高三高考交流预测试题(全国通用) 英语 含答案-.

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高三高考交流预测试题(全国通用) 英语 含答案-._第1页
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高三高考交流预测试题(全国通用) 英语 含答案-._第3页
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2014届高考预测试题(一)加拿大中学生麦克在互联网上登出启示,希望结识一位中国学生,以便学习中国的语言和文化。假设你是新华中学的学生李华,请在看到这则启示后,用英文给麦克发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:1. 你如何得知麦克的愿望;2. 你愿意成为他的朋友;3. 你打算如何帮助他。注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 书信开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,I am Li Hua from China. I am looking forward to your reply.Yours truly, Li Hua One possible version: Dear Mike,I am Li Hua from China. I am glad to read your notice on the Internet and I know you want to make friends with a Chinese in order to learn the Chinese language and culture. I would like to be your friend. Now let me introduce myself to you. I was born in the city of Jinan in 1996. I am studying in Xin Hua High School and I am fluent in English and Chinese.I think I can help you to know about China by sending e-mail. Besides, we can have chats on the Internet in Chinese and I can tell you about our customs, festivals, and the food of the Chinese. Whats more, if it is convenient to you, please come to China for a visit. I will show you around many places of interest. I hope we can keep in touch with each other.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,Li Hua【写作指导】这是一篇应用文,要求回一封电子邮件给麦克,因为你看到了他的征友启示并愿意成为他的朋友。写作时,首先要仔细审题,写作时不要遗漏任何要点。其次,要注意语言的使用,要使用婉转的语气和客套形式,如:be glad to read the notice; I hope we can keep in touch with each other等。最后,要注意多选择常用短语,如:make friends with/get a Chinese friend; be fluent in; have chats with; learn Chinese and culture;keep in touch with /stay in touch with; show around the places of interest等。 (二)由于私家汽车的迅速发展,许多城市开始限购汽车和按车辆尾号实施机动车限行交通管理措施,你认为这是解决城市交通拥堵的有效举措吗?请你写一篇词数120左右的短文,针对这个问题谈谈你的看法并提出建议。One possible version:In recent years, with the number of private cars increasing rapidly, traffic jams have become a common phenomenon in big cities. So a lot of cities have decided to limit the number of cars to be bought and the number of cars on the road according to the vehicle tail number.However, I dont think it is a good way to ease the traffic pressure. In my opinion, the government should encourage citizens to use public transport and bicycles as often as possible. But now, the service of public transport in our city is far from satisfactory. Besides, more public bicycles should be provided for citizens in different parts of our city because they are cheap and environmentally friendly. (三)下面这幅照片展现了一群年轻人自愿献血,奉献爱心的情景。请根据你对这幅照片的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应包含以下内容:1.描述照片内容,如情景、人物、心情,等等;2.结合自身实际,谈谈你的看法和感受;3.你打算在生活中如何实践奉献精神。注意:1.可参照图中情景及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象。2.词数120左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。For some people, how to balance receiving and giving is a problem, but for others it is not a question. One possible version: For some people, how to balance receiving and giving is a problem, but for others it is not a question. The picture vividly shows us a moving situation of dedication where a group of young people are willingly donating their precious blood. Both the doctors and the youths are full of love and happiness.Deeply touched by the good deed, I think it tells us the correct relationship between receiving and giving. Everybody should make contributions to society to realize the value of life. As a matter of fact, dedication and receiving are interrelated. To get more from society, we must first contribute to society. To be ashamed, I dont do well in this aspect.In future, Ill do what I can to devote myself to donation cause such as donating my pocket money, used clothes, going to the nursing homes to serve the old people and so on. Besides, Ill take part in charity performance in my spare time, displaying my special skill.(四)假设你叫张萍,你的网友李华生日即将到来。请你用英文给他发一个email,表示祝贺。Email的内容包括以下要点:1.祝他生日快乐;2.介绍你班上周末所进行的课外活动;3.询问李华最近的学习情况。注意:1.内容包括所有要点,但不要逐条翻译;2.可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯;3.词数120左右。Dear Li Hua, Yours,Zhang Ping One possible version:Dear Li Hua, Im glad to learn that your birthday is on the way. I sincerely hope youll have a nice birthday party and wish you all the best.Last weekend my class took an out-door activity. We went to climb Mount Tai, where we had a wonderful time and enjoyed the beautiful scenery to the fullest. Though we were very tired after the trip, we felt relaxed. It was like a rest from our busy school life. We also took many pretty photos. Ill send some of them to you. I think you will love them and share my happiness. How are you getting alone with your study? As a senior 3 student, I think you must feel quite busy and have much pressure. In my opinion, you should not only pay attention to your study but also take regular exercise to build up your body. Only in this way you can make much greater progress. If you need any help, please inform me without any hesitation. Yours,Zhang Ping (五)假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack已经获悉北京和张家口联合申奥的消息(北京承办冰上项目比赛而张家口承办雪上项目)。他对两个城市联合申奥的原因感到疑惑。请就如下提示给他写一封回信。要点:1)北京与张家口相距只有200多公里。2)优势互补:北京举办过2008年夏奥会;张家口有山且有适合冬奥会滑雪比赛的场地。3)近5年来冰雪产业在北京和张家口蓬勃发展,老百姓参与冰雪运动的巨大热情也是此次申奥的一大动因。注意:1.词数120左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.信件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:老百姓: civilians;Dear Jack,Im very glad to hear from you. Knowing that you are curious about why Beijing and Zhang Jiakou bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics together,_ _A possible version:Dear Jack,Im very glad to hear from you. Knowing that you are curious about why Beijing and Zhang Jiakou bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics together, now Ill tell you something about the two cities.Zhang Jiakou, lying about 200 kilometers away from Beijing, is a developing city which is near to mountains. Thus it has wonderful ski resorts. While Beijing, which has successfully hosted the 2008 Olympic Games, has certainly the ability to organize well the winter Olympic Games. So there is no doubt that when to host the winter Olympic Games is just a matter of time.On the other hand, in the last five years, whether in Beijing or Zhang Jiakou, many civilians are taking an active part in skating or skiing, which also promotes the application.(六)美国学生Jim即将作为一名交换生(an exchange student)到中国来学习。李先生一家是他约定好的住宿家庭(homestay)。请以Jim的名义给李先生写一封信,内容如下:选择homestay的原因:1.体验中国文化,了解中国,了解世界2.喜欢中国饭菜个人要求:1.准备独立的房间2.允许与家人一起用早、晚餐(周一至周五)要求:1. 词数120左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;Dear Li,I am very glad to be a guest of your family. Thank you for accepting me. ._Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!Yours, JimOne possible version:Dear Li,I am very glad to be a guest of your family. Thank you for accepting me. As an exchange student, I am eager to know more about your countrys culture. And I think the best way to achieve the purpose is to stay with your family and communicate with you. Thats why I choose homestay. Whats more, I love Chinese dishes, which plays an important part of Chinese culture. Also, homestay will give me more chances to make Chinese friends. I will be in your home next month. Can you prepare me a separate room? And Can I have breakfast or supper with your family members from Monday to Friday? Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!Yours, Jim 第 5 页


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