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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3The Internet因特网,教学目标,By the end of this lesson, you will be able to 1.learn about the use of the Internet by reading 通过阅读了解因特网的用途,2.recongnize the structure of the present perfect tennse 识别现在完成时态的构造,Tick the things you do with the Internet.,Lead-in,chat with friends,send and receive emails,download music and films,learn English,watch films,listen to music,play computer games,buy things,search for information,learn how to use software,read novels,read news,Match the sentences.,Lead-in,A. It saves my time.,B. It is free. CDs are too expensive.,C. I can meet new friends.,D. Its much more convenient.,E. I can find many good listening materials.,I like buying things online.,I often download music from the Internet.,I like chatting online.,I learn English from the Internet.,I often search for information online.,Reading,Read and choose,1.What does “e-business mean in the passageIt means_. A.we buy things in shops B.we can buy and sell things on the Internet C.we buy things over the telephone D.electronic economy,2The best title for this passage is_. A.The Internet B. E-business C.Suffering the Net D.Getting online,(B),(A),Read the passag again and write,1.2._,3._,Nowadays, getting online for information,has become,popular.,In fact, the Internet,has been,a communication medium,.,Many companies,have already discovered,how to use the Internet successfully.,Language points,1.thanks to 幸亏,由于,2 municate with 和交流,eg.,Thanks to,the Internet, a world of information is a click away. 有了因特网,轻轻一点鼠标就可以进入信息世界。,Everyone knows about it now,thanks to,you! 多亏了你,现在大家都知道了。,eg.It was all a great success,thanks to,a lot of hard work.由于尽心竭力,这才获得了巨大的成功。,eg.A computer user can communicate with the rest of the world. 计算机用户可以和外界交流。,We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.我们可以借 和世界上大多数地区的人通讯。,Language points,3.in fact 实际上,In fact, the internet has been a communication medium.,事实上,互联网已经成为传播媒介。,I used to live in France,in fact, not far from where youre going.,我曾经在法国住过,确切的说,离你要去的地方不远。,4.in short 总之;简言之,In short, with its high speed and efficiency,the internet will be very popular in the near future.,总之,凭借其高速高效,互联网将在不久的将来很受欢送。,Grammar in focus 使用have,has.hasnt .havent 填表,Teacher,Students A,Student B,Have you ever had an e-mail address?,Yes,I_. I_had one since 2005.,No,I_.,Has Zhang Lili ever had an e-mail address?,Yes, she_.She,_had one for 4 years.,No,she_,never,had ones.,have,have,Havent,has,has,has,课堂练习,Anwser these questions.,Questions,The students answers,Do you often go online?,How much time do you spend online every day?,What do you usually do online?,Do you use the Internet to learn English?,Yes, I do.,about 5 hours every day,play computer games and chat with my friends,No, I dont.,课堂练习,Language in use,I often play computer games.,3,I have never gone online.,1,I often go online.,2,I like shopping online.,4,【 】,【 】,【 】,【 】,Tick the statements that are true for you.,Tick the statements that are true for you.,Language in use,I think chatting online is a waste of time.,7,I know how to send emails.,5,I think computers will replace books in the future.,6,I want to build my own website.,8,【 】,【 】,【 】,【 】,Work in groups and discuss.,Computer Club,Online,E-book,E-mail,Web,Internet,your life,Without the Internet, I would have more free time .,Internet Safety Tips for Teens,If you are like most teens, you feel right at home in cyberspace. You already know how to have fun online, but do you know how to play it safe and protect yourself from online dangers You can read through our safety tips or share them with a friend who may not know as much about online safety as you do.,DO spend more time with real-life friends than virtual friends.,DO tell an adult if someone online starts a conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable or in danger.,Life and culture,Internet Safety Tips for Teens,DO cut off contact with anyone who ask for your personal information (name, age, phone number, address, credit card numbers, names of family members).,DO NOT exchange pictures with strangers through the Internet.,DO NOT open emails/instant messages or download attachments from people you dont know.,DO NOT fill out your information to win free stuff.,DO NOT go to meet someone you dont know in real life.,DO NOT post personal information, of any kind, on a personal website or blog.,Life and culture,青少年网络平安知识指南,如果你与大多数青少年一样,认为上网是件非常自在的事情,那说明你已经懂得如何网上获得乐趣了,但是你知道如何平安上网,保护自己免受网上危险吗?你可以阅读我们的平安提示或与你的朋友共享,也许他与你一样不了解网上平安知识。,一定要花更多的时间与现实生活中的朋友相处而非虚拟的朋友。,如果有人在网络上与你交谈而使你感到不舒服或者有危险,你就一定要告诉身边的成年人。,如果有人跟你要个人信息,例如:姓名,年龄, 号码,地址,信用卡号码。家庭成员的姓名,一定要断绝与他的交往。,不要与陌生人在网上交换照片。,不要翻开或下载你不熟悉的邮件或即时信息。,不要去填写你个人的信息去获取免费的东西。,不要去见你现在现实生活中不认识的人。,请勿以任何形式在个人网站或博客上张贴个人信息。,Homework,练习册 Lesson3 P32P37,Questions,Anwsers,How many e-mail addresses have you had?,Have you ever done e-Business before?,How many hours have you been online these week?,Have you ever chatted with strangers on the Net?,Work in pairs and Make a survey,Thank You!,


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