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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,A private conversation,私人谈话,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:,1.Where did the writer go to last week,He went to the theatre.,2.Why did the writer complain to the people behind him,Because they were talking loudly and he cant hear a word.,1.private adj.私人的 n.私下,不公开, 大兵,private school,私立学校,public school,公办学校,Harvard University is a private school.,in private,私下,In private, those famous actors still have privacy that we dont know.,privacy n.隐私,private citizen,普通公民,Im a private citizen.,2.conversation n.谈话,have a conversation with sb.,与某人谈话,昨天教师和我谈话了。,Yesterday my teacher had a converstion with me.,辨析:,conversation 指两人或两人以上交谈,一般用于正式文体中,,talk,内容可正式可不正式可以朋友之间,两国之间,chat 指熟人间的随便交谈,也就是所谓的“侃大山,闲聊。chat on line 网上聊天,dialogue 即“对话,多指剧中的对白,gossip 绯闻,嚼舌头,说长道短,gossip girl,3.theatre n. 剧院 去看戏,cinema 电影院 去看电影,go to the theatre go to the cinema,an open-air theatre,露天剧场,home theatre,家庭影院,我们应该去剧院看一场经典的戏剧。,we should go to the theatre and enjoy a classic play.,4. seat n.座位 v.安排坐下,使就坐,have a seat/take a seat,就座 (比sit down更有礼貌),have a good seat 有一个好位置,seat belt,平安带,win a seat 赢得一席之地,seat sb.,让某人就坐,The hall can seat 2,000 people.,这个大厅可以容纳2000人。,5. play n.戏通俗的说法 v.玩,play with player playboy,和玩 运发动,比赛者 花花公子,play cards 打牌,play a role/part of,扮演.角色,发挥.作用,TV play,电视剧,opera 歌剧,theatre 戏剧,drama 指带有戏剧性故事情节的戏剧,6. angry adj. 生气的 angrily adv.,be angry with sb.,跟生气,be angry at,因某事生气,My boyfriend and I tend to be angry at the smallest things.,I am blue in the face.,脸色都青了,相当生气!,7. attention n.注意,pay attention to sb./sth. 对.注意,We need to pay attention to others feelings when we criticize them.,当我们批评别人的时候,需要注意他人的感受。,draw/catch ones attention,吸引某人注意,attract the attention of,吸引.注意,Attention !,立正,At ease !,稍息,8. bear v.(bore /borne)容忍 承受 负担 n.熊,例:我无法容忍他的爆脾气。 bear sth 忍受,I can t bear his hot temper.,bear hug,熊抱,give sb. a bear hug热情的拥抱,辨析:bear/stand /put up with/tolerate,bear/stand忍受,遭受,前者语气较轻,二者常混用,在否认句或疑问句中常于can/could连用,I cant bear/stand the factorys noise.,put up with 忍受,容忍常用于口语中,Ill have to put up with the noise till I move next week.,tolerate 指不提出反对意见的容忍,He cant tolerate his sisters bad habits, but he said nothing.,9. business n.,事情,生意,公司,例:不关你的事。,Its none of your business.,have no business to do sth.,没权利做某事,do business,做生意,on business,出差,Business is business.,公事公办。,10. rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地,rude adj. 无礼貌的,粗鲁的,rudeness n. 无礼,粗鲁,Speak rudely.,出言不逊,be rude to sb,对某人粗鲁,Last week,I,went to the theatre.,I had a very,good seat.The play,was very,interesting.,I,did not,enjoy,it,.,A young,man,and a young,woman,were,sitting,behind,me,.,They,were,talking loudly.,I got very,angry.,I,could not hear the actors.,I,turned round.,句型分析:,1.,Last week,I,went to the theatre.,析:简单句。,时间状语,+,主语,+,谓语动词,+,地点状语,固定短语:,go to the theatre,句型分析:,2. The play was very interesting.,析:主语,+,系动词,+,表语,interesting,令人,interested,感到,3. I did not enjoy it.,析:主语,+,谓动,+,宾语,enjoy +doing/sth,句型分析:,4. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.,析: 过去进展时,构造:was/were+动ing,现在进展时:am/is/are+动ing,句型分析:,5. I got very angry.,析:get angry 系表构造,生某人的气,be angry with sb 表生气的状态,get angry with sb 表生气的过程,I,looked at the man,and,the woman angrily.,They did not pay any,attention.In the end,I could not bear,it,.,I,turned round,again,.,I,cant hear a word!,I,said angrily.,Its,none,of your,business,the,young man,said rudely.,This is a,private conversation!,句型分析:,6.,I,looked at,the man and,the woman,angrily,.,析:,look,为不及物动词,,+,宾语要加,at.,angrily,副词修饰动词,Please look at me carefully.,句型分析:,7.They did,not pay any attention,.,析:,pay attention to sth/sb,pay no attention to .,没有注意,8.Its none of your business.,析:,固定语法,-,不关你事!,1 -主语,一般由名词、代词或名词短语构成,通常位于动词之前,动词必须与主语一致,即主语决定动词的单复数形式,2 -谓语,由动词充当,3 -宾语,一般为名词、代词或名词短语,4 -副词或介词短语,对方式或状态提问,往往做状语 I like her very much,5 -地点状语,一般在方式副词之后,时间副词之前,6 -时间状语,可以放在句首或句末,简单陈述句的语序,主语,+,谓语动词,+,宾语,+,方式状语,+,地点状语,+,时间状语,PS,:,时间状语可以置于开头,例:,I,read,books,carefully,in the library,yesterday morning,.,=,Yesterday morning,,,I,read,books,carefully,in the library.,五大根本句型,1. 主 + 谓不及物动词,They laughed.,The bell rang.,2. 主 + 谓及物动词+ 宾,Tom lost the umbrella.,She loves her country.,3. 主 + 谓 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语,He gave me a book.,John tells us a story,4. 主 + 谓及物动词+宾 +宾补补充说明宾语的状态,内容等,Jane made me angry.,He left the door open.,5. 主 + 系动词 + 表语,She is clever.,The leaves turns green.,常见的系动词有:,be, get, appear, become, feel, look, prove, sound, seem, smell, taste 等,系动词:亦称连系动词Link Verb。作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语,亦称补语形容词,构成系表构造说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。,例如:He feel ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。feel是系动词,后跟补语,说明主语情况。,关于连系动词后接不定式,连系动词 be (am,is,are)后根据情况可自由地接不定式作表语:,1).My dream is to be a scientist. 我的梦想是当一名科学家。,2).All you have to do is to listen. 你只需要听。,seem, appear, prove, turn out, grow 等连系动词后也可接不定式(尤其是 to be)短语作表语:,1).The man seemed to be ill. 这个人好似病了。,2).The plan proved to be useful. 这个方案证明是有用的。,3).He appears to know this. 他好似知道这一点。,4).The weather turned out to be fine. 天气结果很好。,5).He has grown to like studying English. 他渐渐喜欢学英语了。,假设所接不定式为to be,通常可以省略be。,sound, smell, feel, taste, become 等连系动词后通常不能接不定式:(也可以理解为用主动表被动,误:These oranges taste to be good. (应去掉 to be),误:The roses smell to be nice. (应去掉 to be),连系动词look后有时也可接to be,但以省略to be为多。,


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