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Times New Roman,广州市教育局教学研究室英语科,1,Module 1 Unit 2 Reading,THE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH,Dictation,Task1:,1. Why there exist differences between American English and British English though they are both English?,2. Can you predict from the title what the reading passage is about?,The Road to,Modern English,Comprehending,Task 2 skimming,Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. If there arent any, please write in your own words the main idea.,The main idea of each part,Many people all over the world speak English.,Native speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.,Why has English changed over time.,Finally by the 19th century the language was settled.,English is now spoken wide in South Asia.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Task 3 Scanning p10 ex1,English has the most speakers in the 17th century.,English developed when new settlers and rulers came to Britain.,Languages frequently change.,The language of the government is always the language of the country.,English is one of the official languages used in India.,This reading describes the development of the English language,Task 4 careful reading,AD 450-_,based more on German,AD800-1150,influenced by _ and _ invaders,_,In 1620,_ settlers moved to _,In the 18th century,Some British people were taken to _ too,Shakespeare made use of a_,AD800,Danish,French,wider vocabulary,By the 1600s,British,America,Australia,From _ to _,was the official language of India,By 19th century,was _ and The American Dictionary of the English Language gave a separate _ to American English _,1765,1947,settled,identity,spelling,Noah Webster,Born on October 16, 1758,In 1789, Noah married,Eight children,At the age of 43, started writing American dictionary,It took him 27 years,It was finished in 1828, at the age of 70,70,000 words,Samuel Johnson,often referred to as Dr Johnson,an English author,Born on 18 September 1709,Died on 13 December 1784 (age 75),After nine years of work,Johnsons,Dictionary of the English Language,was published in 1755,until the completion of the,Oxford English Dictionary, 150years later, Johnsons was viewed as the pre-eminent British dictionary,Task 5: Retell the development of English according to the timeline,AD 450-800,AD800-1150,By the 1600s,In 1620,In the 18th century,From 1765 to 1947,By 19th century,Task 6 Food for Thought,1. How is the passage organized?,2. What is the tone of the writing? Is it exciting, happy, sad or neutral?,3. Why there exist differences between American English and British English though they are both English?,4. How do you understand a first, a second, and a foreign language?,Task 6 Food for Thought,1. How is the passage organized?,According to time order.,2. What is the tone of the writing? Is it exciting, happy, sad or neutral?,Neutral,3. Why there exist differences between American English and British English though they are both English?,Because all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.,4. How do you understand a first, a second, and a foreign language?,number of speakers,example countries,the first language,the foreign language,the second language,375 million,750 million,375 million,USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand,China and many other countries,India, Pakistan,Nigeria, Philippines.,Where English is a first and,often only language of most people,Where English is a second language,there is at least one other native tongue,Where English is,not,native,only official language,Guess from the passage,the meaning of the new words and expressions and match them with their meanings,Task 7: Word Study P11 Ex1,Word Study P11 Ex1,petrol,voyage,gradually,frequently,identity,the latter,actually,fluent,who or what somebody or,something is,B. a word for gas in British English,C. not sudden,in fact,the second of two things or,people already mentioned,often,long trip by sea or in space,able to speak or write,a language well,Task 8:Discussion in groups,In the text, it is mentioned that Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.,Do you think English has any influence on Chinese? And does Chinese have any influence on English?,And If your answer is yes, provide your evidence!,English -Chinese,e-mail,coffee,sofa,party,salad,logic,totem,humor,romance,伊妹儿,咖啡,沙发,派对,色拉,逻辑,图腾,幽默,浪漫,Chinese-English,功夫,太极拳,旗袍,长衫,点心,炒面,馄饨,风水,儒家学说,广东话/广东人/广州的,台风,kungfu,Tai Chi,cheongsam,dimsum,chow mein,won ton,feng shui,Confucianism,Cantonese,typhoon,Will Chinese English develop its own identity?,Chinese English & Chinglish?,Chinese English:,English with Characteristics of Chinese Language Culture,Two civilizations 两个文明,,Four modernizations 四个现代化,,One China policy 一个中国的政策,one country two system 一国两制,reform and openingup program 改革开放,,Chinglish,English with Characteristics of Chinese Grammar,Wetwowhoandwho?,咱俩谁跟谁阿,howareyou?howoldareyou?,怎么是你,怎么老是你?Iwillgiveyousomecolortoseesee,brothers!togetherup!,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!,youmeyoume,彼此彼此,YouGiveMeStop!,你给我站住!,knowisknownoknowisnoknow,知之为知之,不知为不知,WATCHSISTER,表妹,AmericanChinesenotenough,美中缺乏,heartflowerangryopen,心花怒放Ifyouwantmoney,Ihaveno;ifyouwantlife, Ihaveone!,要钱没有,要命一条,IcallLioldbig.Toyear25.,我叫李老大,今年25。,Homework,1. What do you think of Chinese English and what of Chinglish? Do you think Chinglish should be dropped? Provide your idea tomorrow.,2. Textbook exercise on p11, 2 p49 ex.1, 2,3. Textbook p51 Reading task.,4. Copy words from apartment to spelling dictation tomorrow,


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