,eg.It takes us less than half an hour to do our homework every day.,5.Its streets are much wider and cleaner too.,(1)much 副词,意为“很,非常。常修饰比较级。,eg.Marys room is much bigger than mine.,The pair of shoes is much more comfortanble.,修饰比较级的除much外,还有a lot, a bit, a little, even等。,(2)much 形容词,意为“很多的;大量的,修饰不可数名词;much代词,意为“很多,大量,eg. I dont have much money with me.,I have too much to do.,6. Remember to visit the Diwang Tower.,(1)remember to do sth.意为“记着去做某事,强调动作还未发生。,eg. Remember to close the door when you leave.,(2)remember doing sth.意为“记得做了某事,强调动作已经发生。,eg.I remembered closing the door when I left.,7.Its taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen.,(1)other形容词/代词,意为“另外的;其他的,eg. Are there any other questions,(2)onethe other意为“一个,另一个,eg. I have two pens. One is red, the other is blue.,8. I come from Cambridge, a beautiful city,in the east of,England.,A. Gansu is,in,the west of China. 甘肃在中国的西部。,B. Shanxi is,on,the west of Shangdong. 山西与山东西部接壤。,C. China is,to,the west of Japan. 中国在日本的西方,。,in指在某地域范围之内的某个方位;,on指与某一地域边界相接的某个方位;,to指在某一地域范围之外某个方位。,Grammar points,Jim is strong.,stronger.,Tom is,¥30,¥20,The purple coat is,cheap.,The yellow coat is,cheaper.,The boy is,young,.,The baby is,younger,than the boy,.,younger,young,The dog is,bigger,than,the mouse.,The mouse is,big,.,big,bigger,tall,tall,er,nice,nice,r,hot,hot,t,er,heavy,heav,ier,Remember:,构成方法,原级,比较级,单音节和少数双音节单词,一般在词尾加er,tall, long, old, short, small,taller longer, older, shorter, smaller,以字母e结尾的形容词,加-r,nice , fine, large,nicer, finer, larger,以重读闭音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er,big, hot, red, thin ,fat,bigger, hotter,redder, thinner,fatter,辅音字母+ y”结尾的双音节词,先改y为i,再加- er,busy, early, easy,busier, earlier, easier,long strong,short old,fast small,high,fine large,big hot,thin,busy early,easy,long,er,strong,er,short,er,old,er,fast,er,small,er,high,er,fine,r,large,r,big,g,er,hot,t,er,thin,n,er,bus,i,er,earl,i,er,eas,i,er,1.This pen is _than that one. (long),2.Its _and _than Cambridge (big, busy),3.Who is _ (heavy) , you or your brother,4.Is Shanghai _in winter than Hong Kong (hot),5.Planes are _ (fast) than trains.,faster,heavier,hotter,bigger,busier,longer,Exercises,用所给词的适当形式填空,总结:比较级句型,A + be +adj.比较级 + than + B.,A 比 B更,2. Which / Who is adj.比较级,A or B,A 和 B 哪个/谁更,比较级的用法: than,1.汤姆比杰克高.,2.这只箱子要比那只箱子大.,3.那些苹果比这些大.,4.第一个问题很容易,但第二个更容易.,Tom is taller than Jack.,This box,is bigger than that,one,.,Those apples,are bigger than these,ones,.,The first question is very easy, but the second,one,is easier.,Practice,单项选择,I am busy_my sisters clothes.,A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. washed,2. -_the population of Australia,A. What is B. How many are,C. What are D. How much is,C,A,3. This shirt is _more expensive than that one.,A. more B. much C. quite D. so,4. Li Dan is taller than_in his class.,A. any other student,B. any more student,C. any student,D.any students,B,A,5. _the windows when you leave,the classroom.,A. Remember to close,B. Remember closing,C. Remembering to close,D. Remembering closing,A,请改为同义句,每空一词。,1. How large is the population of Shanxi _ the population _ Shanxi,2. The population of Hong Kong is seven million.,Hong Kong _ seven million.,Whats,of,has a population of,3. Tom is taller than me.,I am _ Tom.,4. John is younger than Jim.,Jim is _ John.,5. This street is ten metres wide. That street is sixteen metres wide.,That street is _ this street.,wider than,shorter than,older than,Liaocheng is in the west of Shandong.,-Whats Liaocheng famous for,Dongchang Lake.,1. 聊城在山东的西部。,2. 聊城以什么闻名 东昌湖。,翻译以下句子,Beijing is the capital of China, and it has a larger population than Nanjing.,China is about 5,000 years old, with,about 1.3 billion (十亿) people.,3. 北京是中国的首都,它比南京人口多。,4. 中国有大约五千年的历史, 有大约13亿人。,Homework,Write a passage about your hometown.,Copy the new vocabulary.,Learn the passage by heart.,Good bye !,


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